Premium Essay

Eat That Frog


Submitted By jennpairsh
Words 528
Pages 3
Leverage Your Special Talents. This chapter focuses on identifying your unique skills. You should commit yourself to becoming good in these areas, then apply your knowledge and skills (no one can ever take those away). Ask yourself, "What am I really good at?" "What do I enjoy the most about my work?" "What has been most responsible for my success in the past?" "If I could do any job at all, what job would it be?" Focus on your best energies and abilities. Identify Your Key Constraints. Limiting factors affect how quickly and how well you get your task done. They are the critical path or choke point to achieving your goal. Identify your limiting factors by asking yourself what is holding you back, then focus on alleviating those factors as much as possible. Getting rid of those limiting factors usually brings more progress in a shorter time than anything else. The 80/20 Rule applies here too-80% of the constraints are internal, only 20% are external. Those constraints can be as simple as a thought or belief. Accept responsibility and get rid of your constraint.
Put Pressure on Yourself. The intent behind this principle is to take charge of your life before you end up waiting for a rescue that will never come. Be a leader, someone who can work without supervision, which according to Brian is only about 2% of people. Set standards for yourself higher than you would for others and go the extra mile. This is all about self-esteem, which is your reputation of yourself. Everything you do affects your self-esteem. Push yourself and you'll feel better about you. He also says, set deadlines and sub-deadlines on every task and activity seems to contradict earlier statement that deadlines do not have you work at your full potential.
Maximize Your Personal Powers. Physical, mental, and emotional energies make up your personal performance and productivity. So guard and nurture

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