...Email Marketing Campaign Name Institution There are many reasons for doing email marketing campaign when having an online business such as tracking your growth in terms of sales and conversion rates and building relationships with your customers. It is important for ne to have an attractive opt-in list for the website so that more people will feel the urgency of joining and subscribing to the website which will at the end build a large email list that will help the online business to succeed. A segmented customer database is an important marketing campaign to an online business. Its key is creating messages that support the marketing objectives and the business. Some of the strategies for segmenting your email marketing campaigns include; segmenting the emails by geographic location. This can is one of the most effective ways of communicating directly to your customers. This strategy works mostly when location is an important influence in the purchasing decision process. This strategy is useful when sending time based email messages to customers for example segmenting your emails by geographic time zone of where your customers are located. Segmenting your email to target each gender may be an effective approach for the business. Men and women speak in different and unique languages when it comes to business and there is usually a general difference in what we want. This applies mostly to businesses that have a variety of products or specific gender stuff...
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...Final Project “Email Marketing Effective Yet Challenging” Rebeca Machado Marketing Management, Section O Professor Dr. Nall November 23, 2014 “Email Marketing Effective Yet Challenging” Marketers always face the difficulty of knowing how much to spend on marketing. Like one once said, “I know that half of my advertisement is wasted, but I don’t know which half” (Kotler & Keller, 2012, p. 488), it is a challenge to know what part of their effort it is being effective and what is just a waste. One possible solution for this problem is email marketing campaigns. From a well targeted consumer contact list to a well designed email with an efficient and appealing subject line and short body message, emails are a very important tool in marketing (Carmen & Nicolae, 2010, p.737). Email marketing has several advantages but it must be administered effectively in order not to become intrusive and disregarded by consumers. An efficient email marketing campaign should benefit both the company and the customer (Alan, Chaudhary & Jason, 2010, p.188). Email is a very useful and easy tool to reach customers over large geographic areas -- even those across the world. There are several reasons why emails are beneficial when used in marketing. First, it is the fastest and, when used efficiently, can be an inexpensive way to reach customers (Bonfrer & Drèze, 2009, p. 251). Second, comparing with other marketing techniques, email marketing requires low implementation...
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...moment to think about the time you spend on email marketing – growing your list, crafting great email content, and looking at analytics on your list growth and engagement. If you find you’re spending a majority of your time on social media, and little to no time on your email list, it could be a potentially tragic mistake that could be costing you sales. Here’s why. Just the stats: users, open rates, and click through rates. With Facebook boasting over 1 billion active users per month and Twitter boasting 255 million, we certainly couldn’t blame you for being persuaded to focus a large portion of your marketing efforts on social media. But what you don’t see so frequently touted are the statistics on email usage. According to Radicati, the total number of worldwide email accounts was 3.9 billion in 2013, and projected to be 4.9 billion by 2017. To put this in perspective for you, there are 3x more email accounts than there are Facebook & Twitter accounts combined. From a marketing perspective though, it’s the statistics on reach and engagement that show the real story. Did you know that organic reach on Facebook (I.e. the number of your fans who actually see your posts in their Newsfeed) is only 6%? On the contrary, open rates for email marketing messages are generally in the 20 – 30% range, meaning your message is 5x more likely to be seen through email than Facebook. Similarly, click through rates from email are generally in the 3% range, while click-through...
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...systems in Cold Fusion. Participating in regular agile sprint cycle meetings in my capacity as reports developer for the OligoInc group. Skills Used ColdFusion 8-11. Windows XP, Professional and RedHat UNIX. Oracle 11g Crystal Reports 10, Visual Studio 10, VB.NET, C#. ASP.NET IT Applications Developer Alliance Analytical - Fremont, CA - September 2013 – September 2014 Responsibilities Maintained and enhanced coldfusion backend of components that connected to SQL Server 2008 database of in-house CRM system. Customized Adobe Flex components in the front end as required. Integrated the contacts data of the database with an external SMTP provider by building a web service of the data that fed into the third party API to render email broadcasts data. Maintained web site at http://www.aaisolutions.com . Web Applications Developer (Consultant) Life Technologies - Pleasanton, CA - February 2013 to August 2013 Responsibilities Created a web interface to process replacement assays for open array division in Pleasanton facility. Built backend database logic via an Oracle package that encapsulated all query, update, edit, delete and create of database table records. Interface the package through ColdFusion...
