...This man should be tried by the federal court. The Supreme Court of the United States has the highest federal court in the United States. It has final jurisdiction over all other courts in the nation. The congress found a solution to which was the Authorization for Use of Military Force or AUMF. This organization allowed the president to use all necessary and appropriate forces against any nations, organizations, or persons that plans, authorizes, commits, or aided in the September 11, 2001 attack. After this al Qaeda attack the president ordered the Armed Forces to Afghanistan to straighten out al Qaeda and control the Taliban regime. On September 11, 2001 approximately three thousand people were killed in those terrorist attacks. Yaser Esam Hamdi was born an American citizen in 1980 in Louisiana. He moved with family to Saudi Arabia while he was a child. By 2001 he resided in Afghanistan. He was seized by a military group who opposed the Taliban government and then was turned over to the United States military. After which he was transferred ultimately to Charleston, South Carolina. They want to detain him in the United States jail indefinitely. They however don’t have formal charges but in hopes to make the determination that access to counsel or further process is necessary. Hamdi’s father filed an habeas petition on his behalf alleging that the government was holding his son in violation of the fifth and fourteenth Amendments. He believed that the United States was not abiding...
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...gyvenimo, o išmaniojo telefono internete siųlomos programėles vis labiau ir labiau glosto jauno žmogaus širdį. Yra programėlių, kurios, rodos, atlieka mūsų senioliams dar nesuvokiamus veiksmus: nuo Taxi iškvietimo iki antros pusės paieškų. Apie pastarąją aš ir rašysiu. Atsiradusios pažinčių programėlės, kaip Tinder ar Hot or not - rimta problema, ar žmonijos žingsnis geresnio gyvenimo link? Visų pirma, norėčiau rašyti apie galimą teigiamą šios paslaugos pusę. Naudodami šią programėlę, kuklesni žmonės, bijantys užkalbinti nepažįstąmąjį gatvėje, čia gali puikiai atsiskleisti. Sudaromos puikios galimybės susirasti antrą pusę, pirma pažįstant ją virtualiai, kuomet nereikia tiek drąsos, kiek bendraujant realiame gyvenime. Taip pat, mes visi esam linkę vertinti kitus pagal išvaizdą, todėl dažnai yra atstumiami žmonės, jau iš pat pradžių neįtinkantys dėl savo, tarkime, aprangos stiliaus. Naudojant šią paslaugą, galima puikiai nuo to išsisukti ir leisti kitam pažinti tave iš vidaus, apeinant tą, kartais neigiamą, pirmo žvilgnio įspūdį. Visų antra, yra egzistuojančios, turbūt, begalės virtualių pažinčių istorijos, kurios pasibaigia vestuvėmis ir laimingai nugyventu gyvenimu kartu. Dauguma tokių įstorijų, dažniausiai, išskirtinės, gal kiek neįprastos vyresnės kartos atstovams. Neseniai Facebook socialiniame tinklapyje skaičiau vienos pažįstamos nupasakotą realią istoriją. Joje, ši važiuodama troleibusu, stebi du jaunuolius, pasinėrusius į išmaniųjų telefonų ekranus. Abu jie pirštu brauko...
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...with Afghanistan. Hamdi was arrested based on accusations of fighting with the Taliban against the United States, in which Hamdi was declared as an enemy combatant and was transported to Guantanamo bay as found to be an American citizen Hamdi was then placed indefinitely in a naval brig in Charleston, South Carolina after being shipped between various military bases. Hamdi was held without due process, without the right to an attorney and without notice of any charges pending against him. The government had stated that the executive branch had the right during wartime to declare anyone who fought against the United States as an enemy combatant and in which it would restrict their access to the court system. In June of 2002, Hamdi’s father Esam Fouad Hamdi petitioned for a Writ of Habeas Corpus which is a judicial consent to a prison official ordering that an inmate should be brought to court so it can be determined whether or not that individual is imprisoned lawfully and whether or not the individual should be released. Hamdi’s father argued that Hamdi’s 5th and 14th constitutional rights were violated. The Writ of Habeas Corpus was overturned by the Circuit Court resulting Hamdi’s case to be presented in the United States Supreme Court. The argument Hamdi's father stated was Hamdi had gone to Afghanistan to do relief work and was detained by mistake. The government responded using the Mobbs Declaration, written by Michael Mobbs stating that the government had evidence on details...
