... |Suzanne | |Email |s_mac146@live.com | | | | |Unit Code |SSK12 | |Unit name |Introduction to University Learning | |Date |22 September 2012 | |Assignment name |Learning Log A | |Tutor |Greg Brotherson | |Student’s Declaration: | |Except where indicated, the work I am submitting in this assignment is my own work and has not been submitted for assessment in another | |unit....
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...ANALYTICAL PLOTS FOR ANALYSING CONING & CHANNELING IN DIFFERENT RESERVOIRS OF UPPER INDUS BASIN OF PAKISTAN Muhammad Osama Jafri (NED University), Hafiz Haleem ud Din Farooqi (NED University), Waleed Anwar Saleem (NED University) Abstract Water and gas drive mechanisms pose different problems for a petroleum engineer. The most common tribulations encountered are water and gas coning, high permeability layer breakthrough and near wellbore water channeling. In order to identify and differentiate between these tribulations different techniques can be applied. In this extended abstract, the characteristic trends of log-log plots of WOR (Water Oil Ratio) vs. Time will be analyzed for different mechanisms on the basis of proposed techniques by K.S. Chan (SPE Paper No. 30775). The derivatives of the plots show different trends for coning and channeling which makes it easier to interpret the situation. The identification of the problems will contribute to optimize water/gas coning treatments and other encountered problems. This technique has been applied on the wells of Upper Indus Basin (Potwar region) of Pakistan for the identification of coning or channeling in the wells. Introduction In a hydrocarbon reservoir, water is the most abundant fluid existing in the pores with the oil and as a separate phase in an aquifer. Broadly, the produced water can be classified as good water and bad water. Good water is the water which sweeps or displaces the oil and is produced within the economic...
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...size of 365 logs being processed. However, actual data provided proved that it was a true sample size of only 362 logs, as data for logs # 30, 123, and 127 are missing from his report. He videotaped 3 operators, April, Sid, and Jim, marking the logs, how each log was broken down and the degree to which the cants were properly centered. Gene then did a comparison of what the cost was of the log in its current condition (actual value), to what would have been the correct value of the log if the cut had been accurate (potential value). This allowed him to see the potential revenue that Welco Lumber Company is losing out on their business (profit gain). Question 1: How much profit is lost on imperfect board cuts? During the processing of 362 logs, it was found that exactly half (181) or fifty percent were processed without error. The remaining 181 logs were found to have undergone some type of error in the breakdown process—excessive log breakdown, off center cant, reduced value cut. As a result, the Welco Lumber Company missed out on $735.14 in potential profit. Taking these results one step further, the potential amount of money lost on each of the 181 logs with errors was broken down into ranges of value lost as shown below. From the graph we can see the nominal value that was lost the most fell between the $1.51 to $4.50 ranges. Question 2: How does performance vary among operators? Below is a table that shows the analysis of each operator by log size, log volume, and...
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... 1.What headings are available in the right-handed pane?montor tools,data collector ,and reports 2.What is monitored by% idle time? 3.What instances are available in the instances osf slected object section? 4.What is the average value of% idle time of the w2k839 computer?95.418 5.What is the average value of processor queue length on the W2kzzcomputer? 0.700 6.What subheading are available in the system stability report selection? Software unitalls, application failure, hardware failure, windows and miscellaneous 7.Waht logs are available by default? Application,security,setup,system and forward event 8.What is most recent Event id logged to the Application log? Application,security,setup,system,forward events 9.What is the most recent Event ID logged to security log? 4634 10.What is most recent event id logged to setup log? 1610 11. What is most recent event id logged to system log? 7036 12.How many events are displayed in this custom view? 52 13.What is the keyboard shortcut to begin a network capture? F5 14.What appears in the Capture Filter pane? 15.Does anything appear in the Network Conversations pane? no 16.Does anything appear in the Network Conversations pane? All traffic,my traffic, 17.Where will WSUS downloads be stored by default? (c:/wsus) 18.What database does WSUS use by Default? MSDE 19.What types of updates does WSUS download by default? Automatic updates 20.What...
