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English Paper


Submitted By osceola
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Osceola Williams
Professor Angela Eward-Mangione
English Composition 1
`My thesis for the semesters projects is medical marijuana can in fact be used to help and save lives of many people in many different cases and any negative connotations can be either disproven or counteracted through other means. And in project three I remediate my argument through Prezi and other media such as political cartoons, videos and medical statics that would enhance my argument. First off I started with Prezi, which is a “presentation tool that can be used as an alternative to traditional slide making programs such as PowerPoint. Instead of slides, Prezi makes use of one large canvas that allows you to pan and zoom to various parts of the canvas and emphasize the ideas presented there” (Prezi 2015). I thought the use of Prezi would help me better convey my argument while making it interesting to the audience.
My next media to use in my remediation was Political cartoons (also known as editorial cartoons) which can be defined as “illustrations or comic strips containing a political or social message that usually relates to current events or personalities” (WW2). They can show Symbols, Caricatures, Stereotypes, Analogies, Juxtaposition, Irony, Captioning, and labels. By using political cartoons I can demonstrate tropes on both supporting and against, while persuading the audience. One such political cartoon depicts a women in a doctor’s examination table talking to her doctor after some testing. Her doctor is standing in front of her and he says “The bad news is your illness has no cure. However, the good news is we can manage your pain with medical marijuana. But the really bad news is I’ll be arrested if I prescribe pot. So…Take two aspirins a day and see me next month.” (Frank R). This particular political cartoon illiterates that medical marijuana can help people in need but due to federal law some people suffer through more pain than is needed. And I believe this will strike a cord with my audience and persuade them to my point of view.
Next in my remediation I will have what makes medical marijuana useful by using medical facts about the plant. I’ll start with THC and it potential medical properties, then I will talk about CBD and its potential properties. I choose to just do two because I want to be able to convey medical facts but not too much as to overwhelm my audience with jargon. So the little bit of facts that I do tell will be just right so is to show that I researched the topic and it’s not just personal option.
And lastly for my video, it will talk about a little four year old boy named Lavie Parush who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth. But since his parents began giving him medical marijuana, they say his seizures are gone and he has started to improve in his daily life. Lavie has cerebral palsy which is brain damage caused by brain injury or abnormal development of the brain that occurs while a child's brain is still developing — before birth, during birth, or immediately after birth. They severe brain damage left Lavie with minimum motor skills and no speech function what so ever. Lavie took medication after medication but to nothing helped to stop the seizures that were slowing taking his mind and killing him. With his parents with nothing to try and fearing for their son’s life, they decided to try medical marijuana oil for their son. And after a year of treatment with the medical marijuana oil in Lavie’s food, his seizures have completely stopped (CNN). The video of Lavie shows that medical marijuana can in facet save lives and any ill effects of smoking marijuana can be counter by other such ways. The use of Lavie’s story can be the final blow to further my argument and to persuade my point of view in my remediation. My remediation can be an effective tool to argue my argument in a new media source. First Prezi with its twist on slide show presentation, will grab audience’s attention without being too flashy and distracting. Next my medical facts will inform the audience while being interesting. Then my Video of the little Lavie will tug on the heart strings of the audience to keep them sympathetic to my point of view. And lastly I will use the political cartoon to show and leave a thought in their head about how people need medical marijuana but can’t get it because of its false stigma of the planet.

Technology Across the Curriculum." Prezi. Oregonstate. Web. 11 Apr. 2016
"Political Cartoons." Nationalww2museum. Web. 11 Apr. 2015.
Frank R. "Medical Marijuana Political Cartoons - Michigan Legislature." Michigan Medical Marijuana Association. 26 Apr. 2012. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.
CNN. "Toddler's Seizures Treated with Medical Marijuana." YouTube. YouTube, 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.

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