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English Chinese


Submitted By ZuziaZuzannaZ
Words 317
Pages 2
I. 英语诗歌的分类
一、叙事诗 Narrative Poetry
1.民谣 Ballad
2.史诗 Epic
3.罗曼司 Romance /传奇诗歌 Legend /传说诗歌 Tale
二、抒情诗 Lyric
1.维拉内拉 Villanelle
维拉内拉有五个三行段,第一行在 第六、第十二行重复,第三行在第九和第十五段重复,两段是压韵行
2.十四行诗 Sonnet
3.颂歌 Ode
4.挽歌 Elegy
三、无韵诗 Blank Verse 节奏规则,没有尾韵,节奏主要是五音步的抑扬格

II. 如何欣赏英语诗歌的音乐美
一、节奏 Rhythm 英语诗歌的节奏是通过重音和弱音的交替出现来实现,节奏的核心是重音,伴随一定数目的弱音。各诗行中相对应的重音所伴随的弱音数目往往相等或大致相等。
1.格律 Metre
1)抑扬格 Iambius; the Iambic Foot 抑扬格在每个音步中存在两个音节,结构是弱-强。弱-强……
2)扬抑格 Trochee; the Trochaic Foot 扬抑格也是两个音节的格律,结构是强-弱,给人以先入为主的强势,声音效果铿锵有力。有时扬抑格的运用是作为抑扬格的变化。
3)抑抑扬格 Anapaest; the Anapaestic Foot 是三个音节组成的节奏:弱-弱-强。产生的声音效果温婉、回旋、急驰有时又含有诙谐幽默。幽默的特性使它成为英语五行打油诗(Limerick)的主要格律。
音步是测量格律的单位。一首诗歌是由单个或几个诗节(stanza/strophe)组成的,每个诗节又包括若干诗行(line/verse)。每行最基本的单位是音步(foot),相当于音乐中的小节。一行诗中强弱搭配出现的次数叫音步数。每个音步有两个或以上的音节,一般包括一个重音(stressed/accented sound),以及附属它的一个、两个或以上弱音(unstressed/unaccented sound)。
5.韵律分析 Scansion 一般情况下,诗歌的首行因为先入为主被当作整首诗格律的基调。之后与之不一致的情况被称为格律的变化,或者在朗读时做适当的处理以迎合基本的格律节奏。
二、音韵 Rhyme 当两个或两个以上词的结尾元音和辅音相同,即相同的音在不同的词中重复出现时,这些词就构成了押韵。
1.行中韵 Internal Rhyme 诗行中间词的押韵叫做行中韵,它包括头韵、腹韵和假韵。
头韵 Alliteration
腹韵 Assonance
假韵 Consonance
2.尾韵 End Rhyme
阳韵 Masculine Rhyme
阴韵 Feminine Rhyme
3.韵式 Rhyme Scheme
韵式是诗歌中尾韵的格式,即在一个诗节或整首诗中押韵行较为规律的排列格式。一般来说,我们按英语字母表的顺序每出现一个新的韵就用一个新的字母表示。依据诗歌行数将诗歌韵式分为双行体、三行节,四行体,十四行诗五步抑扬格的七行君王诗体、八行体和斯宾塞式九行体等。有三种韵式格式更侧重押韵形式:连续韵(Running Rhyme)、交叉韵(Alternative Rhyme)和首尾韵(Enclosing Rhyme)。

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...planning to attend college in the America over the next five years. However, there are many differences in education between China and America. In fact, it is hard to be successful in American college. How the Chinese student to be successful, and what are the differences in education between two countries? I think there are three differences in education between China and America ways of studying was learning, and using different languages. First, there is a different way to study between China and America. In China, students study very hard every day because they have lots of homework. However, there is not much homework in the America. Chinese's teacher thinks homework is the good way to studying, but American student doesn’t have lots of homework. Chinese's teacher always gives a student some question out of the book because this is good for the GAO KAO exam. Chinese's student buy textbook each year, and it is cost more money. In America, the teacher wants to the student read book, and never give the student much homework. If you finish the lesson’s homework, it would be enough for exam. If you read the book, you will be easy past the exam. American teacher also don’t give extra homework because they know it is enough lesson for the student today. If Chinese student wants to be successful at an American college, they should study hard and read the book well. Second, there are two difference ways to learning between China and America. Chinese's teacher would...

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