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...University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) Malaysian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship and Business (MGSEB) Course Name: Financial Reporting & Controlling Course Code: GST 5033 “Revenue Recognition of AirAsia” Submitted To: Prof Dr. Zulkarnain Bin Muhamad Sori Submitted By: Mohammad Osman Goni (Matric No. P13D179F) Hayder Alwan Kadhim – P13D20F Wesam Esam Hamzi - P14D482F Assel Faisal - P14D484 VALUE CHAIN OF AIRAISA To better understand and analyze the specific activities through which AirAsia can create a competitive advantage, a value chain analysis for airline industry has been conducted as below to model AirAsia as a chain of value creating activities. The goal of these activities (Inbound logistics, Operations, Outbound logistics, Marketing and Sales, and Service) is to create value that exceeds the cost of providing the product or services, thus generating a profit margin. Figure: Sample Value Chain of Airline Industry Value Chain of AIRASIA Inbound Logistics: As inbound logistics involves different categories in airline industry for example how to schedule flights, keeping an eye on their competitors that what strategy they are adopting how to sustain in market, and how to cut off their price as they manage fuel efficiency by purchasing it advance when prices are low, and how to plan routes as they mostly plan short routes so that their costs are low. Outbound Logistics: As air Asia mostly uses their operations through online as their...
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... ne parasts, ne sapņu. Arī zirga un mirdzošu bruņu man nav. Pat ne parastu. Es esmu vienkāršs puisis, ar savu augumu centimetros, svaru kilogramos, un vecumu gados. Darba dienas gaitā man mēdz iesvīst paduses, es apmeklēju tualeti, es ēdu un guļu. Reizēm mans garastāvoklis ir labs, un es smejos, reizēm tas ir īgns vai nedaudz uzvilkts. Šajā pasaulē ir jomas, kas mani aizrauj un ko es saprotu, un ir tādas, kas ir vienaldzīgas un tādas arī paliks. Arī man vajag jumtu virs galvas, nedaudz ēst, un nedaudz siltuma. Es esmu dzīva būtne, 21.gs Eiropā. Ne pasaku radījums, ne zinātniskās fantastikas pārstāvis. Tikai cilvēks, kas aizņem telpu un laiku. Apzināt to, ko tāds varētu Tev sniegt, nebija viegli, it īpaši, ņemot vērā to, ka Tu man šķieti esam pelnījusi visu, visu, visu to labāko. Ar manu sociālo un kulturālo fonu un izaugsmi, man nedraud braukt ar jaunākā izlaiduma mašīnām. No otras puses, man vienmēr būs auto, kas turēsies kopā un katru gadu izies obligāto apskati. Es nedzīvošu pilī, bet arī pajumti mežā, zem skuju telts jumta meklēt nenāksies. Par mani nerunās Holivudā, bet varbūt ka vietējā pagasta laikrakstā zinās vārda pēc. Es neprojektēšu jaunākos kosmosa kuģus, bet arī problēmu paņemt lāpstu vai āmuru aiz pareizā gala nebūs. Sava veida stabilitāte, vai tas būtu pluss, vai mīnuss – izlem Tu. Mūsu attiecības – tajās būs viss. Būs pastaigas roku rokā, kad pasaule būs rozā, un griezīsies ap mums. Būs brīži, kad mēs abi berzīsim netīros traukus. Kādu reizi es Tev gultā pienesīšu...
