...Test Essay Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum, neque et dictum tempor, mauris urna fringilla quam, non vestibulum orci nisi aliquam velit. Aenean ullamcorper lectus id justo faucibus et dapibus lectus rutrum. Pellentesque ullamcorper dui vel lorem elementum porttitor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed sed libero augue, sed accumsan ipsum. Nullam consequat, purus et consequat ornare, magna ante aliquet lectus, id pretium turpis dui id purus. Ut erat augue, bibendum at consequat a, sagittis vitae nibh. Fusce tristique dapibus mi non tempus. Maecenas consectetur congue venenatis. Maecenas lobortis, purus vel pellentesque mollis, lorem urna feugiat lectus, quis rutrum quam arcu quis velit. Vestibulum eget sem justo, ac venenatis purus. In tellus odio, commodo dapibus rutrum id, auctor at tortor. Cras auctor lorem vitae odio pharetra elementum. Morbi id mi sit amet turpis adipiscing congue non non nisi. Integer ac arcu sapien. Nullam ornare lectus enim. Nam eleifend convallis purus id ultrices. Donec semper elit vitae magna porta nec placerat quam sagittis. Nullam vitae ante ipsum. Curabitur ultrices felis a lectus fermentum tempor. Nulla non tempor massa. Maecenas nec tincidunt lectus. Nam vitae lectus sed arcu elementum convallis. Nulla at eros in justo pretium luctus at id nisi. Cras ullamcorper nisi in lorem iaculis dictum. Praesent ac augue lorem, ac cursus mauris. Mauris faucibus, erat a pretium porttitor, elit ante aliquam erat, ac molestie...
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...Can the Damage on Earth be reversed? Human activities occurring every day have had colossal damage to our planet Earth from the past, and these activities are perpetual. The infinity aspect of these perverse human doings implies continuous damage to the Earth. These activities include air pollution as a result of industrial emissions, water pollution caused by industrial waste products, noise pollution, and soil pollution. These damages yield adverse effects such as global warming, climate change, and loss of marine life among many aggravating effects of environmental damage. Even though, global organizations and governments have devoted much effort to environmental protection and restoration, is the damage reversible? Therefore, this paper aims at assessing various forms of damage to the environment and evaluating whether the damage can be reversed. Global warming has adverse effects on human health across the planet. For this reason, it has triggered responses from global corporations, and nations aimed at combating global warming. This can be accomplished through mitigation of the causes and effects, adaptation to altering the ecosystem, and geoengineering to reverse global warming, (Haldar, 2011). Sequestration method can be used as a means of mitigating global warming that involves capturing and storage of greenhouse gases while reducing emissions of these gases. Planetary engineering called geoengineering can be used as another method of deliberating modifications of the...
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...The assassination of John F. Kennedy is one of the most controversial and debated topics in American History. JFK was one of the most beloved presidents of our time. One article of his death wrote, "The day the country cried". Unlike previous presidential assassinations, the JFK assassination is one that is filled the conspiracy theories. Such theories include a Government cover-up, Mafia influence and Cuban President Fidel Castro. The idea of a lone mind, Lee Harvey Oswald, plotting to kill President Kennedy is too simple. In the eyes of scholars there is simply no way that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Even with the growing number of bogus theories, there are a number of logical theories that do hold water. In this paper I will discuss a couple of the conspiracy theories that are published for the public to read. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 while riding through the streets of Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. Many people now believe that his murder was a result of a conspiracy. Based on acoustical evidence, it has been scientifically proven, with 96.3% certainty that there were four shots fired from two different shooters. Many people believe that there was no possible way that Oswald had the time to fire all four shots, therefore there must have been a second shooter, right? Theorists who support the fact that Oswald acted alone like to question several ideas supported by these conspiracy theorists. To look at it more in depth you have to...
