...Significant Health Care Event Eugene Whitehead HCS/531 February 18, 2013 Ann Gantzer Science and technology have always been joined at the hip. The evolution of health care services in the United States (U. S.) undoubtedly has been shaped at least in part by advancements in scientific research and knowledge, and technological innovation (Shi & Singh, 2012). The following exploration focuses on ways a specific scientific or technological event or innovation affected health care provision in the U. S. to date. Health care is dynamic. Science and technology continue to prove themselves as important facilitators of the change processes that occur in health care. The scientific method and nursing process are just a few examples that demonstrate the significant contribution scientific research and technology provided to the historic development of the health care delivery system in America. This report cannot realistically address the exhaustive list of scientific and technological advancements that have benefitted the practice of medicine. However, I intend to satisfy the question of just how much influence the chosen event exerted on the course of health care evolution. The Significant Event Birth control or contraception, endearingly dubbed “the pill” by the American public made medical and scientific history in 1960. Since its inception the pill has been surrounded by controversy running the gamut from health concerns and moral choice to religious opposition and political-legal...
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...The Evolution of Population Policy in Viet Nam The Evolution of Population Policy in Viet Nam Three periods in the evolution of the population policy of Viet Nam are documented in this article: initiation in the 1960s and 1970s; maturity in the 1980s and 1990s; and legalization in the 2000s and early 2010s. A framework was used for stakeholder analysis in the sociopolitical context of Viet Nam in order to analyse interactions between leading state agencies in the development of population policy and their influence on the organizational structure of the population programme. The current tensions in the implementation of the population programme are highlighted, and a new population policy is called for that would be more conducive to addressing broader population and reproductive health issues, in order to respond more effectively to new challenges arising from the socioeconomic and demographic transition of the country. By Bang Nguyen Pham, Peter S. Hill, Wayne Hall and Chalapati Rao* Background Population policy is highly complex and intensely political, and directly linked to a country’s socioeconomic development, security and protection. Population growth rates in the developing world have been the target of some population policies. As a result those rates declined from an average of 2.4 per cent annually in the 1970s to 1.4 per cent in the 2000s (United Nations, 2008a). In the population policy of many developing countries, the control of population size is emphasized;...
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...to learn about the contribution of Herbert Spencer to sociology! Herbert Spencer was born in Derby, England, on 27th April, 1820. He was recognized as one of the important social philosophers of the 19th Century. He had exerted a profound influence in the development of modern Sociology. He was treated as the continuator of Comte’s evolutionary approach. He was much more precise than Comte in specifying special fields for which Sociology must take responsibility. Sociology Image Courtesy : upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/Herbert_Spencer_5.jpg He is believed to be the most notable exponent of social evolution. He is also considered as the father of classical evolutionists. In 1848 he was appointed as an editor of “The Economist”. By 1850, he had completed his first major work, “Social Statics”. He is famous, for his theory of’ Social Evolution’ and Organismic Analogy in the study of Sociology. Some of his important writings are: (i) Principles of Ethics-1891 (ii) Synthetic Philosophy-1896 (iii) Principles of Sociology-1880 (iv) Social Statics-1850 (v) Principle of Biology (vi) The Study of Sociology-1873. Organismic Analogy: An important work of Spencer which was shared with both Comte and Durkheim was his theory of organic analogy in which he developed the tendency to see society as an organism. He borrowed his concepts from biology. He was concerned with overall structure of society, the interrelationship of the parts of society...
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...The Absorbent Mind The Absorbent Mind I decided to do my report on The Absorbent Mind written by Maria Montessori. This book is about the mental powers of a child from birth to age six. Dr. Montessori believes that if a child is properly educated by unlocking their mental ability than the world can overcome things such as war. The book explains how a child from birth to age six with obstruction and without teaching surpasses all living things. Dr. Montessori says that a child cannot be taught at such a young age as birth to age two so their learning ‘’transcends the narrow limits of teaching’’ (Montessori, 1949). After all a child does not yet fully understand launge at that young of an age. Because of the time in history when this book was written, the end of World War II, the first chapter has a stong call to advance society through the education and understanding of our children. The author states ‘’Men are not sufficiently educated to control the events, rather they become the victims of them’’ (Montessori, 1949). The book goes over the current tools being used in the advancement of society. Philosophies, religions, and the old lines of education of transmitting knowledge. Dr. Montessori says that if we stick to only these tools ‘’there would be no hope for the world’’ and that ‘’the human personality alone can lead us to salvation.’’ (Montessori, 1949). The author then goes into detail of why a child in it’s frist two years of life shows ‘’the laws of psychic construction’’...
