...Economic and social development of Latin America has something to do with different geographical factors. These include the productivity of lands, health conditions, frequency and intensity of natural disasters, settlement patterns, makeup and spatial distribution of productive activities, colonial experiences. Latin America has considered geography as unchangeable, true it is, but still it does not imply that policies should overlook or better yet ignore this fact. Geographically speaking, the whole Latin America lies in different latitudes of the Earth. Thus, places in this region experiences different climate patterns and seasons. This leads us to our first geographical factor that affects their development, the productivity of land. Latin America is known for agricultural products such as vegetables, root crops, and meat. These yields are needs climate and soil conditions that will satisfy for their growth. Considering the climate and soil conditions in temperate and tropical zones of Latin America, it is highly possible that the productivity of their lands differs, as well. However, those in temperate zones yield more crops than those in the tropical. The difference is the result of inputs used by temperate zones farmers that used technological advancements such as fertilizers, tractors, seeds and labour force that increases the yields whether or not the climate and soil type suit the crop. This difference is brought about by the advances...
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...Venezuela is currently in the process of integrating into the bloc and it will become a full member once all members’ parliaments ratify its accession (Bosworth, 2011). Since it was established, Mercosur has made remarkable achievements. It is now South America’s leading economic integration organization and the world's fourth largest integrated market after the European Union, North American Free Trade Agreement and the Association of South East Asian Nations. Moreover, the scope of cooperation is expanding to other areas, particularly the political and diplomatic fields. Objectives Mercosur’s main objectives include: through the effective use of resources, coordination of macroeconomic policies, to strengthen the economic complementation and promote economic development, thereby improving people's living conditions, and promoting regional economic integration process. Specifically, it aims at promoting free trade and bringing about the fluid movement of capital, goods and services among its members, and achieving a common external tariff as well. Problems The consolidation of Mercosur has contributed to regional integration in Latin America. It has enhanced trade and economic development, improved the international status of the member...
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...OF CHINA’S EXPANSION IN EVERY SPHERE ON UNITED STATES OF AMERCA Introduction The concept of striving for hegemonic state is not a new concept or term to us; rather this notion has kept repeating itself throughout the record. In today’s practical world, great powers are searching extensively and aggressively for opportunities to attain power over others, with hegemony being their ultimate goal. In present realistic and anarchic world system, power is all that matters to selfish and domination oriented states. In a very similar way, China, which has been making success by leaps and bounds, is in time aiming to gain the position of super power, the position which in the present day is being enjoyed and exercised by the United States of America. With around 1.3billion population; estimating for one-fifth of the world’s entire population, with world’s largest armed forces, China, while contributing about 13percent to the world economy, is at present the fastest developing country across the sphere, with raw potentials to becoming a super power down the line. (China: The 21st Century Super Power, September, 2005) China, for past few decades, has been observed making substantial progress in almost every sphere, not only with an aim to improve its international front, but also to maximize its share of international power and gain a position that is desired by a few of the known competing great powers. China has been implementing and devising a mix of very optimal agendas and policies...
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...Unemployment rates ……………………………………………4 3.3 Growth rates………………………………………………………4 3.4 Political……………………………………………………………5 3.5 Economic ………………………………………………………… 5 3.6 Social………………………………………………………………6 3.7 Technological ……………………………………………………6 4. Conclusion ………………………………………………………… 7 5. Recommendation ………………………………………………… 7 6. Reference List……………………………………………………… 8 Li Ning Company Survey report Summary We have researched Li Ning Company, a Chinese enterprise which produces sport clothing and sport shoes. And we have surveyed the US market in many aspects at the same time. We will introduce that how this Chinese company enters America market in this report through omnifarious analysis. Introduction The report will look at: · The current situation of America · Inflation rate of America · Unemployment rate of America · Growth rate of America · PEST analysis of America market · Recommendations for action Findings America is the best economic power around the world. Its great influence in political, economic, military and many other areas is unmatched by other countries. Li Ning entering the American market will be facing a lot of new challenges and opportunities inevitably. Here we will analyses America market for Li Ning entering America in inflation rates, unemployment rates, growth rates and PEST analysis. Inflation rates In economic, inflation rate is the increasing speed of the average price level, reflecting the degree of inflation and currency devaluation...
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...Critically Compare and Contrast Two Sets of the Following Theories of Development: Modernization, Structural Change and Dependency Since the end of World War 2 international development has become increasingly endeavoured upon by academics and politicians alike. The impulse to further understand growth and development was largely due to the dismantling of the European empires following the war. Nations now freed from their colonial ties strived towards a modern status as economies and societies. These Third-World nations were in search of a development model to stimulate their advance towards a modern and affluent society; this was mirrored globally, for various reasons ranging from economic self-interest to genuine humanitarianism. Development institutions such as the United Nations and International Monetary Fund were created, both in 1945, to aid international cooperation and economic development. The prominent theories of development have long been debated. Adelman (2001, p 103) said “no area of economics has experienced as many abrupt changes in its leading paradigm since Wold War 2 as economic development”. The two competing perspectives of development theory I shall compare and contrast are the Modernization and Dependency theories, both will also be applied to Latin-America. Modernization Theory dominated developmental economics in the 1950’s and 60’s. It explains underdevelopment is a result of traditional society systems, caused by internal problems within the...
