...This Project has been submitted by Mr. Dheeraj K Id No. 213031 On ECONOMICS I During the MONSOON Semester 2014 The Economic Effects of Tourism Industry and Need for Sustainability Dheeraj K 213031 II Year Monsoon Semester (2014) The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences The Economic Effects of Tourism Industry and Need for Sustainability The Tourism industry is one of the biggest contributors to the global economy. It is a fast growing and constantly expanding industry. The tourism industry has other associated industries it thrives on and this makes this one of the most important sectors of the economy. This paper seeks to examine the economic impacts of the tourism industry, track its growth and effect on the global scale and discuss the need for a sustainable growth. Introduction The Tourism industry encompasses all the firms, organizations and facilities which are intended to serve the specific needs and wants of the tourists. It is a booming and ever growing industry which currently constitutes 9.2 percent of the World’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In the post-world-war era, most of the developing countries had to turn to tourism to increase revenues and remedies for balance of payments deficits. The nature of demand and supply conditions of the tourism industry has also influenced its growth. The industry utilizes simple technology and resources like sunshine, existing scenery and manpower. The demand for tourism...
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...The trucking industry is the engine of the American economy. Without the trucking industry, American prosperity would not be what it currently is. Growing up in a small town in Florida, a large trucking firm, Davis Express, was started in my hometown of Starke. This company is a mass transporter for Publix stores and a large employer in the area. Having a trucking company so close to home has shown me the critical values of the trucking industry and how critical it is to the American way of life. Since my childhood, the trucking industry has evolved into a mass employer and economic driver. Just a few years ago truck drivers were seen as the bottom of the economic totem pole. Americans often forget truck drivers and the things they do for the economy and the country. Many drivers see trucks as annoying vehicles next to them on the interstate. The trucking industry is evolving as technological innovations arise,...
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...having little or no power to alter the market price to a situation of pure monopoly where a market or an industry consists of one single supplier who enjoys considerable control over the market price, unless specific restrictions are placed directly by the government. A market structure such as the Chicken Meat Industry can be deemed as “Perfect Competition (PC)” as it fulfills the following mentioned assumptions: 1. There are many producers in the economy as mentioned in the question. 2. Each individual firm in the market is a Price Taker- the firms cannot control the price of chicken being sold in the market instead they have to simply accept the designated going market rate as the price of their product. This happens due to two major characteristics of Perfect Competition: a. As there are a large number of suppliers, each of them has a relatively small share of the overall market. As a result, these individual firms are unable to affect price by directly bringing about a change in its own supply because by assumption, each firm is small in size b. Due to the enormous competition faced by each firm, no single firm can increase the price that it charges above the price charged by the other firms in the market without losing business caused by a large substitution effect away from that firm 3. All firms produce identical goods, as in the case of Chicken Meat Industry where the product i.e. chicken is homogenous. The characteristics of chicken do not vary much from supplier...
Words: 640 - Pages: 3
...------------------------------------------------- Economics of the Pharmaceutical Industry Some of the factors affecting Supply in the Pharmaceutical Industry September 18, 2013 MBA BATcH 8 Prepared by: Amel Mohamed, Muna Abbas & Wafaa Gaafer September 18, 2013 MBA BATcH 8 Prepared by: Amel Mohamed, Muna Abbas & Wafaa Gaafer The well-being of the pharmaceutical industry is dependent largely on the economy. It is also a heavily regulated industry. Drugs are evaluated for safety, efficiency, and manufacturing quality as a condition of market access, and promotional messages must adhere to approved product characteristics. Drug prices also are regulated in most countries with national health insurance systems. The main factor that affects the industry is employment because a majority of Sudanese receive health insurance through their employers. Other economic factors such as the number of people who are uninsured or underinsured, performance and industry structure, the effects of regulation on prices, availability and utilization of drugs and productivity as well as the government stimulus plans also affects the industry. Unemployment Paramount to any industry is the number of people who are unemployed. In the first decade of the 20th century, this became a major political issue in the United States. Unemployment affects the pharmaceutical industry in two major ways. First, people who do not have jobs usually do not have the funds to buy the pharmaceuticals...
