...The sponge is made of foam that is inserted into the vaginal area to help prevent pregnancy. It is safe and convenient but it is said that it is not effective. It is a very easy form of birth control to use. It costs about $15 dollars to get through your doctor. The sponge helps block sperm from getting to the uterus. (“Birth Control Sponge”) With the sponge form of birth control it will really need your parents consent because this form is not really effective. This form of birth control is just a sponge that you can get with a prescription so the doctor will have all these questions and these technical terms that no teenager will understand so like what was said earlier you will have to have your parent their to help you understand everything that the doctor is telling...
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...that came together to mold a type of government document that the United States could determine as “central” style of government. These states included New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. By late 1787, the Articles of Confederation were replaced by a more complete United States Constitution. There are several differences and similarities that lead to this American government transformation. The origination of the Articles of Confederation were a dynamic that was set into place in order to safeguard the union of states from any foreign control. It was a time in which the newly born states were yearning to be a set of sovereign states but stay independent from British colony control. Thus, the Articles of Confederation were originated. There were several important aspects of the Articles of Confederation that helped the United States reach a somewhat government goal. In the articles, states were allowed to collect taxes from its citizens in order to further the development and provide the necessities of that state. Each individual state was permitted to do business and interstate commerce with one another. Any type of foreign business practice must be approved by an assembled Congress. As time went on, there were significant problems with the Articles of Confederation. The founding fathers consisting of John...
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...throughout the last several hundred years that overpopulation of the human race is looming and is an unavoidable fate of the human race which will ultimately lead to its self-destruction. One such theory, perhaps the most famous, belongs to Thomas Malthus whom lived during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution laid the foundation for manufacturing on a massive scale which was accompanied by advancements in technology that also brought about an era of farming that was vastly more efficient. In 1798, Thomas Malthus predicted in An Essay on the Principle of Population, (which was revised to accommodate for criticisms,) that the human race could not account for its growth in terms of resources and sustenance as he believed the population increased exponentially compared to food supply (Malthus). Even with the advancements that made farming and growing food significantly more efficient, Malthus believed the extreme population growth due to birth rates as well as marriage rates, would outlast the world’s food supply. This example is one of many that show the human race succumbing to overpopulation. Malthus was wrong, however, and could not account for the production of food as it paralleled...
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...Week 2 – Essay Assignment Spring Quarter 2011 The Certification Statement This is to certify that this essay is my own original making after the researches I made personally from the Web and elsewhere. It contains all the statements which I downloaded and credited appropriately for the sources, also my own remarks and opinions in between many of these paragraphs, which I have made in ITALICS. The conclusion is my own reflection and opinion and the concluding remarks. I certify that this Essay was never submitted anywhere else, and if I had submitted it elsewhere, then I have reworked, revised and added and altered with supplementary and latest information, spending as much time as I would require to produce an original Essay for this class. Thank you, Sally Introduction Most cultures of the world have religious beliefs that supernatural powers can be compelled, or at least influenced, to act in certain ways for good or evil purposes by using ritual formulas. These formulas are considered to be called magic. This is very different from television and stage "magic" that depends on slight-of-hand tricks and contrived illusions rather than supernatural power. At times, this magic was called “black magic” and was used together with other forms known as sorcery, witchcraft and fortune telling. Centuries ago, these forms of magic were considered to be less ‘religious’...
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...In this essay, I will talk about the Greek myth theseus and attempt to connect to our modern culture. I will compare a very important historical figure, Simon Bolivar, and compare him to Theseus and his story. The Central focus of this essay is that the Greek myth of Theseus illustrates that ones achievements deliver positive rewards, and a society that chooses to select leaders based on merit, instead of heredity, tend to be stronger above their peers, this can be for better or for worse. First, we will talk about the myth itself and Theseus’ story before becoming king of Athens this is a long story, but I’m adding this to show Theseus showed his competence as a leader before becoming king, which is probably what lead him to found Story...
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...dyestuffs were found to have antiseptic properties. Companies like Hoffman-la rochy, Sandoz, Novartis are all started as Rhine based family dyestuff and chemical companies, which are still doing tremendous business even to day. Slowly these chemical companies started making pharmaceuticals and synthetic chemicals and evolved as global players. In early 1940's the industry showed drastic changes such as introduction of penicillin and other drugs. In 1960's industry growing rapidly with the setting up of R&D not only this economies prospered by the spending on health care in same period. In 1970's industry showed major development but a strong regulatory controls also came into existence with this development, and this regulatory controls had removed the rule of permanent patent to some fixed period which resulted in birth of branded generics. ENVIRONMENTAL FORCES...