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...You Decide Scenario: Week 3 Detecting and preventing insider threats is its own discipline, with its own dynamics. If you put these countermeasures in place, you can reduce the threat dramatically. First, you can use an IP packet-filtering router. This type of router permits or denies the packet to either enter or leave the network through the interface on the basis of the protocol, IP address, and the port number. The protocol may be TCP, UDP, HTTP, SMTP, or FTP. The IP address under consideration would be both the source and the destination addresses of the nodes. The port numbers would correspond to the well-know port numbers (Vacca, 2009). Packet filtering lets you control data transfer based on the address the data is, the address the data is going to, and the session and application protocols being used to transfer data. The main advantage of packet filtering is leverage. It allows you to provide, in a single place, particular protections for an entire network. Consider the Telnet service. If you disallow Telnet by turning off the Telnet server on all your hosts, you still have to worry about someone in your organization installing a new machine (or reinstalling an old one) with the Telnet server turned on. On the other hand if Telnet is not allowed by your filtering router, such a new machine would be protected right from the start, regardless of whether or not its Telnet server was actually running. Another advantage of a packet filtering router is that...
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...CASE STUDY Samsung Creates Sparks with Unique Digital Direct Marketing Ë “We’ve been using eCircle for the past four years and have been consistently happy with them. They provide a very sophisticated email system which allows us to customise our emails to provide a much higher degree of targeting than previously possible.” (Nick Turner-Samuels, Online Marketing Manager, Samsung Mobile UK) Email Marketing Software Email List Rental HIGHLIGHTS CHALLENGE: • To improve email deliverability • To increase brand awareness and loyalty • To generate new leads and sales SOLUTION: • Help produce eye-catching unique email campaigns including an annual Easter Egg Hunt • Send out videomail campaigns in conjunction with latest movie releases to specially selected emails from eCircle’s address stocks • Broadcast a regular email newsletter to Samsung subscribers using eC-messenger RESULT: • Easter egg campaign lead to huge jump in traffic to website and close Samsung community • Over 14million new page impressions • More targeted campaigns sent to different database segments to ensure best possible results Samsung Location: Industry: Website: Products: UK Telecommunication, Technology http://uk.samsungmobile.com Email Marketing Software, Email List Rental eCircle’s relationship with the electronics giant Samsung, one of the fastest growing global brands began over 4 years ago. Samsung initially chose to work with us due to our strong ISP relationships, having previously...
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...WHY EMAIL MARKETING STILL HOLDS SWAY IN ONLINE MARKETING The social media has taken the world of online marketing by storm as it has changed the tenets of online marketing. However, in spite of the popularity of the social media that has emerged as a powerful marketing platform, the age-old technique of e-mail marketing still holds sway. Marketers still trust in the powers of e-mail marketing, and it is their confidence that has helped e-mail marketing survive the changes in digital marketing. One cannot deny the importance of connecting with prospective customers and consumers in a personalized manner to leverage the marketing efforts and no other marketing tools that targeted e-mails that can perform the task most efficiently and economically....
