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Examples Of Twitter In 1984

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What is Twitter? Twitter is a social media website used to communicate short messages instantly with others, both privately and publicly. What makes this special? Each message is limited to 140 total characters. Sounds easy. Shorthand is the main style of type used. Surely this makes people who tweet often lazy, prone to spelling errors throughout other written works, and incapable of forming complex thoughts. I would disagree with those who would make this statement. How does this social media platform compare to a fictional language created by an also fictional totalitarian government? Not well, so it seems. In George Orwell’s 1984, the Party creates the language of Newspeak to limit the vocabulary of all who used it to communicate, and to limit even the thoughts they had, decreasing the possibility of anyone thinking rebellious thoughts. And the purpose of Twitter? To quickly connect people and convey information without being bogged down by details. …show more content…
After this, the parallels between the two fall flat. Newspeak is a complete language, meant to limit communication. The number of words in the language is said to diminish from year to year, offering a small number of choices to transfer information. This creates a unique climate for the society using this language. Although feelings can still be had, if there is no way to express it, there is a much more limited chance of these feelings being expressed and built upon. It serves as a rather effective way for ideas to be reduced. The entire language is shorthand, built to reduce, to

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