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...LAN AIRLINES S.A. Y FILIALES ESTADOS FINANCIEROS CONSOLIDADOS 31 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2011 CONTENIDO Informe de los auditores independientes Estado de situación financiera clasificado consolidado Estado de resultados consolidado por función Estado de resultados integrales consolidado Estado de cambios en el patrimonio Estado de flujos de efectivo consolidado - método directo Notas a los estados financieros consolidados CLP ARS US$ MUS$ COP - PESOS CHILENOS PESOS ARGENTINOS DOLARES ESTADOUNIDENSES MILES DE DOLARES ESTADOUNIDENSES PESOS COLOMBIANOS Indice de las Notas a los estados financieros consolidados de Lan Airlines S.A. y Filiales Notas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Página Información general Resumen de principales políticas contables 2.1. Bases de preparación 2.2. Bases de consolidación 2.3. Transacciones en moneda extranjera 2.4. Propiedades, plantas y equipos 2.5. Activos intangibles distintos de la plusvalía 2.6. Plusvalía 2.7. Costos por intereses 2.8. Pérdidas por deterioro de valor de los activos no financieros 2.9. Activos financieros 2.10. Instrumentos financieros derivados y actividades de cobertura 2.11. Inventarios 2.12. Deudores comerciales y otras cuentas por cobrar 2.13. Efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo 2.14. Capital emitido 2.15. Cuentas por pagar comerciales y otras cuentas por pagar 2.16. Préstamos que devengan intereses 2.17. Impuestos diferidos 2.18. Beneficios a los empleados 2.19. Provisiones 2.20...
Words: 50173 - Pages: 201
...Accesorios de Oficina : Muebles y Productos de Oficina : Office Depot http://store.officedepot.com.mx/OnlineStore/SearchSKU.do?sku=47869 Inicio | Ventas Corporativas | Nuestra Compañia | Ayuda Buscar por TV Ingresa palabra clave o SKU Cotizaciones y Pedidos 01 800 910 00 00 Asesoría Compras en Línea 01 800 712 0934 Codigo Postal| Login | Registro Principal > Producto encontrado 0 Artículo(s) en el carrito Subtotal: $0.00 Envío GRATIS * DISCO DURO SEAGATE EXPANSION 1.5TB 3.5 1 of 3 13/08/2010 12:53 p.m. Accesorios de Oficina : Muebles y Productos de Oficina : Office Depot http://store.officedepot.com.mx/OnlineStore/SearchSKU.do?sku=47869 Agrandar Imagen Item #: 47869 $2,599.00 Disponible PIEZA Cantidad: DISCO DURO EXTERNO 3.5" CAPACIDAD DE ALMACENAMIENTO 1.5TB CONECTIVIDAD/INTERFASE:USB 2 REVOLUCIONES POR MINUTO:5000RPM VELOCIDAD/TRANSM:.USB UPTO 40MB/S COMPATIBLE CON WINDOWS 2000/XP/ VISTA/7/MAC 2 of 3 13/08/2010 12:53 p.m. Accesorios de Oficina : Muebles y Productos de Oficina : Office Depot http://store.officedepot.com.mx/OnlineStore/SearchSKU.do?sku=47869 Informacion del Sitio Internacional Terminos de uso Politicas comerciales Politicas de privacidad Atencion al cliente Contactanos Informacion de entrega DHL Entrega a Domicilio Gratis Extra Cobertura Proveedores Nuestra Compania Acerca de Office Depot Ubicacion de tiendas Mision Descargar Logos Productos Articulos de Oficina Muebles Tecnologia Centro de Copiado...
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...Resource Assignments Delivery, Project and Resource Managers, Portfolio Managers, Planners The Hewlett-Packard Project and Portfolio system has been reconfigured to reflect the recent organizational changes for the 2008 Development Annual Plan (DAP) and operating calendar Framework and Background The conceptual design of the HP-PPM system revolves around resource utilization and optimization. The system process and objects include: 1. Resource Pools – collection of individuals with a common resource manager responsible for “allocating” resources to approved work initiatives. Each resource (person) is tagged with a specific “Role” (think of this as a capability or area of expertise; not specific skill) and is assigned to a Resource Pool. This pool then acts as a supply and demand center for all work initiatives requiring that “Role”. Each resource is assigned a “capacity” (typically 40 hours per week), which establishes the “supply” side of the demand management equation. A Resource Pool may contain more than one Role, or set of individuals. In our case, the Resource Pool has been established at the Department (budget) level, so there are 7 primary (contains assignable resources) resource pools in IT: ➢ Product Technology Enterprise Governance ➢ Information Strategy Product Development ➢ Technical Operations Business Services ➢ Enterprise Architecture Pools for Program...