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...OEA/Ser.P June 3 to 5, 2012 AG/doc.5242/12 rev. 2 Cochabamba, Bolivia 20 September 2012 Original: Spanish/English SOCIAL CHARTER OF THE AMERICAS (Adopted at the second plenary session, held on June 4, 2012, and reviewed by the Style Committee) THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, CONSIDERING that the Charter of the Organization of American States (OAS) provides that integral development encompasses the economic, social, educational, cultural, scientific, and technological fields through which the goals that each country sets for accomplishing it should be achieved; TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the Inter-American Democratic Charter recognizes that democracy and social and economic development are interdependent and mutually reinforcing, and that promotion and observance of economic, social, and cultural rights are inherently linked to integral development, equitable economic growth, and the consolidation of democracy and the rule of law in the states of the Hemisphere; RECOGNIZING that social justice and equity are essential for democracy; CONSIDERING that the Charter of the OAS establishes among its essential purposes to eradicate extreme poverty; CONSIDERING AS WELL that extreme poverty constitutes an obstacle to development and, in particular, to the full democratic development of the peoples of the Hemisphere; and that its elimination is essential and constitutes a common and shared responsibility of the American states; ...
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...Facultad de Economia y NegociosEscuela de Ingenieria Comercial | Economic development in Panama between 1995-2010 | Taller de Economía Empresarial | | José Venegas Rojas | | Professor: John Cobin Santiago, Chile 2013 I. - Introduction. The controlling purpose of this paper is to review the academic literature about the economic development of Panama between 1995-2010 in Panama City. Panama is among the twenty economies which have grown the most in the past ten years, according to the World Bank, which curiously matches giving ones the administration of the Panama Canal by the United States to Panama in 1999. Most of the buildings in Panama City were built around 2000 and in order to observe this change, the financial statements of the country when it still belonged to the United States, will be analyzed so that it can be possible to consider a factor in the economic development in this country. On December 31, 1999, at midday the Panama Republic took administrative control of the Panama Canal after a long process of negotiation which started in 1977 with the signing of the Treaty between the President Jimmy Carter from the United States and the Panama president Omar Torrijos. This Treaty stated that it was an important issue that Panama guaranteed the neutrality of the Canal. This step of command happened after almost eighty-five years of diplomatic negotiations between the US and Panama. Many Panamanians considered the administration of the Panama...
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...An Essay on Agricultural Growth and Development In Latin America Ismael Reyes Jr. ismaelreyes001@mail.fresnostate.edu 105336757 Econ 114: Economic Development of Poor Nations Dr. Antonio Avalos December 2, 2013 MWF 11:00am- 11:50am Fall 2013 It is said that by the time we reach the year 2050, the United Nations estimates the population to have reach 9 billion people globally. Causing the demand for food to double, with much of that demand in developing countries such as Latin America. The development of the agricultural sector in Latin America was been going on since its been colonized, with most of its economy being largely based off of agriculture. So what is stopping Latin America from becoming a food superpower? Although with agricultural production continuing to rise around the world, Latin America’s progression has ben uneven having a lack of appropriate technological innovation and government regulation. Latin America has always have a problem with its timing. After independence became a new trend in Latin America, these countries were left to fend for themselves and develop their own economic strategies. Unfortunately, the development of these strategies took too long and happened too late for them to be able to follow the international trends in trade. Since independence, there have been three phases of economic development in Latin America: export-led growth, inward-looking development, and the promotion of nontraditional exports. During each...
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...publisherCode=lamer. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives for scholarship. We work with the scholarly community to preserve their work and the materials they rely upon, and to build a common research platform that promotes the discovery and use of these resources. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. The Latin American Studies Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Latin American Research Review. http://www.jstor.org AND INDUSTRIALIMPORT SUBSTITUTION IZATION IN LATIN AMERICA: AND INTERPRETATIONS* EXPERIENCES WernerBaer,VanderbiltUniversity THROUGHOUT MOST OF THE FIFTIES AND SIXTIES MANY LATIN AMERICAN GOVERN- Industrialization ments adoptedImportSubstitution (ISI) as their...
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...plantations in the New World. Even though Europeans were staunch defenders of political and economic freedoms at home, they had no problems with being involved in the practice of slavery overseas. Historians have attempted to analyze the impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade on both the Old and New World. Historians have focused their scholarly examinations on the global context of the Atlantic slave trade as way of getting a better understanding of why it was that Europeans came to settle on Africans as their preferred work force in the New World. While the focus of the field of study has been on the commercial and economic aspects of the slave trade, there have been attempts at shifting the narrative from that of economics to the cultural aspect of it. There needs to be a comprehensive analysis of the social and economic impact of the slave trade on the development of Africa. Also, gender roles during the slave trade should become a point of emphasis for historians. Historians have pointed to the economic development of the colonies in the New World coupled with the decimation of the native population as the genesis of African slavery in the Americas. As Herbert Klein...