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...M1: Discuss the importance of keeping fault logs Fault logs are used to record the occurrence of danger and faults on a computer, these faults can then be used in the future if the problem happens again so the technician can decide the problem quickly without having to troubleshoot it again. These faults can be problems such as hardware or software errors that require a certain technique to fix this can be listed in the notes in the fault log for the technician to quickly fix the problem. Due to a number of faults that will be recorded a day it is a good idea to keep records on servers so they can be accessed from different locations such as mobile devices and desktop computer with multiple users connected at one time which means that multiple technicians can fix multiple problems simultaneously....
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...How to detect if a Keylogger is installed? - Microsoft Answers 1 of 8 Applies To: Windows Windows Vista http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-sec... Security, Privacy, and User Accounts Question Secure_Leonilo asked on August 22, 2010 How to detect if a Keylogger is installed? Hi, I would like to get some help... I suspect that the computer I use at work probably has a keylogger installed. Could you recommend an online, free, and reliable tool to detect keylogger? Please recommend a couple of tools, so I can try them in case one doesn't detect anything. On the other hand... is it possible to know where the log files generated by the keylogger are sent to? As far as I know, they are sent to an email address that belongs to the person who has installed the keylogger on someone else's computer, so that he can see all the victim types. I suspect that I got keylogger installed from a work partner. thanks a lot in advance! Reply Reply with quote Report abuse Email updates Answer A. User replied on August 22, 2010 Was this helpful? 1 Vote Try these Programs: If necessary, do all the work inSafe Mode with Networking. To get intoSafe Mode with Networking, tap F8 right at Power On / Startup, and use UP arrow key to get toSafe Mode with Networking from list of options, then hit ENTER. Read all info below before starting: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php Malwarebytes is as the name says, a Malware Remover...
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...RLL NURS1101 Week 3: Nursing as an Art & Science Week 3’s NURS1101 class commenced with a DVD lecture on seizures & the different type’s people could succumb to. The level & seriousness is determined by the seizure classification indicator. First it is divided into being a partial or generalised activity, a partial seizure is one originating in one part of the brain & is diagnosed as simple or complex, whereas a generalised seizure’s activity involves the entire brain & diagnosed as absence, myoclonic, tonic clonic, tonic or atonic. The information is set out in a table for on the website: www.epilepsy.org.au/aboutepilepsy/understandingepilepsy/seizuretypeclassification. Discussion about the different types of seizures people can have is included in the opening tasks of this week’s tutorial. Displayed for students information & awareness on the room display boards is “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”, students are asked to interpret this information, discuss & describe how a nurse needs to apply it as professional activity during working hours, keeping in mind OH&S & the level of safety & security. Included in Maslow’s Hierarchy & displayed as a pyramid connecting on thing to the one above are self actualisation, esteem, belongingness & love, safety & physiological needs. For the first case study you have to apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to Mrs Wall the 80 year old with history of MRSA, diagnosed early dementia & dysphagia. Also discuss the risks for the attending nurse, the...
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...Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating a Physical Standby Database using SQL commands 1. General Overview : The purpose of this document is to create a step by step guideline for using the Oracle Dataguard a High available mechanism. I spent about 7 days investigating about a problem faced from my first dataguard experience. Both primary and standby servers are on linux redhat : same version of OS. - Primary DB : - Standby DB : - Host Name of Primary DB : arcdb01.es.egwn.lan - Host Name of Standby DB : x06.d15.lan I m trying to setup oracle dataguard for 10G ; both primary and standby databases are in 10GR2. Configuring Oracle DataGuard using SQL commands – Creating a physical standby database ; I can’t get the log files or Archive logs on my StandBy db. Checking v$archive_dest_status view on PRIMARY DB, I found the error below : FROM PRIMARY DB : I getting an error Oracle not available SELECT * FROM v$archive_dest_status DEST_ID 2 DEST_NAME LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 STATUS ERROR TYPE PHYSICAL DATABASE_MODE UNKNOWN RECOVERY_MODE UNKNOWN PROTECTION_MODE MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE DESTINATION X06.D15.LAN STANDBY_LOGFILE_COUNT 0 STANDBY_LOGFILE_ACTIVE 0 ARCHIVED_THREAD# 0 ARCHIVED_SEQ# 0 APPLIED_THREAD# 0 APPLIED_SEQ# 0 ERROR ORA-01034: ORACLE not available SRL NO DB_UNIQUE_NAME STANDBY SYNCHRONIZATION_STATUS CHECK CONFIGURATION SYNCHRONIZED NO Logfiles were not applied on my standby DB even I thougth all confirgurations were succesfully done, until I realized...
