...Organizational Behavior Paper Viktoryia K Todorova MGT/312 04/27/2015 Steve Broe Organizational Behavior Paper An organization is a collection of people who work together to achieve individual and organizational goals. These goals can be individual or organizational. There is also organizational behavior. Organizational behavior is not the study of the organization and how it behaves but the way the individuals in the organization behave. This study can be anything from how people in the organization think, act, feel and react to new setting in the workplace or organization. Organizational behavior provides a set of tools that allows people to understand, analyze and describe behavior in organizations; managers to improve, enhance or change work behaviors so that individuals can reach their goals. Organizational behavior is looked upon in three different categories. The three different components require the studying of: Individuals in Organizations, Group and Team Process and Organizational Process. When studying individuals in organizations you are looking at the individuals in the current organization and how well they do their job. This will require looking at the way they act, feel, and how they get along with others. Group and team process also are important when studying these components. A group is two or more people who are together and trying to accomplish a goal. A team is a group that works together to achieve a group goal together. Working...
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...To centralize or not to centralize? It's a hard call made harder by power struggles. CEOs can force a more thoughtful debate by asking three critical questions The chief executive of a European equipment manufacturer recently faced a tough centralization decision: should he combine product management for the company's two business units--cutting and welding--which operated largely independently of each other but shared the same brand? His technical leader believed that an integrated product range would make the company's offerings more appealing to businesses that bought both types of equipment. These customers accounted for more than 70 percent of the market but less than 40 percent of the company's sales. "You cut before you weld," he explained. "You get a better weld at lower cost if the cutting is done with the welding in mind." Managers in both divisions, though, resisted fiercely: product management, they believed, was central to their business, and they could not imagine losing control of it. The CEO's dilemma--were the gains of centralization worth the pain it could cause?--is a perennial one. Business leaders dating back at least to Alfred Sloan, who laid out GM's influential philosophy of decentralization in a series of memos during the 1920s, have recognized that badly judged centralization can stifle initiative, constrain the ability to tailor products and services locally, and burden business divisions with high costs and poor service.1 Insufficient centralization...
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...INTRODUCTION Over the course of eight years, while working at The Walt Disney Company, I have had the opportunity to work with people that loved their jobs and were good at them and people who hated their jobs, and thus did everything they could to just “get by” each day. Today, I am going to be discussing the jobs and personalities of two very different people that I have worked with, and had close relationships with, during my time at Disney. To keep their anonymity, for this discussion, we will call these people, Person Happy and Person Sad, or Happy and Sad for short. EFFECTIVE INTRODUCTION During my time at Disney, there was one person that stands out above all others as my “Star” player, Person Happy. Happy’s role was Photo Quality Specialist for Disney’s PhotoPass Service. In this role, he was tasked with improving the overall quality of the photographs being taken by providing reviews and developing photographers through mentoring and training. While in this role, he was both highly committed, and also provided a high performance and measurable positive results. This was not always an easy role for Happy to be in because there would be times when he would have to provide feedback to a photographer that they might not agree with, but it was through this feedback, and voice, that he was able to build the overall quality of the product that we were providing though the PhotoPass service. EFFECTIVE EXPLANATION So the next logical question I am sure you are asking...
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...courses during this MBA program. It has provided me with a new perspective as well as a more systematic approach in dealing with my daily managerial issues at work. For me, it is like a journey up the mountain. This course helps me realize an important wisdom that what I see at the bottom of the mountain is not what I see at the top. Without this wisdom, I could have closed my mind to all that I cannot view from my position and, therefore, limit my capacity to grow and improve. Such wisdom helps open my mind to improvement, and teaches me to respect what, at first, I cannot view. In the end, I have learnt this important lesson – what I cannot see can now be seen from a different part of the mountain. With this thought in mind, my paper seeks to demonstrate my understanding of the subject matter with the ultimate goal being the improvement of management effectiveness in the workplace. From the definition of Organizational Behavior,...
