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Essay On How To Change Our Environment

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What can one individual do to change their lifestyle and help the environment? It doesn’t seem like one person would be enough. How about hundred or millions of people? Seems possible now. Doesn’t it? How about going vegan or cutting down on the portion of meat per week? Even changing your diet to organic? It sounds challenging but not impossible. By doing either one you can help make a difference to our environment. Most of the animals we eat are not being raised naturally because workers are being abused by big companies. sets strict rules, by changing our lifestyle we can help the environment. You will make a difference in your health by reducing the chances of getting E.coli and any other diseases.
Ever think about how much meat Americans are consuming weekly? In the article, they stated, “industrialized countries consume twice as much meat as medical experts deem healthy: in the U.S., it’s three times as much” (“Other Carbon Tax” 1). Three times as much is a lot, but what Americans do not take into consideration what goes on in the meat industry which is not healthy for our environment and the animals who are being …show more content…
It starts with a simple act of changing your habits. Switching to organic foods which are foods that do not contain any antibiotics or hormones. Cage-free animals who had some freedom still instead of being locked up in a small house. When shopping for foods such as fruits and vegetables changing from imported food to seasonal local foods an amazing way to start bringing change to help save the lives of the animals who are being treated cruelly. We need to protect the animals who have sacrificed for us. Little actions that people do can make a difference in the way people think of meat factories. Animals need to be fed correctly. Meaning no corn just their natural foods. People should change the way they eat and change the way they buy food at the

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