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Ethical Implications Of Teen Births

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One example that I can think of in regards to ethical dilemmas is how the entertainment industry exploits this generation’s youth, and the very sad part about it is that consumers can’t wait to get their fix when they watch it. 16 and Pregnant was a show that aired on MTV that gave young viewers a look into the life of a struggling mother, a young mother, a mother who is 16, still considered a child, and is now taking care of one. Studies have showed that this show has led to fewer teen births, which is fantastic! Teen births is something that is happening far too often this day in age, but what I dislike about this show is how it takes a young adult, tries to get her to show the world what it really means to be pregnant at sixteen, but ends up turning her into a celebrity. It sends the wrong message to views, especially the young viewers who watch the show. Speculation has even risen that young woman are getting pregnant just to audition with the show! Throwing away your life to maybe win an audition on a show is terrible! You’re bringing in a new life, a life that is going to be dependent on you, and though the show doesn’t force these girls to do anything, but it most definitely in a way encourages or influences them into making a choice that could change their life forever. Was …show more content…
The overall message of this show has changed; it has taken a turn that isn’t what parents of young teens want to see on television. Studies have shown that teen births have dropped, but what about the other teens that don’t understand what the main intention of the show was? What if they truly don’t understand it and just see young, teen mothers who are making money on a show, posing on magazine covers, making lots of money? What happens

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