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...Access Card takes its obligations regarding privacy very seriously, and it wants to ensure users are fully informed about the Information they are providing to it. Collection of Information. In connection with the Site, First Access Card may collect Information in the following ways: through registration forms filled out by a user on the Site, through Information provided by a user in connection with the purchase of products or services on the Site, through the maintenance and analysis of web server logs, via e-mail sent by a user to First Access Card, through the use by First Access Card of third-party databases from which user information is extracted and combined with Information obtained by First Access Card through other means. First Access Card may also collect non-personally identifiable information from users via "cookies" (small text files placed by First Access Card on user computers), single-pixel GIF image files (also called “Web beacons”), Web server log analysis and other similar technological means. Such non-personally identifiable information may be used to track site trends and enhance the user experience, and may be shared with third parties. To the extent third parties may place advertising on the Site, such third parties may utilize cookies or other technological means within the advertising to collect and utilize non-personally identifiable information. First Access Card is not responsible for information collected by third parties in this...
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...accesses the relevant sources to answer the user’s query efficiently. Most organizations are familiar with Penetration Testing (often abbreviated to, “pen testing”) and other ethical hacking techniques as a means to understanding the current security status of their information system assets. Consequently, much of the focus of research, discussion, and practice, has traditionally been placed upon active probing and exploitation of security vulnerabilities. Since this type of active probing involves interacting with the target, it is often easily identifiable with the analysis of firewall and intrusion detection/prevention device (IDS or IPS) log files. However, too many organizations fail to identify the potential threats from information unintentionally leaked, freely available over the Internet, and not normally identifiable from standard log file analysis. Most critically, an attacker can passively gather this information without ever coming into direct contact with the organizations servers – thus being essentially undetectable. Very little information has been publicly discussed about arguably one of the least understood, and most significant stages of penetration testing – the...
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...Introducing Transaction Log Files Each SQL Server 2000 database has at least one transaction log file and can have multiple transaction log files spread across a number of disks. Each transaction log file is a separate operating system file and is used by only one database. Each transaction log file generally has the .ldf filename extension (this extension is not required). Each transaction log has a logical filename that is used in Transact-SQL statements and a physical filename that is used by the Windows operating system. Additional file properties include the file ID number, initial file size, file growth increment (if any), and maximum file size. Unlike data files that contain pages, transaction log files contain a series of transaction log records. A sequential log sequence number (LSN) identifies each transaction log record. Regardless of the number of physical log files, SQL Server 2000 treats the transaction log as one continuous log. SQL Server 2000 logically divides each physical transaction log file into a number of virtual log files (VLFs). The number and size of virtual log files are determined dynamically based on the size of each transaction log file. Each transaction log file has at least two VLFs. Each growth increment (if any) is treated as a separate physical file with its own VLFs. The number or size of VLFs cannot be configured or set directly by the database administrator. SQL Server 2000 tries to maintain a small number of virtual file logs because it operates...
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...Tasks improve the quality of datasets According to (Shankaranarayan & Even, 2009) specific tasks that could be performed to improve the quality of datasets using SDLC are: Auditing. Quality defects occur during data processing (e.g., due to miscalculation, or mismatches during integration across multiple sources), or after data is stored (e.g., due to changes in the real-world entity that the data describes). Addressing these defects requires auditing records, monitoring processes, and detecting the existence of defects. Correction. It is often questionable whether the detected defects are worth correcting. Correction might be time consuming and costly (e.g., when a customer has to be contacted, or when missing content has to be purchased). One might hence choose to avoid correction if the added value cannot justify the cost. Prevention. Certain methods can prevent data defects or reduce their occurrences during data acquisition, for example, improving data acquisition user interfaces, disallowing missing values, validating values against a value domain, enforcing integrity constraints, or choosing a different (possibly, more expensive) data source with inherently cleaner data Data Refinement: Datasets are refined at regular intervals and database is checked for the orphan accounts if any in the system. Orphan accounts may result into dangerous issues so it should be handled carefully. Data Governance implementation: Data Governance Maturity model can be implemented....