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...good nature but when one commits a sin it not only hurts that one person but the people and the Church.... [tags: Catholicism, What Catholics Believe, informative] 1922 words (5.5 pages) $14.95 [preview] Catholic religion - CATHOLIC RELIGION To belong to the church one must accept as factually true the gospel of Jesus as handed down in tradition and as interpreted by the bishops in union with the pope. The most important thing in this divine tradition is the Bible, its text determined and disseminated by the church. The church, according to the Roman Catholic catechism, is the only Christian body that is “one, holy, catholic (universal)”. The doctrine of apostolic succession is one of the key parts of the Catholic faith.... [tags: essays research papers] 748 words (2.1 pages) $14.95...
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...access to the internet. Having the capability to communicate with anyone around the world may change ones perception of the world personally and globally. Individuals can discuss various topics and express their different points of views on the subject. Recent events at ones fingertip is a powerful tool to have. Being able to hear about global events within minutes of it actually happening may change ones view on world issues personally and globally. Online video games and social media sites can alter ones perception of the word, while allowing individuals to acquire and discuss ideas from around the world. The internet’s advancements have allowed for online video games. These games allow players to have online contact with people all over the world. These online games are usually called MMO games, or Massive Multiplayer Online games. Many people around the world play online video games; experts say the companies strive to make the games addicting so more people play for longer periods of time. Online games allow individuals to meet people from around the globe which can very much change ones perception of the world. While communicating with individuals from different cultures one can understand different viewpoints. Through this experience one can learn an enormous amount of information about the earth they live in through different aspects of others. In the article, “Online video game addiction: identification of addicted...
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...moment. (Hobsbawm, 1994) The consequences of the ‘power vacuum’ in central Europe, created by the defeat of Germany, gave rise to these two super powers (Dunbabin, 1994). The world was divided into two parts. The USSR controlled the zone occupied by her Red Army or other communist armed forces. On the other hand, USA exercised control and dominance over the rest of the capitalist world as well as the western hemisphere and the oceans. (Hobsbawm, 1994) It is rather very difficult to argue that a particular country like the USA has won the cold war completely. Cold war gave birth to lots of problems in the world. During the cold war period, various events occurred subsequently. So the whole period was a combination of different issues and various factors related to it. Yet, evaluating the climax and the aftermath situation of the cold war, it can be argued that USA and its allies have succeeded to a great extent. On the other hand, as a consequence of the cold war, USSR has suffered extensively. The Soviet system of socialism collapsed. It has lost some of its reigns. However, USA has faced with number of political, diplomatic difficulties too. The essay will try to argue that the USA did win the Cold War but not entirely; on the contrary it has suffered during different stages of that particular period. . The cold war was a...
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...August 20, 2015 3.2.13 Practice: Revision Strategies The tempest one of the most difficult Shakespearean works in my opion to stage, from its stormy, chaotic first scene to its sureality to its ambiguous resolution, with Prospero facing his silent, treacherous brother and renouncing the power that has made every action in the story possible. Potent language remains the central force and mystery of this fathomless play. Prospero speaks almost a third of the lines in The Tempest, and controls the amount of speech every other character on the island has through manipulation and magic. Prospero’s narrative of how he came to the island, what he did once there, and what he is owed for this history, goes largely unchallenged in the text. Yet the play offers innumerable readings and opportunities for alternate staging, particularly in light of postcolonial discourse about Prospero’s relationship with Ariel and Caliban, the legitimacy of his authority, and the nature of his magic and command over language. Though Prospero can be played many ways, there is no doubt he is The Tempest’s show runner. The metatheatrical nature of the play sometimes detracts from its action on the page, but it also offers the chance to explore exactly why Prospero needs an audience for his revenge, and whether or not it satisfies him, onstage. Prospero restricts the sight and knowledge of the other characters, putting them to sleep or manipulating them with invisible forces, but he often lets us, the audience...