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...Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror Robin Blankenship POL201: American National Government (GSI1325J) Instructor Amy Lyons January 22, 2013 In our Nation’s history, we have to consider the legality of the Government’s concerning our civil liberties. The habeas Corpus Act and the War on Terror are full of facts and issues that have brought me to address areas that cover the historical evolution, the suspension of habeas corpus, the importance of this act and the evaluation from different perspectives such as the media and the U.S. Supreme Court. Habeas Corpus is a most extraordinary court order of the judges’ power over a human being. “The Habeas Corpus Act passed by Parliament in 1679 guaranteed this right in law, although its origins go back much further, probably to Anglo-Saxon times. It is Latin for "you may have the body” It is a writ which requires a person detained by the authorities be brought before a court of law so that the legality of the detention may be examined.”(BBC NEWS) Habeas Corpus stemmed from the legal traditions of English law, and the Framers of the United States acknowledged the importance of the law. The United States followed and studied this tradition focusing mainly on the effects of the American Civil War, adopting it as “The Privilege of the writ of Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended unless when in cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.”(Revised 9/11) Habeas Corpus is in direct...
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...Reddington’s release he had every right to sue the U.S. Government. This hypothetical closely relates to the Supreme Court case, Hamdi v. Rumsfeld (2004). The deadly attack that enacted this court case was the bombing of the twin towers by al-Qaeda, better known as 9/11. Days after this attack, Congress passed the AUMF, the Authorization for the Use of military force resolution. This gave the president the power to “use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States, (Epstein 176).” During this time, Yaser Esam Hamdi was captured by Afghan elements and delivered him to the U.S. forces. He was transferred to the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Just like Reddingtion, Hamdi was transferred to other locations in Norfolk, Virginia, and Charleston, South Carolina. Hamdi was seen as an “enemy combatant.” While he was in these detentions, his father challenged that this was in violation of habeas corpus and his 5th amendment rights. But the government argued that this was not in violation because during wartime the president can restrict “combatants” access to the courts. This led to the question if “enemy combatants” still allowed due process and 5th Amendment rights. When this issue was brought to court in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld (2004). The Supreme...
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...About Al Baraka | | Al Baraka Islamic Bank B.S.C. (c) - Bahrain (AIB - Bahrain) established 1984 in Bahrain and up the years has pioneered the development of Islamic banking and finance. The Bank is registered with the Bahrain Ministry of Industry &, Commerce CR no. 14400 and is licensed by Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) as an Islamic Retail Bank, with an authorized capital of US$ 600 Million, of which US$ 122 Million has been issued and fully paid.AIB - Bahrain is one of the Banking Units of Al Baraka Banking Group's (ABG). ABG is a Bahraini Joint Stock Company listed on Bahrain and Dubai stock exchanges and one of the well-known leading international Islamic banks. It has been rated by Standard & Poor's as BBB- with a short-term rating of A-3. ABG offers retail, corporate and investment banking and treasury services strictly in accordance with the principles of the Sharia'a. The authorized capital of ABG is US$1.5 billion, while the total equity amounts to about US$ 1.8 billion. The Group has a wide geographical presence in the form of subsidiary banking Units in 14 countries, which in turn provide their services through more than 400 branches. These banking Units are Jordan Islamic Bank/ Jordan, Al Baraka Islamic Bank - Bahrain, Al Baraka Bank Limited/ Pakistan, Banque Al Baraka D'Algerie/ Algeria, Al Baraka Bank Sudan/ Sudan, Al Baraka Bank Ltd/ South Africa, Al Baraka Bank Lebanon/ Lebanon, Al Baraka Bank Tunisia/ Tunisia, Al Baraka Bank Egypt/ Egypt, Al Baraka...