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...Presented Problem After examining the incident, there are some key things that stick out as major risks, these include: • Accounts existed before EHR system was deployed. • Accounts were undocumented. • Non Authorized remote users had access to the EHR application. • Undocumented account was created/added to a new system. • Method or Vulnerability to gain privilege escalation outside of change control policy. This led me to propose three policies, each address some of these key issues from separate fronts. The three policies include a Remote Access Policy, Application Deployment, and a Routine Maintenance policy. The Remote Access policy aims to correct the issue that non-authorized users were able to access the EHR system. HIPAA has included provision in the Security Rule that allows for remote access, but with certain limitations. I have included provision that restricts remote access based on Job Role and Job Necessity(ISO 27002:2005, 7.1.1), and restricted to assets that are owned by the hospital which have enhanced security (ISO 27002:2005, 7.1.1) (NIST, 164.312(a)(1))(ISO 27002:2005, 11.4.2). The Application Deployment policy aims to close security loop holes that appear to have been open for months before the EHR system was even deployed. There were no check on accounts when importing, and no alerts when permissions were escalated. Some of the key standards that I see as aiding in creating this policy is better change management (ISO 27002:2005, 10...
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...Cecil College Record: 1 Full Text Database: Academic Search Complete Title: The Wounded King: Bobbie Ann Mason's "Shiloh" and Marginalized Male Subjectivity. Authors: Bentley, Greg Source: Southern Literary Journal. Fall2004, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p144-161. 18p. Document Type: Literary Criticism Subjects: CRITICISM MASON, Bobbie Ann, 1940- HUMAN sexuality in literature PSYCHOANALYTIC interpretation PSYCHOANALYSIS & literature SEMIOTICS CHARACTERS & characteristics Abstract: This article examines the central element in the writings of Bobbie Ann Mason. Use of psychoanalytic semiotics in understanding the characters in the writings of Mason; Significance of the absence of sexual difference to psychoanalytic semiotics; Representation of normative male identity in the novels of Mason. Full Text Word Count: 7599 ISSN: 0038-4291 Accession Number: 15418214 Persistent link to this record (Permalink): http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=hlh&AN=15418214&site=ehost-live Cut and Paste: The Wounded King: Bobbie Ann Mason's "Shiloh" and Marginalized Male Subjectivity. Database: Humanities International Complete Several of Bobbie Ann Mason's works have been approached from the perspective of myth-ritual criticism--especially the Grail motif--with mixed results.(n1) Perhaps the most central element of the Grail motif is the king's wound, which is clearly sexual in nature, and critics who approach Mason's work from this perspective have pointed out...
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...Automated Discovery of Patient-Specific Clinician Information Needs Using Clinical Information System Log Files Elizabeth S. Chen, MPhil and James J. Cimino, MD Author information ► Copyright and License information ► This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Go to: Abstract Knowledge about users and their information needs can contribute to better user interface design and organization of information in clinical information systems. This can lead to quicker access to desired information, which may facilitate the decision-making process. Qualitative methods such as interviews, observations and surveys have been commonly used to gain an understanding of clinician information needs. We introduce clinical information system (CIS) log analysis as a method for identifying patient-specific information needs and CIS log mining as an automated technique for discovering such needs in CIS log files. We have applied this method to WebCIS (Web-based Clinical Information System) log files to discover patterns of usage. The results can be used to guide design and development of relevant clinical information systems. This paper discusses the motivation behind the development of this method, describes CIS log analysis and mining, presents preliminary results and summarizes how the results can be applied. Go to: INTRODUCTION The availability of clinical information to the clinician at the point of care is essential to the health care process. Inability to locate needed information...
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