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...how the significance of economic factors can be seen to have influenced firms’ conduct and/or financial performance. Apply and reflect on economic ideas and theories. Demonstrate some specific examples of how economics can help us to understand the behaviour or well-being of firms as well as, if you wish, the limitation of economics. So that to end, you are being assessed less on coverage but more on application. How Economic Factors Affect the Aviation Industry Introduction The aviation industry is particularly susceptible to external economic factors because it affects and depends on a substantial number of industries. Also, because the industry involves operating between borders, then economic factors from other parts of the world other than the domestic market also affect it. Issues such as fiscal policies (both within and without the countries of destination), wage inequality and positive and negative externalities have a way of changing operations within this industry. How shifts and price elasticity of supply and demand affect the aviation industry Supply and demand price elasticity of airline carriers may vary depending on the nature of the industry. For new and emerging industries such as the Indian aviation sector, then price elasticity of demand and supply is near perfect. The number of transporters being added into their markets are largely affected by the nature of demand for the commodity the country underwent rapid economic growth in the late nineties...
Words: 1778 - Pages: 8
...Global Economic Situation The old expression “When America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold”, doesn’t always hold true. Since the U.S. has been in a recession, the rest of the world has suffered to a certain degree; however, the film industry in some parts of the world seems to be an exception. The global financial crisis resulted in the most severe worldwide recession and has since been faced with challenges for the last several years. The decline of the U.S. stock market has been the major challenge that viciously spread to various parts of the globe. For the most part, the global market has seen mixed results from film studios worldwide. Despite an increase in box office earnings, U.S. studios have been suffering, by having no choice but to downsize, and cut back on production and development. Although U.S. motion pictures are seen some adversity, interestingly the industry is a major private sector employer. According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) the industry employs 2.1 million workers and 95,000 companies, which spans from make-up artists to costume designers, stuntmen to set builders, accountants to caterers (MPAA, 2011). Domestically, this powerhouse of an industry has collectively contributed to more than $175B to U.S. GDP. Directly, the industry produces $42.1B in wages, which is approximately 32% higher than the national average. The median salary for film and television that includes high quality jobs as producing, marketing...
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...Timber Industry Economic Profile Following is a discussion of the timber industry including how several economic factors affect it, including: price elasticity of supply and demand; positive and negative externalities; wage inequality; and monetary and fiscal policies. Price Elasticity Important to note is that the timber industry and the lumber industry are not one in the same and experience differences price elasticity. The price elasticity of demand for the timber industry is inelastic. Often landowners will hold inventory to sell at a later date if demand is low. The timber will not lose value in storage so price does not need to change. The price elasticity of supply for the timber industry is elastic, as prices typically increase in the spring due to low volume of timber as a result of winter weather. Possible Negative Externalities Recreational and Commercial Fishing: Corporations may elect not to harvest timber and lose earnings if timber harvesting damages the fish habitat. Water Pollution: If timber harvesting pollutes the public water system, costs may be incurred in the remunerations effort. Risk of Flooding: Increased runoff my decrease sewer capacity costing taxpayers additional money to repair the damage. Water-Quality Reduction: If timber harvesting decreases the quality of water, other companies that use the water to cool or clean their equipment or products may suffer damages. Possible Positive Externalities Recreational Opportunities:...
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...There are several factors that may influence a conventional farmer’s decision to get into organic farming. A farmer may decide to get into organic farming for personal health related reasons. For example, if the farmer is on a strict organic diet, he or she may prefer to enter the organic market in order to share the benefits with their consumers. An economic reason why a farmer may choose to enter the organic farming market is for the supplier surplus. Organic farmers tend to follow a differentiation market strategy rather than a cost leadership strategy. Therefore, their products usually warrant a higher price point. Consumers tend to pay more for a good that they perceive is higher in quality. Although the higher price point is an incentive to enter the organic market, higher profits are not guaranteed. The cost of transitioning from conventional farming to organic farming could be rough for a smaller firm. When a farmer leaves the conventional market to enter the organic market he gives up the opportunity to sell a higher volume of products at a lower price point. The trade-off is whether to sell a higher volume at a lower price or to sell to a specific market for a higher price. Organic farmers also spend more time on hand weeding crops than non-organic farmers; this time could be spent elsewhere in the firm’s value chain. Production cost—including the cost of the organic certification fee—is slightly higher compared to non-organic farms. Therefore, profit margins may...
