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Elderly Health


Submitted By legsnine40
Words 5900
Pages 24
“aGeinG in PLace”: the Views OF OLDer hOmeOwners On maintenance, renOVatiOn anD aDaPtatiOn
Judith Davey1 New Zealand Institute for Research on Ageing Te Putahi Rangahau i te Pakeke Haere Victoria University of Wellington Abstract “Ageing in place” is favoured in policies on ageing and is the preferred option of many older people. For older homeowners, remaining at home may depend on their ability to keep their homes in good condition, safe, suitable and comfortable. This research illuminates the attitudes, opinions and preferences of some older New Zealanders with respect to their current and future housing circumstances. A considerable degree of self-sufficiency was found with respect to home maintenance, but fewer people were capable of doing their own renovation work, and there were clear gender differences. The respondents mostly shared a strong desire to remain living independently in the community for the rest of their lives. The most popular option for a new residence was a separate house, but one smaller and easier to manage than their family home. To this end, many had already moved to low-maintenance housing suited to ageing in place. Others had aspirations for such a move. Some of those who wished to remain in their long-term family homes were considering adaptations to make this possible, and some had already adapted their homes to cope with health issues. The study concludes that most of the respondents were resourceful people, who thought about the future, and planned for work to be done on their houses. They represented a common New Zealand ethos of independence and capacity, linked to homeownership as an aspiration.

“Ageing in place” is a well-used concept as governments look to the future in an ageing world. In 1994, the health and social policy ministers of OECD

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