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Example Of Authenticity Research Paper

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Authenticity. Authenticity is a word that could be described in so many different ways. Some say it’s trueness while others say it’s legitimacy. Google even defines authenticity as ‘of undisputed origin’ and ‘genuine’. With reference towards people, authenticity to me is a person’s truth or self identity. There’s a quote that says “You were born to be real, not perfect”. I feel like being perfect is not cute anymore. I believe in authenticity because staying true is better than being fake.
Growing up in Hillside, I was taught a lot of things. Being that Hillside is filled with a majority of black people, I learned a lot of things from many of my black friends. I also learned many things from my household. I has a father which I would like to characterize as a ‘thick african’ and a mother who also was African, however, because she taught in american schools and adapted to the lifestyle, she was pretty much like a normal American mom to me. These two …show more content…
I once befriended a girl who at first I thought I could relate to because we both were a little bigger than the rest of the kids and many of the kids would mistaken one for the other. We eventually became close and I started to develop her character. And it wasn’t good. I started doing things that I used to tell myself I would never do. I became ratchet. Over time, me and her separated and I promised myself to stay true to myself after because that past was something that I didn’t want to define me. This year I was introduced to a song that I could relate to about that time. Some of the lyrics of the song were, “Ratchet life, no more of this ratchet life, Just throw away your disguise, because under the truth, There's much more than this ratchet life, Won't last till the morning light”. Although your truth can be tried at times, I believe that you should just keep to who you are at ALL times. Because being fake doesn’t do anything but bring more

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