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Edwin Hubble Research Paper

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Using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3), in a very wide-ranging survey, astronomers have found a distinctive relation between the existence of supermassive black holes that power high-speed, radio-signal-emitting jets and the joining history of their host galaxies. This meant finding more significance to the case of jets being the result of merging black holes. The astronomers studied a large selection of galaxies with very bright centers, known as active galactic nuclei (AGNs) "Almost all of the galaxies hosting these jets were found to be merging with another galaxy, or to have done so recently." Relativistic jets travel at close to the speed of light, making them one of the fastest astronomical objects known. While it is now apparent that a galactic merger is without doubt necessary for a galaxy to host a supermassive black hole with relativistic jets, they infer that there must be further circumstances necessary. Speculating that the collision of one galaxy with another produces a supermassive black hole with jets when the central black hole is spinning faster, "possibly as a result of meeting another black hole of a similar mass -- as the excess energy extracted from the black hole's rotation would power the jets". …show more content…
In 1919 Edwin Hubble used his telescope to "Tackle the mystery of the nebula." (pg 321) Hubble established one of the most important facts about the universe. That it is made up of billions of galaxies, of which the Milky Way is but only one. (pg 322) Hubble also discovered through his observations that the more distant a galaxy was from earth, the faster it moved away from us. Now known as "Hubble's Law", which reads, "The farther away a galaxy, the faster it recedes." In chapter 14 it describes a black hole as a "Ultimate triumph of gravity". (pg

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