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Ethical Issues In Juvenile Detention Facilities

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There are thousands of lesbian gay bisexual and transgender youth in juvenile detention facilities throughout the United States. They are left unprotected from violence and harassment, subjected to differential treatment and denied appropriate services. Youth who are incarcerated or detained have the right to safe conditions and protections from aggressive inmates and staff. If correctional officer witnesses a juvenile being harmed that have to intervene. This does not always occur happen. Many LGBT youth incarcerated are being physically and mentally harmed. Physical harassment is a major problem for LGBT youth, though it is not citied as often as other types of harassments.
As on one transgender youth described her experience, “Most people in here are stupid. They treat me like I’m not a …show more content…
If a facility professional know that a youth has significant mental or medical health needs such as a medical diagnose of Gender Identification Disorder, (Gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder is the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians to describe people who experience significant dysphoria with the sex and gender they were assigned at birth.) but do not take the appropriate step necessary to address them. If they ignore the physician orders, the facility is violating the juvenile’s right to medical care. The facility must provide appropriate treatment and accommodations for the youth or risk facing liability. In 2003, a transgender girl sued the New York Administration for not allowing her to wear female clothes in her all-boy group home. While there she was not allowed from expressing her female gender identity, even though she was previously diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder. The facility was required to make accommodations foe her transgender status and to allow her to dress and present herself as a female gender

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