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Example Of Displacement Research Paper

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Displacement is the redirecting of energy from an object that gives rise to anxiety to a safer, more acceptable one. Being angry at the boss and kicking the dog can be an example of displacement. The New World Encyclopedia defines displacement as an unconscious defense mechanism that shifts sexual or aggressive impulses to a more acceptable, or less threatening, target that can serve as an emotional substitute. The most classic example is a worker, angry at his boss, obviously unable to direct his anger or hostility to his intended target, comes home and yells at his wife. She, now also angry and upset, displaces her anger on the child, who then further displaces it on a younger sibling. Most often, we take our frustrations out on the people we love. Another example of displacement is how one person whom actually cares about …show more content…
The person that initially got hurt, should have addressed that person by letting them know how much whatever was said, made them feel and how it was not appreciated. Displacement seems like a vicious cycle that going un-checked, could revolve on and on without end. My personal experience with displacement, is in family relationships. It seems like the people that you hold very dear to your heart, are the ones that can hurt you the deepest. I think the only reason it hurts so bad is the fact that you actually care about what they think and their view of you. I can have a conversation with my favorite aunt and she would tell a joke to me that I look like I’m gaining weight and those words would cut like a knife. I have been working out and eating healthy and for her to tell me that I look like I am gaining weight actually hurt my feelings. Then I go back to the gym and start yelling at my personal trainer that I have been paying $80 a month to get me into shape and how everything that he told me about me making gains is all a lie. What I should have done was address my aunt and express to her how that particular joke, really

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