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...need to improve organizational relationships and performance. Course Objectives This course aims to improve ones understanding of human behavior in organizations and ones ability to lead people to achieve more effectively and how to increase organizational performance. Readings are assigned to give the student a clear understanding of the specific material. Cases are assigned to afford the student the opportunity to apply the theory, and put it into practice. Students will be expected to explore and reflect on their own experiences in the workplace, and discuss ways in which they might apply the material to their daily work. Required Books for Readings (Again – Please note that both books are Required) Hitt, Miller, & Colella: OB: Organizational Behavior, 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons; “Binder Version” or “Version” to be uploaded to tablet, computer etc. Buller & Schuller; Managing Organizations: Cases in Management, Organizational Behvior, & Human...
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...Certificate of Secondary Education 0580/04, 0581/04 MATHEMATICS May/June 2007 Paper 4 (Extended) 2 hours 30 minutes Additional Materials: *5128615949* Answer Booklet/Paper Electronic calculator Geometrical instruments Graph paper (2 sheets) Mathematical tables (optional) Tracing paper (optional) READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST If you have been given an Answer Booklet, follow the instructions on the front cover of the Booklet. Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. You may use a pencil for any diagrams or graphs. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. Answer all questions. All working must be clearly shown. It should be done on the same sheet as the rest of the answer. Marks will be given for working which shows that you know how to solve the problem even if you get the answer wrong. Electronic calculators should be used. If the degree of accuracy is not specified in the question, and if the answer is not exact, give the answer to three significant figures. Give answers in degrees to one decimal place. For π use either your calculator value or 3.142. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. The total of the marks for this paper is 130. This document consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page. IB07 06_0580_04/6RP ...
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...Ob-Gyn stands for Obstetrician and Gynecologist. The obstetrician side deals mainly with the baby and a gynecologist works with women and their reproductive systems. An Ob-Gyn is someone that provides medical treatment for women, diagnose and prevent diseases for women, treat women’s reproductive systems, provide treatment and care for pregnant women, provide education on nutrition and proper care of the body during pregnancy, monitor the growth of the baby to make sure it is healthy, and deliver the babies. This was in the middle of the career choices that NCC said. I still chose health sciences because I have always wanted to be a doctor. More than likely an Ob-Gyn will be working in their own private office. Although there are plenty that work in hospitals and clinics with other doctors. Ob-Gyns are always working in sterile conditions because it ensures safety for the doctor, the women, and the baby. They are expected to wear protective clothing at all times such as: gloves, masks, and gowns. Ob-Gyns can usually run on their own schedule with some exceptions; they can decide when they work although complications can occur with the mother and baby before and during labor that the Ob- Gyn can not control. An Ob-Gyn can expect to work nights and weekends....
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...writing. In fact, the three universities that I have attended in the past have all required me to use the APA style of writing. As I recall my high school years, the APA style of writing also seemed to be a favorite amongst my high school teachers. They all required that term papers be written in APA style as well. This type of writing actually does not differ much from the ones included in the text reading. The text mentioned the APA style of writing several times. In my opinion, it appears to be the most popular style of writing, especially amongst college students. Based on the results of the quizzes, my grammar skills were actually a little better than average. I actually had expected to do better, but I guess my grammar skills are not as good as I thought they were. In any event I feel very confident when it comes to spelling, as I have always been a great speller. Even in grade school, I was a good speller. I learned at a very young age to challenge myself when it comes to spelling. Challenging my-self in that area really paid off as I became older, as I’ve never had a problem with spelling. However, I feel that I need more help with run on sentences and with thought patterns. Though I proof read my paper several times, it’s hard for me to see that I have several run on sentences until after I get my grade back. In general, I feel that my writing is just mediocre. However, I also believe that when it comes to writing, I am my own worst critic. Reason being, I am never...
