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Old The Universe

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Approximately 14 billion years ago, the universe that stands today was born. There are various explanations for how it was created. Research shows that they are essential scientific questions and it stimulate scientists to debate their research. Many scientists from all over the world and different time periods work to find the reason behind its creation. The different theories on the origin of the universe have a great impact on the way humans view how the universe was created. The most known is the Big Bang theory and smaller theories include the String theory, the Incredible Bulk theory, the Times Arrow theory and the Steady State theory. (Tate) The universe is almost 14 billion years old. There are two common ways scientists use to calculate how old the universe is. The first method involves measuring the speeds and distances of the galaxies. Scientists interpret that the galaxies were closer together before in the past because all of them are slowly moving further from each other every second. Identifying the current speeds and distances of the galaxies, included with the rate at which the universe is accelerating, permits scientists to calculate how long it took …show more content…
The Big Bang theory is the theory that believes the universe was created by an explosion of a single particle at a definite point in time. (Singh) The idea was first introduced by Georges LeMaitre (1894-1996) in 1927, he is known as the Father of the Big Bang. (Soter) It does not provide any explanation for the initial conditions of the universe. Instead, it describes and explains the general evolution of the universe from that point forward. This explosion released all kinds of cosmic materials and atoms were dispersed. The results were the creation of stars and galaxies, and eventually planets were formed.

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