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...Polydactyly, sometimes referred to as a congenital anomaly is a conditions where someone has more than five fingers or toes on each hand or foot. The disease is present at birth, and the digits can usually be removed soon after. Polydactyly affects about one in every seven-hundred babies, and surgery to remove them is fairly simple. They can vary in severity and can range from small skin tags to fully formed extra fingers. Polydactyly is the addition of another finger or toe, however it is very closely related and sometimes confused with Syndactyly. Syndactyly is where some or all of the fingers or toes are united, this occurs naturally for some web-footed animals but in humans, it is a malformation of the body. Symptoms of Polydactyly are...
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...AIDS (Disease) in children AIDS (Disease); Pediatric AIDS (Disease) Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease Animal rights Animal experimentation; Animal rights Animal experimentation; Animal rights Anorexia and Bulimia SEE Eating disorders Athletes and drugs Doping in Sports Drugs and Athletes Banking Bailout (2008) Bailout Battered women SEE ALSO Wife Abuse Abused women Conjugal abuse Birth control Birth control; Contraception Birth control; Contraception Black Reparations Movement Reparations; Slavery--Law and legislation Reparations Body language Body language; Gesture; Nonverbal communication Nonverbal communication Bullying Bullying Bullying; Cyberbullying Business ethics Business ethics; Corporations - Corrupt practices Business ethics; Business enterprises, Corrupt practices Capital punishment (Death Penalty) Capital punishment; Death row Capital punishment Cancer Cancer--Prevention SEE ALSO types of cancer, such asBreast--Cancer Neoplasms--Prevention and Control;Cancer Treatment Censorship SEE ALSO Freedom of the Press Censorship; Prohibited books Censorship; USA Patriot Act 2001-US AND Civil liberties; Filtering software;Banned books Child abuse SEE ALSO Domestic violence Abused children; Child abuse Child abuse Child custody/support Custody of children Child custody Children of alcoholics Children of alcoholics; Alcoholics--Family relationships ...
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...that modern humans were brought about by evolution. The evolution one usually considers when discussing the rise of modern humans is biological, or genetic, evolution. Cultural evolution, however, has been equally as important. The objective of this paper is to look broadly at the biological and cultural evolutionary trends that have led humans to modern times. This essay will show that the manipulation of our environment for our benefit, and usually its detriment, is evolutionary. The human story begins when the common ancestor we share with chimps stood up. While chimps and gorillas may also stand on two feet, they spend most of their time of all four (Diamond 1992). The remains of our ancestor, which...
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...legislative assembly of Oklahoma when outlawing consanguineous marriages. Although everyone is aware of the additional danger, many—including governing bodies—often disregard the actual numbers and exaggerate the findings. The offspring of first cousin marriages have only “a 1.7-2.8% increased risk for congenital defects above the [general] population” (Bennett et al. 115). The rise is not only miniscule, it is also preventable due to advanced methods of genetic testing and introduction of “genetic counseling” (Gelman) which can be made mandatory for all such couples. Furthermore, mothers who are smokers, alcoholics, of old age, and have relatives with birth defects also have raised risks of congenital defects in their children (“Facts about Birth Defects”), yet there are very few, if any, regulations preventing them from giving birth. Imagine the public’s response if it is announced that, effective...
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...this stage. This section charts the evolution, from inspection through to the present day concepts of total quality. From inspection to total quality During the early days of manufacturing, an operative’s work was inspected and a decision made whether to accept or reject it. As businesses became larger, so too did this role, and full time inspection jobs were created. Accompanying the creation of inspection functions, other problems arose: • More technical problems occurred, requiring specialised skills, often not possessed by production workers • The inspectors lacked training • Inspectors were ordered to accept defective goods, to increase output • Skilled workers were promoted into other roles, leaving less skilled workers to perform the operational jobs, such as manufacturing These changes led to the birth of the separate inspection department with a “chief inspector”, reporting to either the person in charge of manufacturing or the works manager. With the creation of this new department, there came new services and issues, e.g, standards, training, recording of data and the accuracy of measuring equipment. It became clear that the responsibilities of the “chief inspector” were more than just product acceptance, and a need to address defect prevention emerged. Hence the quality control department evolved, in charge of which was a “quality control manager”, with responsibility for the inspection services and quality control engineering. In the 1920’s statistical...
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...Evolution is real because it's been proven so. It's been proven from samples of DNA , the discovery of fossils, matching traits from common ancestors , watching evolution happen over time, and identifying vestigial traits. Vestigial traits are traits that other species have also. For an example we have ears and so do monkeys. Although we are two different species and do a lot of stuff differently our ears function the same. Stuff like that makes you think ¨Did we both descend from the same ancestor?¨ That's something that evolution proves. What is a Fossil Record? A fossil record is basically something that shows what kinds of creatures existed in the past. The fossil record is somewhat like a timeline too. It tells you what events happen ,when, and in what era . The Fossil record is also very useful for scientist because it's really the only thing that can help them with the trace back to early life. The fossil record can also tell you what kind of environment the animal lived in. Over all I would use the fossil record to compare things from billions of years ago to today's world....
