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Emerging Adulthood Research Paper

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For many, the college experience embodies one of the most exciting and informative times of one’s life. Almost nowhere else do students get the autonomy to schedule their time in terms of classes, clubs, and friends in a way that allows them to discover what they are really passionate about. For many, this time also represents the first time living without their parents and in a dorm with other students their age, a drastic change from living at home under the rules of elders. This time period in peoples life, from ages 18-25, can be seen as “emerging adulthood,” a distinct process both demographically, subjectively, and in terms of identity explorations. Based on my interviews with an upperclassman and an underclassman, and my own perceptions, I …show more content…
For example, John stated that “the college experience has taught me that I have strong interpersonal skills and do well in large teams,” while Alaina stated that her views of herself haven’t changed significantly. This reveals that upperclassmen and underclassman differ in their views of how college changes their life, but it may be most likely due to the fact that underclassman haven’t been in University for as long as upperclassman. Both respondents, however, concluded that the challenges of managing their time more efficiently and balancing academic and social pursuits have shaped their journey to adulthood, as they understand that these skills will be necessary in the labor force once they graduate and begin their careers. John, for example, remarked that she “most of my interests align with the skills I will be using on a day-to-day basis during my career.” As a member of an investing club and a public speaking organization, it is evident that he has learned to align his interests with his aspirations on his journey to adulthood, a skill necessary for many emerging

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