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Educational Leadership Goals

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What is your ultimate objective in Educational Leadership?
My ultimate objective in Educational Leadership is to use experience gained through various positions to end up working in a role such as the Associate Vice President of Student Retention and Academic Success or Enrollment and Student Services at four year institution such as the California State University, Sacramento. This position at the university particularly focuses on ten different goals under the Student Academic Success & Education Equity Programs, two of which are closely tied in with goals that I have set in learning as part of my long term goals while in Higher Education.
My goals focus on student transition, retention, and lastly graduation.
While on track to completing a Doctorate in Higher Education Administration - or something with a similar focus, I must first complete my Masters of Arts in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies with a focus in Higher Education Leadership as offered by the university. While I plan on focusing on obtaining my degree, I also plan on understanding the different services students require by obtaining several certifications available for student affairs …show more content…
This position will offer me the ability to study through observation student success in residence life and the impact of residence life on students’ transition to college both personally and academically. Ideally, in the long-term I will be able to study whether students who have an on campus experience have higher retention and graduation rates. First-year students on at California State University, Sacramento are granted access to different on campus resources that assists them in their transition to navigating the

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