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Essay on the Changing Role of Liberalism from 40s to 50s


Submitted By ca10
Words 1462
Pages 6
Callie Grant
Chris Perreira
Section A03
26 February 2013 Changing Tides The creation of the United States was founded upon the idea that a government that governs less governs best, however, in the early twentieth century it was necessary for the role of the government to expand for protection of liberty and fairness to continue. Under the motivation of President Franklin D Roosevelt, the ideas of government changed drastically from a rather distant relationship between the government and its people to one where executive power was used to meet the needs of the people. Consequently, almost every President, starting with Franklin D Roosevelt in 1933 to the present has slowly expanded the role of government to what we have today. The Federal Government as well as the Supreme Court changed its ideals increasingly about thoughts on interference in the lives of individuals as classical liberalism morphed into what is known as liberalism today. Through the onset of protective labor laws and the programs initiated by the New Deal a shift in the Democratic Party towards leftist ideals was recognized. With the United States emerging as a more industrialized nation, new laws were necessary to protect those subjugated to unsafe conditions, unfair wages and long work hours. In this change from a mostly agriculturally dominated society to a more industrialized one the development of a more dependent labor force was derived. These dependents were continually abused as the Supreme Court ignored disparities of the people in defense of an outdated interpretation of the Constitution. Employees’ right to work long hours and earn modest pay was considered a freedom protected by the Due Process Clause and linked to the emergence of slavery. That judicial notion of liberty constrained legislators from interfering with employers who coerced laborers to work excessively

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