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...The Future of Email Marketing Along with mobile, new tools and technologies are changing email marketing—is your brand ready? While email remains, for the time being, the most cost-efficient way to connect with customers, many marketers worry that recent developments could hamper its effectiveness. Thanks to recent changes made by various email service providers (ESPs) and the tremendous growth of mobile devices, email marketing is evolving significantly, leaving marketers with little to do but adapt to the advent of new tools and technology in a classic case of sink or swim. Throughout the past year, major changes have occurred in the email marketing realm. For one, many ESPs have changed the rules for email deliverability. Since the new engagement policies took effect, email providers including Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, and AOL began regulating deliverability based on past engagement. This means that if consumers do not regularly open and click on emails sent from businesses, the ESPs may stop delivering emails from that company, and may divert those messages into the spam folder, even if the user has subscribed to the content in the past. Google, specifically, has made some big adjustments on its own as well. Email billers and marketers were sent into a frenzy when Google announced the introduction of tabs to Gmail inboxes. The objective was to make it easier for users to unclutter their mailboxes by moving certain marketing messages out of their primary inbox and filing...
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...Analyzing Messages COM/470 Communicating in the Virtual Workplace April 30, 2010 Recently, I receive an email from one of managers for one of my small businesses about insuring our vehicles. The sender of the email forwarded me information about the company Allstate rates to insure the vehicles. I preferred that we stay with Geico, however the sender disagreed with my choice. We collaborated through the several emails; however we did not achieve much until I sent an email on discussing Geico’s background. I explained that Geico has a total rewards program that aligns with the basic total rewards program that is pay and benefit package, work-life balance, performance and acknowledgment, plus growth career opportunities. This set up was designed and implemented to mirror how the government was operating and that I was intrigued by how the company operated. The way Geico was structured it developed and promoted internally. They used this technique at Geico to develop well knowledgeable employees as well as maintaining a low employee turnover ratio. These principles help develop the company that people see today. With this approach, I was inspired to do business with Geico. Further, I communicated to the sender that when reviewing Geico's rates and comparing it to its competitors. Geico rates were competitive to its competition like State Farm and All State. I further communicated to the sender; the company’s sales team must therefore have knowledge and understand...
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...Nombre de la Materia: Marketing Nombre del Maestro: Nombre del Alumno: María Fernanda Acevedo Garrido Semestre: 5to Título del Proyecto: Relational Marketing Declaración de Autenticidad Yo confirmo que este trabajo es mío. Adicionalmente confirmo que ninguna parte de este trabajo, excepto donde claramente está citado y referenciado, ha sido copiado de material que pertenece a otra persona p.e. de un libro, artículo, o de otro estudiante. Estoy consciente de las regulaciones de UVM-GLION sobre la copia del trabajo de otro sin su claro reconocimiento y que el intentar hacerlo me hace responsable de consecuencias disciplinarias. Para este efecto me he asegurado que he hecho las correcciones relevantes a mi trabajo previo a su entrega. Entrega grupal – Nombre(s) del Alumno y Firma(s): _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Relational Marketing I like this marketing because I think this is focus with our career and useful. We will always be in touch with a customer and know if the customer is satisfy with the service or product I am offering. This type of marketing has advantages with customer with next time visit and come back and buys our product or service. I found one example of this type of marketing with the Starbucks Company written by a marketer Starbucks Relationship Marketing and the Other 4 R’s ...
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...INTRODUCTION: Digital marketing is a process of building and maintaining customer relationships through online activities to facilitate the exchange of ideas, products and services that satisfy the goals of both parties. Digital marketing increases and improves the interactions and relationships with current and prospective customers through various platforms like social networking sites, instant messaging systems and mobile applications. First of all, this is a type of direct marketing, with all of the advantages that comes tagged along with it. It gives personal attention to the customers, motivates to action and more. Second, it's possible to create uniform messages which are personally formatted for each recipient with great ease. For...