Words: 2427 - Pages: 10
...operate within a “laissez faire” market. This paper will discuss the impacts of marketing on consumer behavior in the fast food economy and the ability to generate demand curves. It will test the following three hypotheses: (1) consumer behavior is influenced by marketing (2) effective marketing impacts the indifference curve (3) marketing can override the individual and market demand theory. The research paper will present the research that supports the psychological and economic theory of consumer behavior in the fast food industry to support the results demonstrating the economic effect from the efforts of marketing. Introduction Fast food has become a major source of nutrition for many Americans, and therefore has a large impact on the American economy in various ways. To begin to paint the picture of how important the Fast Food industry is to the U.S economy, it is important to understand its beginnings. Industrialization and automation turned out to be a benefit of the fast food industry. Mobility...
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...Economic Profile on the Oil and Gas Industry The oil and gas industry is one of the most talked about industries today, at least in my town it is. Everywhere I go I hear people talking about the rise or fall in gas prices or how the cost of a barrel of crude oil has just gone up or down .10 cents. I also hear about how the current hurricane season could pose a threat to the oil industry, as it did last year with hurricane Katrina, putting oil refineries under water or causing extreme damage to them. In this essay I am going to discuss the shifts and price elasticity of supply and demand in the oil and gas industry. I am also going to discuss the oil and gas industry’s positive and negative externalities, wage inequality, and monetary and fiscal policies. Lastly, I will discuss the economic affects and influence on the oil and gas industry. Shifts and Price Elasticity of Supply and Demand The price elasticity is the affect of the price for a good on the demand of that good. If consumers are not affected by the change in price then this good would be referred to as inelastic. If consumers are affected by the change in price then this good would be referred to as elastic. The oil and gas industry is inelastic when the prices rise because, although consumers slightly reduce their consumption of oil and gas, consumers still purchase oil and gas. With gasoline prices in the U.S. approaching an average $3 a gallon, Americans are moaning about the rising cost, but so far they are...
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...will deals with the aeronautics industry and especially planes and helicopters in the world. Through my last experience in Eurocopter-EADS, I discover the aeronautics industry as a complex web and as an important economic factor. This industry also reflects the economic and technological progress of an entire country. Contrary to others industries like automobile, there is only few manufacturers which deals with an international market with many different segments. 2. Market The market is divided in two major distinct parts: civilian and military, plus the kind of aircraft (exhibit 1). Politics and government is major stakes in this industry, especially on the military side. The expenditures are programmed by government and they also support the promotion abroad. Before each command, it is usual that head of state meet before signing a contract on planes or helicopter, as the case between France and his competitor for the Brazilian air force. Each contract takes several years to be complete more the time to build up the product. The current economic situation has a strong impact on aeronautics companies, even if commands books are full for several years, some cancelation thus development delays deeply impact their economic situation, For the civilian side the tendency for the transportation of people or goods by plane suffer from a decrease of activity. On the military side, it seems that more the economy decrease, the more military industry works. Moreover, for both sides...
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...and Demand Understanding trends, drivers, elasticity and revenues (With example of ITC paperboard & specialty papers division) BY Indian Paper Industry Structure: * The Indian paper industry accounts for about 2% of the world production of paper & paperboard; currently ranks 15th in the world. * Estimated turnover of Rs. 25,000 crore approximately; contribution of about Rs. 2920 crore to the exchequer. * The industry provides employment to more than 0.12 million people directly and 0.34 million people indirectly. * Over 800 players are currently present in the industry and the total estimated capacity is about 11.1 million Metric Tonnes. * Most mills in India are small; a few mills have integrated manufacturing operations or the facility for manufacturing paper from pulp. This, along with government policies, has resulted in the industry becoming highly fragmented, with a large number of companies having small capacities. * The Indian paper industry had been classified on the basis of size, grades manufacturers and raw materials utilized. The Indian paper industry is chiefly categorised into writing and printing (W and P), paperboard and newsprint, of which paperboard accounts for the largest share of market in volume terms, while W and P is the largest in value terms. This industry is highly fragmented. Wood-based pulp, wastepaper and agri-residues are the main raw materials used to manufacture paper. As domestic wood supply is inadequate...
