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Food Supplies Safe

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Is our food supply safe? It’s a difficult question to answer; in my opinion our food is not safe.
Billions of people consume food daily across the world, throughout school, restaurants and work which some of it is not safe to eat. There are many reasons why I think it is not safe because most food items are mixed with other condiments. And a lot of food is not naturally grown, for example, the chicken we eat most of it is not produced naturally. Chicken and cows are injected with hormones, so they will able to grow and produce more meat. Also foods that are produced in factories are not sanitary to eat. Because you don’t know how long it has been there or what it contains. Microbes can be spread in many different ways. …show more content…
This is good because it keeps insects away but at the same time that toxic goes inside the plants and at the end we eat the plants. So basically we are eating vegetables and fruits that contain toxic, which is why is really important to wash the items before eating. According to scientist is really rare we can eat bacteria, but you never know. Even when food is prepared, cooked and served the correct way it can still have germs. Food can sometimes be contaminated with a bacteria called Food-borne, it is when you consume contaminated drink or food. Toxic and myriad microbes can cause contamination and poison. Three main bacteria that cause foodborne infections are E. Coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter. And some of the main foodborne diseases are caused by parasites, bacteria and viruses. It can lead to having abdominal cramps, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

President Barack Obama signed a new law for the Food Safety Modernization Act on January 4,
2011. This law increased the FDA authority to regulate, monitor and improve food safety. By monitoring imported food products, inspect facilities on site and if certain food do not meet …show more content…
Current estimates for 2011 indicate that 15% of Americans will develop food-borne illness, resulting in 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths.”(Abstract &
Commentary: The FDA and Food Safety, 2011). As you can see since there is more regulations illness and deaths has decreased. Another reason our food is not safe is because for the past few decades, our diet has decreased and it has increased a high amount in obesity. Obesity leads to one of the highest health problems in the United States. “Currently, more than one third of adults older than 20 years are obese, defined as having a body mass index of 30 or more. Obesity and sedentary lifestyle are risk factors for a variety of chronic conditions and are leading causes of premature mortality and years of life lost.
Various estimates put the number of deaths attributable to obesity in the United States between
112,000 and 300 000, second only to cigarette smoking.” (Kirby, 2012). Most of the food Americans consume are highly processed food which includes a high amount of fat, salt, sugar, saturated fat, oil.
This can cause for you to get sick and have health problems like diabetes, strokes, diabetes,

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