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Executive Summary: Equal Pay For Everyone

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Equal Pay for Everyone
Equal Pay: Equity is all that women are asking for their time worked, and that is what they deserve. Women should be given just as much as men because they have the right to fair and equal pay, like men they are educated and skilled, and they can be just as productive as men if not more. For this to happen it would take time and change within the Government. There is not an established date or time for it to occur. It is a work in progress that has to be approached carefully.
No one lives to work we all work to live in hopes of building a free community for our families. Both women and men work hard each day to make ends meet financially. Women are not worthy of the pay that men may receive for working the same amount …show more content…
There are two sectors of employment one is the private sector and the other is public sector. Research shows that the working hours are the source of the pay gap (Mandel, & Semyonov, 2014). It also reveals that occupational segregation plays a major part also. Within the public sector, there is an equal opportunity and antidiscrimination policy that benefits women. The private sector that consists of for-profit businesses does not help women much (Mandel, & Semyonov, 2014). For decades, women have been less educated and worked less than men. Presently women are seeking higher education and procuring a more managerial position in the public sector.Helping to lower the gap between genders slowly. The two divisions seem to want what is best for whoever is working in their areas. It just happens to be the public sector that is constructed more for women than the private sector. It all just comes down to weekly working hours in both areas that cause the wage gap between men and women on an executive level. Although this may be true it is possible women are earning more than men, how will this affect the men? If women are paid equally to men, it will cause men to struggle to take care of their families. If he has a stay at home wife that does not help with earning money to support the family. Marriage and children can play a significant part in wages earned. The …show more content…
President Obama starts by taking action and establishes two Managerial decisions that would make certain there would be equal pay for equal work. In 2009, President Barak Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter
Fair Pay Restoration Act (Pub. L. 111-2). In 2007, there was a case involving Lilly and her employer Goodyear. Lilly claimed that she was not receiving equal pay for equal work. But because of the statute of limitations she would not win the case. When President Obama signed the LLFPRA in 2009, it would change the statute of limitations of when women against their employers could file a claim. The limitation for filing a case has modified from 180 days to every time a pay is received the limitations start once more. Women can now submit many years after the fact. He continued working to help the women of America. The President establishes two Managerial decisions that would make certain there would be equal pay for equal work. The first of the two decisions made was the Executive Order: Non-Retaliation for Disclosure of Compensation was one of the laws signed on April 8, 2014, by President Obama, the other was the Presidential Memorandum. These new rules would help protect the women from on low

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