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...University of Sharjah International Relations Political Theory Ideas on States and Justice in the thought of Augustine and Rousseau Essay Assignment By: May Ramez Mahrat Supervised by: Dr. Jeremy Kleidosty Arguments and philosophical explanations for what justifies power and states, inspired by the European Enlightenment thought, has headed closer toward reasoning and further from faith. The thought of Rousseau and Saint Augustine is a clear representation of the two poles of reason and faith in political thought. Rousseau, outlining the basis of his social contract on the natural goodness of human beings and putting sovereignty in the hand s of people, differs widely from Augustine who addresses the state as an “essential evil” put to discipline men who are sinners by nature. The political arguments of these two philosophers, who lived in two different ages, represent a different kind of Enlightenment for the both ages that they lived in. This essay will discuss Rousseau’s and Augustine’s regards to state, justice and property and will examine the effects of their thoughts on modern politics. Augustine and Rousseau in Comparison Wrapping his political and social beliefs with virtuous, deist and theological Christian discourse, Augustine, the Christian bishop, presents a leap in the Western thought at a time close to the beginning of the middle ages. His political views in his writings are interpreted differently by various scholars as he rarely expresses direct...
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...Prohibition was intended to rid the world of the vices of alcohol, by outlawing its consumption and access to the common man. Alcoholism is defined as “a preoccupation with alcohol and impaired control over alcohol intake. Alcoholism is a chronic, often progressive disease. Left untreated, alcoholism can be fatal (Mayo Clinic, 2007).” Prohibition was a thirteen year experiment by the government of the United States to control the behavior and actions of the people. The results of this experiment were flagrantly negative due to poor planning and underachieving efforts on the part of the government to properly compensate for the efficiency and effectiveness of organized crime and bootleggers. This essay will illustrate the highs and lows of the 18th Amendment of the Constitution prohibiting the sale, manufacturing, and transportation of alcohol was impossible to enforce wasting time, money and government manpower. Over the years alcohol has become a permanent fixture in the lives of American citizens. To each and every American, alcohol has a positive or negative impact based on the individuals unique life experiences. Alcohol has been perceived as a conveyer of bad habits and the pitfall to the very fabric of positive living in America. All individual lives are unique and full of positives and negatives; however alcohol is the original “substance of abuse” and has had a major impact on the better moral judgment of its users (Mayo Clinic, 2007). This is nothing new however...
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...Demographic Dividend Opportunity or Threat In 1798, in his An Essay on the Principle of Population, Reverend Thomas Malthus posited that the human population growing at an exponential rate shall someday surpass the level sustainable by the arithmetically growing rate of food production. This statement, which forms the crux of Malthusianism, argued for greater birth control measures to keep population in check. The 19th century, though not without its problems of population related urbanization, didn’t see Malthus’ premonition come to fruition and his argument seemed to have been laid to rest, albeit for half a century when in the wake of unshackling of slavery’s yoke by very many nations in the post war world, it was resurrected by the aptly named neo-Malthusians, including the likes of Paul Ehlrich (the Population Bomb) and the Paddock Brothers (Famine 1975! America's Decision: Who Will Survive?) Influenced by Soviet ideas, India was the first country to have an official population control policy in 1951. While the numbers would say that the policy hasn’t been successful, India has a population of 1.25 billion, the country has, by serendipity or by plan, reached a stage where the potential of its large population and the structure of it has become an important weapon in the country’s growing economic arsenal. The Demographic dividend, as this weapon is popularly called, depends on the make-up of the population, particularly on the dependency ratio, which is...
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...In Search of Her: A Postcolonial/ Feminist Enquiry into the Identity of Indian Woman Kochurani Abraham “The home was the principal site for expressing the spiritual quality of the nation’s culture and women must take the main responsibility of protecting and nurturing this quality. No matter what the changes in the external conditions of life for women, they must not lose their essentially spiritual (ie feminine) virtues; they must not, in other words, become essentially westernized.” - Partha Chatterjee, “The Nationalist Resolution of the Women’s Question”* “What was gradually and carefully constituted, brick by brick, in the interaction between colonialism and nationalism is now so deeply embedded in the consciousness of the middle classes that ideas about the past have assumed the status of revealed truths…It has led to a narrow and limiting circle in which the image of Indian womanhood has become, both a shackle and a rhetorical device that nevertheless functions as a historical truth.” - Uma Chakravarti “Whatever happened to the Vedic Dasi?: Orientalism, Nationalism and a Script for the Past.”* Who/where is the Indian woman? Since this conference focuses on the theme “Identity, Difference and...
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