Premium Essay

Employment at Will Doctrine


Submitted By robert336
Words 1531
Pages 7


April 21, 2012

It has been brought to my attention that our recent hire Jennifer has been having a number of issues during her employment. I am going to have to review a number of things to determine what we are going to do about the situation. The first issue at hand is the lack of competence and skills that she is showing when it comes to her assignment. The right of an employee to quit the services of an employer, for whatever reason, is the same as the right of the employer, for whatever reason, to dispense with the services of such employee (Justice Harlin, 1908). The employment-at-will doctrine that was developed gives us the right to dismiss any employee at will for good cause or no cause at all. Our company handbook clearly states that each employee has a 45 day grace period that allows for them to get the proper training and learn their particular tasks. After 60 days of employment Jennifer is still struggling with the basic concepts of the job. Her resume of employment listed that she had the skills necessary to apply for the job and she also tested well on the assessment tests. Jennifer does not seem to be taking things seriously and thinks we are not treating her fairly. Additional training for Jennifer might be the best way to get to the bottom of this problem. Also reviewing the company manual on job performance may also help her realize that this problem she is causing is serious. With her slacking off at work it causes other employees to do extra in order to make up for what she is not doing. If management decided to fire Jennifer for lack of skills the company should not face any legal implications. No exceptions to the employment-at-will rule will be violated as a result of her being

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