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...Wednesday nights, where they taught us how to look for tricks in the test, how to avoid doing actual work, sneaking, crafting the trade of shortcuts. I remember sitting there in the bright fluorescently lit, bleak whitewashed room that was 163, while the older woman preached how the ACT is all about knowing the little nuances of the ACT. At this point it is 8pm I have been awake for 14 hours, my head is tucked away in my arm, cocooning into my jacket, entangled in a web of dreams. However hearing this my ears perk up, like a dog barking at the mailman, I drag my head up, eyes adjusting to the light, brain rebooting, I raise my somewhat limp and half extended hand up. I asked so you mean to tell us that the ACT doesn’t even look for our academic ability? She proceeds with the deadly stare as is if this 60 year old woman was going to grab the yardstick nearby and break it over my head for asking such a dumb question. She clears her wrinkly dangling throat and proceeds with of “course it’s about academic ability, we are just trying to teach you how to look at the test”. Standardized Tests were devised by experts convened by state education commissioners and governors to set uniform benchmarks for learning. They come labeled in different names from District Assessments,...
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...Test Essay Questions Question #1 Chaerephon asked the omniscient oracle if there was anyone wiser than Socrates, and the Oracle replied there was not. Socrates becomes very perplexed by the answer for he knew the Oracle could not tell a lie & he knew he had no certain wisdom or knowledge. In order to test the claim of the Oracle, Socrates began to question Athenian men whose knowledge was highly respected such as the politicians, the poets, and craftsmen. He found that the politicians who thought they were very wise, in fact knew nothing at all. The poets were incapable of explaining their works; Socrates concluded that their genius came not from wisdom but from some sort of instinct or inspiration which was in no way connected to their intellect. Furthermore, these poets seemed to think they could speak intelligently about all sorts of matters concerning which they were quite ignorant. In the craftsmen, Socrates found men who truly did have great wisdom in their craft, but invariably, they seemed to think that their expertise in one field allowed them to speak authoritatively in many other fields, about which they knew nothing. In each case, Socrates affirmed that he would rather be as he is, knowing that he knows nothing, than to be inflated by a false sense of his own wisdom. Thus, he concludes, he truly is wiser than other men because he does not think he knows what he does not know. Though many people take Socrates to be an expert in the fields of which he questions...
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...Question #1: In 1835, Bassi showed that a fungus caused a silkworm disease, and in 1865 Pasteur discovered that a protozoan caused another silkworm disease. Why do we use Koch's postulates instead of Bassi's or Pasteur's postulates? Answer #1: Koch was the major mind in establishing that microorganisms cause a specific disease. He was able to prove that certain bacteria was present in the blood of the infected person or animal, but the presence of the bacteria could have been caused by the disease. Koch proved that certain infectious diseases are caused by certain microorganisms that can be isolated and cultures onto a media. The requirements Koch established are that the same pathogen must be present in every case of the disease, the pathogen must be isolated from the host and grown in a pure culture, the pathogen in the pure culture must cause the disease when it is inoculated into a healthy lab animal, and finally the pathogen must be isolated from the animal and must be shown to the original organism. Bassi and Pasteur were not able at that time to correlate the pathogen with the specific disease. Question 3: In 1884, Hans Christian Gram described a method of staining bacterial cells while not staining surrounding animal tissues; however, he thought the staining method he developed was faulty because not all bacteria stained. In a letter to the editor of the journal in which Gram published his findings, write your response to Gram's concern. Answer 3: Dear Editor,...
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...A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A aaaaaaa aaa adddddddddd ddddddddddddd ddeeeeeeeeee ssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss rrrr A...
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...Following are the tests used for the identification of bacterial species based on the differences in the biochemical activities of different bacteria. Beta glucouronidase test is used for the identification of Escherichia coli. An enzyme is produced by E.coli which is beta D glucouronidase. Beta d glucouronidase in turn hydrolyzes beta d glucopyranosid uronic derivatives to aglycons and D glucuronic acid. Bile solubility test is used in laboratory for differentiation of alpha hemolytic Streptococci from Streptococcus pneumoniae. In catalase test it acts as a catalyst for the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water. Catalase production test is done for an organism by bringing it into association with hydrogen peroxide. If an organism is...
