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Elementary Career Research Paper

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Starting from the time that we are able to begin talking, we are often asked the question of what we want to be when we grow up. Ever since I was very young I knew I have always wanted to be an elementary teacher. In order to do so, I will need to have a degree in elementary education. Since the qualities provided by an Elementary Education major are so broad and there are several different jobs available that fit these specific qualities, there are several career paths available to someone with that major. Therefore, as most would not realize, I actually have quite a few different career options to explore with my major.
The first, and most obvious, career choice is to work at an elementary school. A person who works at an elementary school could be a teacher or even an education administrator. A person with a degree in elementary education would be qualified to teach grades 1-5, so that person could teach those any of those grades. If you still wanted to work at a school but did not want to work in an actual classroom environment, you could be an education administrator. Education administrators are the ones who …show more content…
For instance, a business might would want someone with an elementary education degree to sale their products for several reasons. One reason could be because the product itself has something to do with education and they know someone who had a background in education would be able to relate to the products and, in turn, market them better. Another reason would be the communication side of it. For instance, someone who has any degree where they are teaching someone should be able to relate to others and communicate well. So, one might would be able to get a job at a business that sells educational products, like a library, a school supplies store, and any other place relating to the

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