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Engaging In Self Reflection

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In order for counseling professionals to effectively work with clients from diverse backgrounds, counselors need to take the initiative to educate themselves and engage in self-reflection. Learning cultural competent counseling practice will help counselors gain the skills necessary to work with clients from different ethnic backgrounds. After having taken Counseling in Cross-Cultural Settings EPC 643, I learned about the importance of self-reflection. Self-reflection allows one to identify one's own worldview and personal beliefs about individuals who are different from one's own. Therefore, by engaging in self-reflection counselors will discover their own bias, prejudices, and feelings about people from different cultures. Another important lesson that I learned while taking Counseling in Cross-Cultural Settings EPC 643 class is that it is crucial to not only identify but also acknowledge the differences between yourself …show more content…
My responsibility as a U100 mentor was to ease their college transition by providing support, valuable experience, and insights to alleviate the stress and anxiety that some first-year students deal with. This particular student was born in India and immigrated at the age of fifteen to the United States. The student dealt with an enormous amount of pressure from her father when she decided to immigrate to the states to pursue education. As a mentor, I was curious to learn about her culture and the expectations of gender roles in her culture. Therefore, I decided to self-disclose a little bit about my culture so that the student can feel at ease talking about her culture. The student shared how as a female being a virgin and pure is of utmost importance and not education. It is evident after hearing the student speak that females are taught to be submissive, obedient and avoid questioning their father's

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