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Essay On White Women In The Media

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Our media is a reflection of our society, and unfortunately our society often mirrors that reflection. How can we claim to be a progressive culture when we regurgitate the same problematic tropes that have plagued our society for centuries?

We are always exposed through television, the Internet, movies, radio, advertisements, the—list is endless. Even during infancy, we have internalizing media that has likely been our first exposure to many new concepts. If we take American hegemony into consideration, then our country’s media is being assimilated into countless countries throughout the world. The assimilation of westernized sexism, racism, homophobia, and transphobia is being internalized by Western and non-Western people alike.

Our criticism …show more content…
The Bechdel test itself was not intended to serve as a legitimate indicator of proper depictions of feminism. Plenty of movies have passed this test and yet are still teeming with misogyny. When women of color are seen as deviant from the norm then we can’t truly compare the validation of the few existing empowering female characters of color to those of White female characters when their standards are completely different. Positive female representation isn’t always such a simple …show more content…
This extends further than the controversy of how much violence in our culture is inspired by our media. Actual acts of violence against marginalized groups are often glamorized and sexualized, and women are often the most likely to be relegated to this position of abuse. The fact that the disproportional rates of domestic abuse and rape are still significantly shifted toward women is no coincidence. Women have to pay the price with their bodies and emotional well-beings for the viewing pleasure of an audience being taught to abuse

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