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...Aryabhata: Aryabhatiya with the Commentary of Bhaskara I and Someavara. Critically edited with Introduction and Appendices by Kripa Shankar Shukla. New Delhi: Indian National Science Academy, 1976. % E-Text by Danielle Feller, 2001. % Comments, suggestions should be sent to . THIS TEXT FILE IS FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY! COPYRIGHT AND TERMS OF USAGE AS FOR SOURCE FILE. Text converted to Unicode (UTF-8). (This file is to be used with a UTF-8 font and your browser's VIEW configuration set to UTF-8.) description: long a long A long i long I long u long U multibyte sequence: ā Ā ī Ī ū Ū vocalic r vocalic R long vocalic r vocalic l long vocalic l velar n velar N palatal n palatal N retroflex t retroflex T retroflex d retroflex D retroflex n retroflex N palatal s palatal S retroflex s retroflex S anusvara visarga long e long o l underbar r underbar n underbar k underbar ṛ Ṛ ṝ ḷ ḹ ṅ Ṅ ñ Ñ ṭ Ṭ ḍ Ḍ ṇ Ṇ ś Ś ṣ Ṣ ṃ ḥ ē ō ḻ ṟ ṉ ḵ t underbar ṯ Unless indicated otherwise, accents have been dropped in order to facilitate word search. For a comprehensive list of GRETIL encodings and formats see: www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/ebene_1/fiindolo/gretil/gretdiac.pdf and www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/ebene_1/fiindolo/gretil/gretdias.pdf Āryabhaṭakṛtam Āryabhaṭīyam Bhāskara-viracita-bhāṣyopetam Gītikāpādaḥ [ maṅgalācaraṇam ] yasmāt aśeṣajagatām prabhavam sthitim ca saṃhāram api upadiśanti samagradhīkāḥ | bhṛgvaṅgiraḥprabhṛtayaḥ viditāntarāyāḥ tasmai namaḥ kamalajāya...
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...Analysis of Cross-sectoral Networks in Local Sustainable Development Projects in Japan Noriko Sakamoto Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the International Masters in Environmental Sciences, Lund University, Sweden November 2005 Submitted by: Noriko Sakamoto 4-41-4-805 Arakawa, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 116-0002 Phone: 81-3-3893-5171 Email: noriko.sakamoto.755@student.lu.se Supervisor: Dr. Tomas Kåberger TallOil Phone: 0853524723 Email: tomas.kaberger@talloil.se Mr. Kes McCormick International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University Phone: 0462220256 Email: kes.mccormick@iiiee.lu.se Acknowledgement First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors, Tomas Kåberger and Kes McCormick, for their continuous advice, support and encouragement throughout this thesis work. Without their support, I could not finish writing this paper. Next, I would particularly like to thank my interviewees, Ayako Fujii, Minoru Yamada, Yasuhito Endo, and Hiroshi Shimotenma for warm hospitality. They gave me inspirations for this thesis, and their energy gave me courage to finish this work. I would like to express my gratitude to LUMES program for offering me an opportunity to study environmental sciences, continuous support, and wonderful classmates. Special thanks to all of my classmates, Becky, Cynthia, Eda, Leah, everyone, for sharing laughs and tears, from hard time of thesis writing to wonderful party time. To Kerstin...
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...Q4697 Notices Federal Communications Commission Statement This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: • • This device may not cause harmful interference, and This device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation. Safety information Installation notices Observe the following precautions before installing and using the drive. Do not place this device under direct sunlight, or in humid or damp places. Do not place this device in an unstable position, or on vibrating surfaces. Internal Optical Drive Quick Installation Guide In 35 Languages 日本語 English Svenska Ελληνικά Norsk Français Türkçe Indonesia Українська (Kurulum Kılavuzu) Deutsch Eesti ไทย Bienvenue ! / ようこそ! / 환영합니다! / ยินดีต้อนรับ! / Česky Português Tiếng Việt Italiano Latviski SelamatEspañol / Slovensky Magyar datang! Chào mừng! / / / Bahasa Malaysia Lietuvių Polski Română Hoş Geldiniz! Dansk Русский Slovenščina 繁體中文 български Suomi Nederlands 簡體中文 Қазақ ntient les informations essentielles à la configuration de votre système. Suivez les étapes numérotées apparaissant dans le diagramme de la carte mère pour garantir le bon fonctionnement du système. Reportez-vous au manuel de l’utilisateur pour plus de détails sur les composants, le BIOS ainsi que l’installation et la configuration des logiciels. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device...
