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Emotional Intelligence: Explain How The Rules For Work Are Changing

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A. Explain how the rules for work are changing.
In today’s ever changing workplace a new criteria beyond training and book smarts is being applied to society as a workforce. The new form of measure assumes we have enough technical knowledge and intellectual ability to preform our jobs sufficiently. Suggested is the use of this measure to predict the likelihood to become star performers and who is likely to fail. The process is used to determine who will be let go and who will receive additional training. This new measure is not specific to one particular field, but spreads across all disciplines of employment.
B. Define Emotional Intelligence.
The use of nonintellectual behavioral skills that governs personal and professional success in …show more content…
Discuss several misconceptions about Emotional Intelligence.
One of the first misconceptions about emotional intelligence is that it means, “being nice”; rather at times it requires that we bluntly address issues that might be stressful and uncomfortable. Also it does not require the grating of emotional free rein to feelings, instead the managing of our feelings so that they are expressed appropriately allowing people to work together in a positive matter.
Women are not smarter than men in reference to emotional intelligence, nor are men superior women. Each individual has his or her strengths and weaknesses. It is true that gender specific profiles may hold true, through analysis of thousands of men and women has proven that women on average are more aware of their emotions, express empathy, and more adept interpersonally. Men as a whole are more self confident, optimistic, and adapt easier. On average looking at the overall ratings for both genders, there is no difference between the two sexes.
We as humans do not genetically inherit any level of emotional intelligence. Differently than our specific IQ’s, emotional intelligence is a series of learned behavioral traits and reactions that tend to continue improve as we

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