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Eczema Lotion Benefits

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The Many Benefits of Eczema Lotion

People who are suffering from eczema know that there is much more to this skin condition than merely applying eczema lotion each time, after all, most cosmetics already irritate their skin which makes it difficult for them to find the right kind of make-up or skin care products. There are certain ingredients that are gentle even to the most sensitive skin, especially the facial and neck skin. Other ingredients simply trigger a flare-up so the role of the patient is to know which ones will aggravate his condition and which ones he can use.
Smoothen Your Skin
Eczema sufferers know that it can be difficult to have a smooth, blemish-free skin once it becomes inflamed. Many do not know, however, that all they need to begin their path to a smooth skin once more is to find the right skin care ingredients. Find …show more content…
First on the list are eczema’s worst enemies – glycolic acid, retinol and salicylic acid. Since the skin is worn out because of eczema, these three tend to irritate and easily penetrate the skin. When this happens, water also escapes more easily, thus, your complexion becomes a lot drier.
Preservatives such as butylparaben and methylparaben, which are common ingredients in cosmetics as well as skin care products, are also bad for eczema patients. While these are used in keeping the skin care products from going bad or from growing bacteria, they are not great in reducing inflammation. In fact, butylparaben and methyparaben can cause sensitive skin to react.
The third thing that you have to steer clear from is fragrance. Do not be fooled by subtle scents are even these can be harsh on some skin. Fragrance used on many lotion and makeup are known to trigger eczema flare-ups so be sure to check the label of every skin care product that you purchase. Use only fragrance-free products.
Eczema Lotion to

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