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...computer and communications equipment (owned by MIS) magnetic media (owned by Manager) power supplies and plant, such as air-conditioning units (owned by MIS) Software assets (owned by MIS) • • • • application software system software development tools utilities Information assets (owned by Manager or MIS) ‘Information’ means information held by the Company on its own behalf and that entrusted to it by others. The following are examples of the media which may contain or comprise information assets. • • • • • • • • • • databases and data files system documentation user manuals training material operational or support procedures continuity plans and fallback arrangements back-up media on-line magnetic media off-line magnetic media paper Services • • computing and communications services (owned by MIS) heating, lighting and power (owned by Manager or Building Services Manager) 1 17/01/03 First•Base Technologies Town Hall Chambers High Street Shoreham-by-Sea West Sussex BN43 5DD UK Tel: +44 (01273 454 525 Fax: +44 (0)1273 454 526 info@firstbase.co.uk Guidance on Information Classification Categories for classifying document security Category 1 : Routine (non-confidential) documents Description: All documents of a routine nature. Effects of disclosure: No measurable damage to the company or a department. Examples: Normal memos, routine reports, circulars. Estimated occurrence of this classification: More than 80% of all documents would be within this class...
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...TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: CC: [CLICK HERE AND TYPE NAME] SAMUEL NEWMAN-BREMANG [CLICK HERE AND TYPE SUBJECT] OCTOBER 22, 2013 [CLICK HERE AND TYPE NAME] C R E A T I N G W A T E R M A R KS I N M I C R O S O F T W O R D [Note: Some steps may vary in Word 97. For additional help, search for “watermark” in the product help or on the Microsoft support site at http://support.microsoft.com.] A watermark is any text or graphic image (such as the “Draft” in the background of this document) that is printed to overlap existing text in a document. A logo printed lightly behind a letter or the word "Confidential" printed lightly on a contract are other examples of watermarks. The rotated “Draft” watermark on this page was created using the Word Art feature. You can insert pictures (such as a logo) from a file or using Clip Art. All three features can be found by clicking on Picture in the Insert menu. To view a watermark as it will appear on the printed page, click Print Layout on the View menu or click Print Preview on the File menu. The watermark will print on every page of this document, just like headers and footers. To edit the watermark or insert a new one, you need to click Header and Footer on the View menu. TO FORMAT A WORDART WATERMARK (LIKE THIS “DRAFT” EXAMPLE): Use the WordArt… command on the Format menu to choose your desired settings for your watermark. There are multiple tabs in that dialog. Use the “Colors and Lines” tab to set the color and transparency. (This “draft”...
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...How to Write a Good Academic Paper? That is a question which most students ask and most of them are new to academic writing. Academic writing if taken as a whole, then it would help you figure its significance and what is more important is, it would help you understand the purpose of it. Any good academic writer’s quality is his/her mind is loaded with creative set of ideas that help him navigate through the whole topic of academic paper. Ideas lead you to somewhere and only a few good students are gifted by nature and if you are not then you can also build up a good rhythm of academic writing. Secondly, you should also have a good sense of your audience; you should know what element of your academic writing would entice them and also create some space for your write-up for reading in their schedule. You then research for resources and data that would be of great use to enlighten your readers. Knowing what you audience wants, should be in your priority because readers enjoy what they seek in your writing. Usually what they look out for is something that could either bring them a smile or get them to think over the subject. Having creative ideas doesn’t guarantee a good and well-researched academic writing. You need to able to figure out ways of putting your research in a proper format so that readers don’t feel deviated from the focal point of your write-up. You should use your sources with proper attentiveness else it would completely ruin your efforts from top to bottom....
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...Hey Jessica, I’m glad your interested in attending the University of Phoenix let me tell you about some of the great resources that are available. First of all they have all kinds of hands on workshops that you can sign up for. They have ones for writing, math, computer skills, exam prep and plenty more. Some other resources are the Center for writing excellence and the Center for mathematics, there are grammar tutorials and plagiarism tutorials and a plagiarism checker as well to help make sure your papers have the proper grammar and the plagiarism checker reviews your paper and tells you how much similarities there is with your paper and other papers so you don’t accidentally plagiarize your paper. Riverpoint writer is a tool to help make sure you are citing your papers properly. In the center for mathematics center they have running start which gives you a review of math concepts to help you brush up on your skills, build math confidence gives you tips to deal with math anxiety it also has study tips, test tips, worksheets and videos. They also have live online math coaching which is only available two weeks before your math class starts through the end of your class. Hope reading about all these resources makes you want to come to the University even more. gotta go talk later. Hello Everyone, I want to review some of the great resources available here at the University of Phoenix. First off I want to go over the workshops that are available to you. There are all...