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...the People’s Republic of China’s Influence in the Americas: Potential Consequences facing the United States, Brazil &Venezuela Abstract This research seeks to examine the strategic implications facing the United States of America’s due to its benign interest in the Caribbean and Latin America (Americas) given the People’s Republic of China (China) increasing economic interest in the region. It is intended to first define the current security environment of the Americas and the relations between Brazil and Venezuela with that of the United States of America (United States) and China. Thereafter, China’s economic and domestic agenda in the Americas will be examined with hypotheses of the emerging global power potential growth success, challenges or possible collapse in her foreign policy. The likely consequences facing Brazil, Venezuela and the United States will also be examined. The assessment will be done across a continuum of China’s realized economic growth, development of hostile relations due to competition for scarce energy sources or possible collapse due to the country’s internal problems. Finally, the research seeks to encourage proactive thinking by the United States on China’s increasing political and military influence in the region and its possible underlying agenda of becoming the next global super power or hegemony. Introduction A general perception persists in the Caribbean and Latin America that the United States is disinterested in the...
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...well-known economic growth debate whether geography affects growth patterns directly or merely through an indirect channel affecting the choice of economic policy and institutions. The view that geography is at the center of the story in shaping the rhythms of economic development dates back to Montesquieu and has been recently revived by Jared Diamond in his book “Guns, germs and steel: The fates of human societies.” This perspective was applied to explain long term patterns of economic growth by Jeffrey Sachs, who argues that growth is related to geographic variables like climate, disease ecology and distance from the coast (Sachs 2003). On the other hand, economists like Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson, and Engerman and Sokoloff argue against simple geographic hypothesis and illustrate that geography can only affect patterns of growth through the choice of institutions that influence economic performance. Looking at the current situation, one can observe tremendous differences in living standards between developed and developing countries. There is a variety of explanations why economic performances have diverged so extremely. However, the two main candidates to explain the causes of the big divergence are geography and institutions. The geography hypothesis emphasizes nature forces and geography as the main factors determining economic performance. Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (2002), however refute this hypothesis and illustrate that geography can affect economic growth only...
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...books, “Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent” in 1971, and gives readers a left-winged perspective of the history of the post-colonial Americas. Throughout this book, Galeano presents the argument that the underdevelopment of Latin America resulted because of exploitation. Since the 15th century, Latin America served as a location where European countries could be made wealthier. The Latin American continent has suffered massively in terms of constant abuse and capitalism of their natural resources from colonial nations. The book begins with the history of Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the West Indies and the discovery of...
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...Human development in a basis of brainpower is one of the most fundamental cause not only economic development but also in terms of development in general. Human endures intellect toward productive growth in developed countries which mainly relies on technological innovation. However, as for developing countries, growth and development follows developed countries by forcing the technology mechanism and changing the structure of production towards activities with higher levels of productivity. The evidence show that during 1970s and 1980s there were of structural changes in economic activities where developing countries enters the global markets. In his preface, Giplin (2001; xi) point out that “…important step toward the creation of a truly global economy, since the mid-1980s the world has also witnessed the extraordinary growth of economic regionalism as a countermovement to economic globalization.” Similarly, Magdoff (1992; 50) state that “In fact, capital exports have helped shape the evolving global economy ever since the end of the Second World War”. Moreover, Glyn and Sutcliffe (1992; 79) point out that “…left the world economy leaderless in the 1970s and 1980s with increasingly open economies disciplined by market forces, but without a unique center of gravity.” This implies that global economies forces t To provide a well-structured discussion, this essay will begin by briefly introducing into how neo-liberalism in the mainstream of development thinking greatly achieve...
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...South America, and lies at the east bank of Uruguay River and the Rio de la Plata---- at the border of the South Atlantic Ocean, and it is located between Argentina and Brazil (CIA: Uruguay: Geography). Uruguay is a country living on exporting farming and herding services and the economy of it is mainly based on agro-exporters and miners. Uruguay’s economic situation shows diverse and multi-level trends, including hydropower development, which is greatly improved and largely spread. Meanwhile, most visitors flock to beach resorts of the Atlantic Ocean such as Punta Del Este. Education is compulsory and free in Uruguay, even so, there are still many Uruguayan who choose to immigrate to Spain, in order to seek for better job opportunities (travelnationalgeographic: Uruguay Facts). In the early twentieth century, because there are a large number of agricultural products exporting to Europe and other country, it makes Uruguay became one of the rich countries in South America Currently, although the Uruguay economy which has experienced a serious of recessions can’t be compared to the past, Uruguay’s economy began to revive as Brazil and Argentina since 2004 (countrystudies: Uruguay). This research paper is divided into four parts. In the first place we give an explanation about political aspects in Uruguay focusing on description of political system and form of government. Secondly we examine the situation on the economic front, by analyzing some relevant or revealing economic data...
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