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Equity vs Expectancy Theory


Submitted By nikpapa
Words 1700
Pages 7
MGT302 Organizational behavior

Assignment 1: Motivation Theory and Practice

Analyze, compare, and contrast the two contemporary theories of motivation (a) equity theory and, (b) expectancy theory. Include in your discussion, an evaluation of each theory and the implications to managers in a global work environment. Your analysis should include identification of the strengths and weaknesses of each theory using scholarly references to defend your arguments.

by Tassos Pericleous
Student’s Number: 20153386

American College
Semester 1

November 2015


The purpose of this paper was to analyze, compare, and contrast the two contemporary theories of motivation equity theory and, expectancy theory. Evaluate each theory and the implications of the theories to managers in a global work environment. Analysis should include identification of the strengths and weaknesses of each theory using scholarly references to defend your arguments. Motivation is the answer to the question “Why we do what we do?”. The motivation theories try to figure out what the “M” is in the equation: “M motivates P” (Motivator motivates the Person). It is one of most important duty of an entrepreneur to motivate people. Motivation theories can be classified broadly into two different perspectives: Content and Process theories. This paper explores the two contemporary theories of motivation process theories, equity (Adam’s) theory and expectancy (Vroom’s) theory. Analysis of equity theory (a) Equity Theory Equity Theory proposes that a person's motivation is based on what he or she considers to be fair when compared to others (Redmond, 2010). As noted by Gogia (2010), when applied to the workplace, Equity Theory focuses on an employee's work-compensation relationship or "exchange relationship" as well as that employee's attempt to minimize any sense of unfairness

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