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...Joe Polce English 015 Mrs. Wickman How To Roll Your Own Cigarette Is anyone in your life a cigarette smoker? Do you often notice that they are always complaining about their ever-rising price? According to the U.S Census Bureau, out of the 6.7 billion people in the world, 2 billion are smokers of cigarettes or some other form of tobacco. Almost 75% of these 2 billion spend between $1000 - $1500 yearly on their favorite packs and cartons that they just cannot resist. We know its a habit, right? Its also an expensive habit. I am going to show you a quick and easy way to not only cut the cost of cigarettes in half, but also save you hundred of dollars. A select few smokers of the modern world have been fortunate enough to find the solution to the climbing prices of cigarettes. This solution is actually very simple. Why don’t we, instead of spending the $6 plus on an already produced pack of Marlboro Lights, make and produce our own pack of very similar cigarettes? Herein lies the solution; roll your own cigarettes. Most people shy away from such an idea claiming that they would never know where to start, or have no idea where they would buy the equipment, but on contrary the first steps to this new lifestyle are very easy, and the tools needed are readily available. The benefits of rolling your own cigarettes are numerous. First off, its inexpensive. GS Hammack, a man who writes for a website called AssociatedContact.com, said that “smokers that are looking for...
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...go fuck urself Paper is a thin material mainly used for writing upon, printing upon, drawing or for packaging. It is produced by pressing together moist fibers, typically cellulose pulp derived from wood, rags or grasses, and drying them into flexible sheets. Paper is a versatile material with many uses. Whilst the most common is for writing and printing upon, it is also widely used as a packaging material, in many cleaning products, in a number of industrial and construction processes, and even as a food ingredient – particularly in Asian cultures. Contents [hide] 1 History 2 Papermaking 2.1 Chemical pulping 2.2 Mechanical pulping 2.3 Deinked pulp 2.4 Additives 2.5 Producing paper 2.6 Finishing 3 Applications 4 Types, thickness and weight 5 Paper stability 6 The future of paper 7 See also 8 References and notes 9 External links History Main article: History of paper Further information: Science and technology of the Han Dynasty and List of Chinese inventions Hemp wrapping paper, China, circa 100 BCE.The oldest known archeological fragments of paper date to 2nd century BC China. Papermaking is considered one of the Four Great Inventions of Ancient China, and the pulp papermaking process is ascribed to Cai Lun, a 2nd century AD Han court eunuch.[1] With paper an effective substitute for silk in many applications, China could export silk in greater quantity, contributing to a Golden Age. Paper spread from China through the Islamic...
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...Terrica Thomas Mr. David Makhanlall Eng 090 12-11-11 My journey as a writer is when I do my papers I have to make sure that I have the correct grammar and no misspelled words. Because when write you want to make sure that your papers flows and that you stay on topic. Because you as a writer wants the people to understand what they are reading. Because your paper have to have so meaning to it and it have to have some clarity to. When I revise my papers it make me look at the things I done wrong. Like when I have misspelled words I can correct them and when I have sentences that don’t make sense and I take the out. When I write I make the mistake of writing a lot of write on sentences. I have to make sure that I don’t do that anymore. I have to make sure that I don’t forget the punctuations because I have the habit of not putting them where they belong and stuff. When I was writing my paper on my mother I think that I did a good job but I think that I could have writing about her goals in life. What she has done with her life right now and what she wants to do right now. I could have talk a little more about what she has done for me when I was growing up. What she had to do to raise three girls on her own. The pattern of errors that I need to work on is run on sentences. Because when I write I can write a sentence that can go on and on forever without a period. A sentence fragment when I write I tend to write a sentence that don’t make any sense...
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