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Shelters-Personal Narrative

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June 26th, 2003 I woke up from sleep to the monitors saying that it was safe to come out from the bomb shelters. The world was at war and everyone was in safe places for about a year. A lot of people weren’t prepared for this because it came out of nowhere. Most of the people probably didn’t make it. I was so worried to go out and see what had happened. I miss my family and I’ve been going crazy. I’ve been alone for about a year. I had no idea what happened to my family. They must not be alive. If they were I would have no idea where they are I thought. I was so scared to go outside but I knew I had to eventually. I put all my belongings into a certain area with a lock because I didn’t want to risk anyone taking my stuff. Who know what people could be like. They could be going crazy. People could’ve ran out of food and are going mad crazy to find food. I wasn’t going to risk it. …show more content…
It was so bright. I haven’t seen it in so long. The sky was filled with dark dust. I heard it would be like this for a couple of days. I instantly started choking on it so I went back down and grabbed something to cover the lower half of my face. I started walking towards the hatch and it slammed shut. I tried to open the hatch but it wouldn't open. I instantly started to panick. I didn't know how i was going to open or what was wrong because it's only supposed to lock from the inside. I could hear noises outside so i thought people were out there. I grabbed a bar that held the table up and went to go smash the door open but when i went to do that it opened up again. I walked outside and saw absolutely nothing around me. All that was outside was building crashed to the ground that used to be here. It look nothing like before. There was nobody around as far as i could see. Which wasn't too far because the dust in the air was thick. I yelled twice to see if anyone was around and could hear

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