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...2013 Internal Marketing & Internal Customer Satisfaction Professor: Dr. Ma’moun Akroush Marketing Research Project 19/05/2013 Team Members: Dafi Jaradat Essam Quza Hazem Haddadin Rebecca Odeh Thuraya Talib Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................. 2 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 3 Problem Definition and Research Questions ............................................................................... 5 Problem Definition ............................................................................................................... 5 Research Questions.............................................................................................................. 5 Research Objectives ............................................................................................................. 5 Literature Review .................................................................................................................... 6 Internal Marketing ............................................................................................................... 6 Employee Satisfaction .......................................................................................................... 9 Employee Retention and Organizational Commitment ................................
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...HOW WILL A SEVERE TERRORIST ALERT EFFECT TOURISM IN SOUTH CAROLINA Brianne Buckner Dr. BRIAN MCCUE PAD 590 JUNE 21, 2010 STRAYER UNIVERSITY CHARLESTON, SC CAMPUS This Directed Research Project (DRP), was conducted and orally presented By ………………………………………………………………………………. Brianne Buckner, Student We hereby certify that this DRP submitted by Brianne Buckner conforms to acceptable standards, and as such is fully adequate in scope and quality. It is therefore approved as the fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of Hospitality and Tourism Management, MBA Approved:_________________________________________ Supervising Faculty__________________________________ Peer Review/Technical Advisor________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APROVAL PAGE………………………………………………………………………...i ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………………ii TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................iii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES………………………………………………….….iv CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY………………………………….….6 Context of the Problem……………………………………………………………6 Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………….7 Main Research Question and Sub-questions………………………………………7 Significance of the Study…………………...…………………………….……….8 Research Design and Methodology………...
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...AARHUS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS University of Aarhus MASTER THESIS Challenges in Lean implementation Successful transformation towards Lean enterprise Ana Valentinova Kovacheva Supervisor: Ana Luiza Lara De Araújo MSc in Strategy, Organization and Leadership January 2010, Aarhus 2 Abstract The paper is based on a systematic literature review that examines how the implementation of Lean could bring value to the organization processes and contribute for achieving an operational excellence. Different organizational factors which have importance in the implementation process, are thoroughly examined. Key success factors that enhance the implementation process are identified - human resource practices, management style, organizational strategic vision, organizational culture, external partnerships. The research outlines the challenges that companies experience when they change their business model towards implementing a new to the company management system – Lean concept. For better understanding of the term the paper suggests definitions from the authors acknowledged in the field. Part of the research considers some critical points that impede the implementation of Lean. The conclusions are drawn upon considering lean as a complete business system, which change the way organization thinks in striving for a competitive advantage. Keywords: lean implementation, lean enterprise, Lean, challenges, process improvement 3 Table of Contents: Introduction...
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...PROSPECTUS Sale of 4,500,000 shares representing 30% of Almarai Company Through an Initial Public Offering at an Offer Price of SAR 512 per share ALMARAI COMPANY A Saudi Joint Stock Company (under conversion) in accordance with Ministerial Resolution No. 773 dated 6/5/1426H (Corresponding to 13/6/2005G) Offering Period: 27/5/1426H to 7/6/1426H (Corresponding to 4/7/2005G to 13/7/2005G) Almarai Company Limited (“Almarai” or the “Company”) was formed as a Saudi limited liability company with Commercial Registration Number 1010084223, dated 19/12/1411H (corresponding to 1/7/1991G). The Minister of Commerce and Industry has, pursuant to resolution No. 773 dated 6/5/1426H (corresponding to 13/6/2005G), authorized the conversion of the Company from a limited liability company into a joint stock company. The share capital of the Company is SAR 750 million consisting of fifteen (15) million shares with a nominal value of SAR 50 each. Following completion of the Offering (as defined below) and the conclusion of the Conversion General Assembly, an application will be submitted to the Minister of Commerce and Industry requesting him to announce the conversion of the Company. The Company will be considered duly converted into a joint stock company from the date of issuance of the Ministerial Resolution declaring its conversion. The Initial Public Offering (the “Offering”) of 4,500,000 shares (the “Offer Shares”) with a nominal value of SAR 50 each, all of which are fully paid, and...
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