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...Evolution of Community and Public Health Nursing. Jessica Pham Date: May 26, 2016 Instructor: Diane Schlicke University of Phoenix Material Evolution of Community and Public Health Nursing Identify a minimum of three major events (or influences) in the evolution of community and public health nursing and describe how each event led to advancement of the field. For each event, describe the following: • Key health issues at the time • Perspectives and goals of community and public health nursing • Roles and functions of community and public health nursing • Community and public health partnerships at the time |Event or Influence: | |Key health issues |Key health issues and maternal deaths: Poor health care in rural Appalachian mountains. Increased number of | | |child due to lack of care and services. | |Perspective/goals |In 1925 Mary Breckenridge started the Frontier Nursing Services. The goal was to provide obstetrics to the | | |people who lived in rural settlement areas. | |Role/functions |She went to train...
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...about in contrast with Freud’s. This sounds like, and is a massive undertaking, but Freud has really spent his entire adult life writing about what experience is for himself and his patients. I also have spent a good portion of my life trying to make sense of it in an intellectual way, which I have recently found a bit restrictive. I get the feeling that Freud renounced religion based on the freedom that it provided in staying “still.” I feel that anti-Semitism definitely played a role in his renunciation but I feel Freud retained a deeper sense of Spirituality than that of most religions. While Freud believed that the Soul was born in the womb and died with the person, I believe that the Soul is what directs our life on earth for an evolution of the Soul itself for purposes beyond the understanding of a life on Earth. I...
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...size and gender roles. Traditional and modern families share a lot of similarities. As the traditional family was, modern family is still an institutional component of western societies. In other words, both are a “unit structure” or “basic organism” of which society is composed. As an institution, traditional and modern families similarly have to complete functions such as procreation and socialization of children. For example, even though the modern family has decreased in size, it is still the common environment where children are born; receive a moral education, where their tendencies are disciplined and where their aspirations are encouraged. Therefore, to reassure the pessimist sociologist of the early twentieth century, family evolution has not lead to deinstitutionalization. Another similarity between traditional and modern families is that both are a favorable milieu for love and care. As it was in the traditional family there is in the modern family a formidable tie between husband and wife, which springs from an elective affinity and symbolizes...
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...apply Eugenics in society? After a brief discussion on the tutorial, the question above is worth to think again. I personally agree that Eugenics should be applied in society (thinking in a pure scientific way). I will share my own point of view to this topic and of course welcome for your discussion here. At first, I think that survivors should be retained while there is a need to control or even limit the birth of non-survivors (physically or mentally handicapped (the people that have to live on the mercy of others)) Opponents will think that it is unethical. But, is it really ethical to force a physically or mentally handicapped to live on the earth base on the assumption that they want to live on the earth? Do they really want to live on the earth? It can be a life-long suffering to them. Is it really ethical to force a people to suffer? Also, ethics is just the social norm at that particular time frame. Ethics change with time. I believe that the ethics will be largely different on the next 1000 years if not 100 years. Ethics should not be used as the excuse to slow down human evolution. The second questions will be who can judge their cases. People use to think that nobody in the world is qualified to judge their case. In fact, their cases can be judged by publics and scientists. Scientists can set some criteria base on their research and let the public to vote for it. The society will automatically find out the most suitable criteria. One simple rule I can think of...
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...Margaret Sanger Leader in Women's Health Vickie Doscher Hampton University Margaret Sanger Leader in Women's Health The early twentieth century was a turning point in American history-especially in regards to the acquisition of women’s rights. It was a time of grave social conflict and human suffering. As Margaret Sanger found out, women, especially those who were poor, had no choice regarding pregnancy. Margaret Sanger devoted her life to legalizing birth control and making it universally available for women. Born in 1879, Sanger came of age during the Comstock Act, a federal statute that criminalized contraceptives. Margaret Sanger believed that the only way to change the law was to break it. Starting in the 1910s, Sanger actively challenged federal and state Comstock laws to bring birth control information and contraceptive devices to women. Her fervent ambition was to find the perfect contraceptive to relieve women from the horrible strain of repeated, unwanted pregnancies. Sanger's commitment to birth control evolved from personal tragedy. One of eleven children born to a working class Irish Catholic family in Corning, New York, at age nineteen Margaret watched her mother die of tuberculosis. Just 50 years old, her mother had wasted away from the strain of multiple childbirths and miscarriages. “Although she was now spitting blood when she coughed we still expected her to live on forever. She had been ill for so long; this was just another attack among many” (The...
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