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...COURSEWORK BOOKLET TRIMESTER 2, ACADEMIC YEAR 2012/2013 MARKETING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BMK 2854 INSTRUCTIONS TO THE STUDENTS 1. Please read this Coursework Booklet thoroughly. 2. The Instructions are stated in detail in this booklet and must be observed. Late assignments will be penalized. The ‘water-marked’ date on the envelope of the assignment sent in by students will be taken as the date of posting. 3. The course-schedule is included in this booklet. You are to follow the course outline stated in this Coursework Booklet. BMK 2854 INDUSTRIAL MARKETING 1. About the instructor Mr. Mohd Fauzi Shaffie is currently a lecturer in the Management Unit of Multimedia University. He has more than 30 years of work experience particularly in business consulting, training and education franchising. He was, until recently the Managing Director of his own two companies, one deal with business consultancy and the other in education franchising. His focus and passion has been in marketing strategy, corporate/ organizational strategy and franchising, and has consulted for a number of public and private organizations. He has also served on the boards of a number of companies. |Room Number |FOM 3rd Floor, | | |Room No: BR3016 | |Contact Number...
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... Integrated Marketing Strategy Joey Willoughby OMM615 Integrated Marketing Communications/Advertising/Public Relations and More Instructor: Dr. Janis McFaul September 29, 2014 Integrated Market Strategy Introduction: This research document will encompass an integrated market strategy for the Toyota Tundra. It will embody such descriptives as an overview/executive summary of the marketing strategy, the product and desired brand image, the target market, including buyer motivations, demographics, and psychographics, the over-all marketing strategy, including positioning strategy versus competitors, a promotion and advertising campaign that includes a description of one advertisement, a suggestion and descriptive of one advertisement, a suggestion and descriptive of a public relations campaign, the utilization of an Internet marketing campaign, including website and utilization of email, and a direct marketing campaign, including customer relationship management. Is an integrated market strategy for the Toyota Tundra the most logical way for Toyota to advertise and sell their product? Overview/Executive Summary of the Marketing Strategy: According to Toyota Global, 2014 Toyota Motor...
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...By splitting its target group by car range specific email communications, Volvo is consistently achieving extremely high response rates. In addition, the awareness of customers and prospects of the existence of Volvo’s newsletter is exceptional with up to 8 out of 10 recipients actually reading the newsletter on a regular basis. For almost 80 years, Swedish car manufacturer Volvo has committed itself to reach the highest security and safety standards which are then packaged into high quality, attractive Scandinavian design. Many new and exciting car models shape the face of the Volvo brand this year so it’s hardly surprising that Volvo is also pursuing new, innovative and successful ways of communication. Ë Efficiently Complementing Existing Marketing Tools with Email With the use of email marketing, Volvo are complementing its existing marketing mix, not only alongside traditional dialogue marketing campaigns but also to amplify its other online marketing methods – with the key objective being to measurably increase the response rates of all advertising tools. According to Oliver Engling, Head of Advertising and CRM at Volvo Cars (Germany) it’s clear that Volvo customers and prospects gather information and research online and therefore the most natural means of communication is via email. “This is why a continuous communication with our customers is vital for us and we place a high value on close personal...
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...E-Business, QRT Task 1: Online Business Expansion Raygan Schieving Western Governors University E-Business, QRT Task 1: Online Business Expansion The Candy Makers is a Utah-based business that currently has no online presence. The Candy Makers will be developing a proposal for online business expansion. The proposal will include an assessment of how the business will be viable online, an assessment of current online competition, development of online marketing strategies, and utilization of social media tools to expand The Candy Makers presence online. A1: The Candy Makers offers a wide variety of candy gifts available for online purchase. Market demand is very good for these products because online shoppers buy candy products for many different reasons including, but not limited to, birthdays, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, and corporate gift giving. Considering that birthdays occur every day of the year, it stands to reason that consumers could potentially purchase candy gifts at any given time on any given day of the year, making the business functionality “useful, practical, and right for the purpose” of which The Candy Makers intended with their online store (Cambridge University Press, 2013). Moreover, other similar candy companies such as Godiva and See’s Candies have an online presence, which indicates that there is a demand for candy gifts. Expanding The Candy Makers to an online environment could potentially increase...
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