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...INFOANALYTICA FINANCIAL, ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS SUMMER INTERNSHIP REPORT ANANDARUP GHOSHAL 2008 ICFAI BUSINESS SCHOOL, AHMEDABAD SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROJECT FINANCIAL, ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS IBS AHMEDABAD 2|Page SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROJECT REPORT PROJECT AREA: FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS FACULTY GUIDE: PROF. AMIT SARASWAT COMPANY NAME: INFOANALYTICA COMPANY GUIDE: ULLAS UNNIKRISHAN MARAR IBS AHMEDABAD SUBMITTED BY: ANANDARUP GHOSHAL ENROLLMENT NO: 07BS0024 MOBILE NO: 9913815561 E-MAIL: anandarup99@yahoo.co.in 3|Page I am thankful towards my company INFOANALYTICA a division of the Agarwal management consultants for giving me this great opportunity to work into the company for the summer internship project. It was a very good learning experience for me. I am thankful to the CEO of the company Mr. Amit Gupta. My project guide Mr. Ullas Marar has helped me a lot whenever I needed. My regards to my college faculty guide Mr. Amit Saraswat for being extremely helpful during the project. For him this was working as well as a learning experience. During my project I have got help from many other faculties. I am very thankful to Dr. Rashid Saiyeed, Prof. Toby Mammen, Dr. Saji Kumar and Mr. Ravi Gor. I am thankful to our director Prof. Bala Bhaskaran for providing me this great opportunity of the learning. 4|Page Table of Contents INTRODUCTION: ....................
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...STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN THE NIGERIAN OIL INDUSTRY WITHIN AN UNSTABLE ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT AKINJIDE ODUNLAMI DECEMBER 31ST 2010 Table of Contents Introduction 3 The Oil Industry in Nigeria 3 Oil industry and the Nigerian Economy 5 Social and Environmental Impact 6 Strategy in the Nigerian Oil Industry 8 Managing External and Internal Forces 8 Assumptions 9 Key Strategic Activities 10 1. Timely Funding of the Joint Venture Cash Calls 10 2. Operational Efficiency 11 3. Cost Reduction and Leadership 11 4. Capacity Building 13 5. Facility Integrity and Innovation 14 6. Sustainable Development 14 7. Gas Utilisation 16 8. Security 16 Strategic Fit and Sustainability 17 Strategic planning and management system 17 Balanced Score Card 17 References 18 Introduction This paper considers Strategic management in the oil industry to deliver value and economic development in an economy very much dependent on crude oil revenue and with a fluctuating local currency rate against the US Dollar coupled with a volatile political climate with attendant security concerns. The industry, economy and political environment in focus here are those of Nigeria, a developing West African country. Within the context and space constraints of the Nigerian economic, political and social climate, an oil company must carefully define and manage its Corporate Strategy such...
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...such as carbon dioxide, methane or nitrous oxide, the average temperature on earth would not be a life-sustaining fifteen degree centigrade but minus six degree (FAO, 2006). By trapping part of the infrared radiation which would have otherwise bounced back into the cosmos, greenhouse gases keep the warmth. Adding to an ancient natural level human GHG, emissions have increased the amount in the atmosphere of e.g. carbon dioxide and methane since the beginning of the industrial revolution by 36 and almost 150 % respectively with an increasing tendency (EPA, 2007). While scientific research and campaigns finally start raising awareness of anthropogenic GHG emissions’ disastrous effects by e.g. industries or transportation, one main cause of these emissions usually stays unnoticed: the meat industry. The livestock sector’s production process is estimated to account for up to almost one fifth of anthropogenic GHG emissions, even more than the entire transportation sector (FAO,...
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