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...Essay Test Tips-Help Read the directions carefully. Pay close attention to whether you are supposed to answer all the essays or only a specified amount (e.g. "Answer 2 out of the 3 questions). Make sure that you understand what the question is asking you. If you're not, ask your instructor. Make sure that you write down everything that is asked of you and more. The more details and facts that you write down, the higher your grade is going to be. Budget your time, don't spend the entire test time on one essay. If the question is asking for facts, don't give your personal opinion on the topic. When writing your essay, try to be as neat as possible, neater papers usually receive higher marks. Make an outline before writing your essay. This way your essay will be more organized and fluid. If you happen to run out of time, most instructors will give you partial credit for the ideas that you have outlined. Don't write long introductions and conclusions, the bulk of your time should be spent on answering the question(s) asked. Focus on one main idea per a paragraph. If you have time left at the end, proofread your work and correct any errors. Budget your time. If you have an hour to write 3 essays, spend no more than 20 minutes on each essay, then if you have time left over at the end go back and finish any incomplete essays. If you aren't sure about an exact date or number, use approximations e.g. "Approximately 5000" or "In the late 17th century." If you make...
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...MGMT 3390-02 Sept 8, 2014 Test 1 Test 1 Essay Questions 1) Chapmon has a prima facie case regarding disparate treatment discrimination. Under Title VII, Chapmon falls under a protected class as a minority African American man. Title VII states that all similarly situated employees should be given equal and fair treatment. It is not equal and fair that Chapmon has to bring his bed with him every time he transfers because the white employees are not told to do the same thing. Having to haul his bed with him every time he transferred was an adverse action against him. The fire chief automatically loses this case by bringing up Chapmon’s race as a reason for his decision as this is evidence of the disparate treatment. Chapmon was treated differently because he was black. Chapmon wins the case! 2) While it is unfortunate that Harris was terminated for her bubbly and loud personality, she does not have any good reason for a legal case. Georgia is an at-will employment state. Employees have the right to quit their job for any reason, and employers have the right to terminate for any reason, as long as it is not discriminatory under Title VII. She was not terminated because she is a woman or because she is a minority, etc. The situation does not fall under any exceptions to the Doctrine of Employment-at-Will. The owner warned her of her actions, and determined that she was not a good fit for the business atmosphere; nothing more, nothing...
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...Seminar One Essay Test The first method is for a bill to pass both houses of the legislature, by a two-thirds majority in each. Once the bill has passed both houses, it goes on to the states. This is the route taken by all current amendments. Due to some long outstanding amendments, Congress will normally put a time limit for the bill to be approved as an amendment which is typically seven years. The second method prescribed is for a Constitutional Convention to be called by two-thirds of the legislatures of the States, and for that Convention to propose one or more amendments. These amendments are then sent to the states to be approved by three-fourths of the legislatures or conventions. Regardless of which of the two proposal routes is taken, the amendment must be ratified, or approved, by three-fourths of states. There are two ways to do this, too. The text of the amendment may specify whether the bill must be passed by the state legislatures or by a state convention. The Bill of Rights were passed due to the fact that the Federalists basically horse traded with several states to get the constitution ratified. It still was no easy task getting the Bill of Rights ratified. James Madison had to go through and pick out the best ideas from state conventions as he drafted the Bill of Rights. The rights protected individuals from the federal government trampling their rights. Due to the recent war with England and the oppression of the King fresh in mind the Bill of Rights was...
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...What is the ACT Aspire Test? Colleges accept both SAT or ACT test results for determining that a student is academically ready for college. While some students take both tests, others choose one. The ACT is described as more of an achievement exam, while the SAT requires more reasoning skills. The ACT is comprised of multiple-choice questions in the areas of English, reading, science, mathematics, and includes an optional writing test. Many school districts have taken measures to buildup participation in the ACT and optimize student outcomes. ACT Aspire is the latest curriculum-based program for elementary through high school students, designed specifically to: provide early assessment of student progress; enhance college readiness; and...
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