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Submitted By Wlbert
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The most ethical concern that pops into my head is one of legality: currently all flavored cigarettes, with the exception of menthol, are outlawed in the U.S. This legislation was passed over a year ago in hopes of discouraging young people from starting smoking (
Flavored cigarettes are thought to be more appealing to young people and give added encouragement for them to smoke. In addition, by adding fruit and candy flavors it tends to mask the idea that one is consuming a deadly product. Adding flavors make the cigarettes taste more appealing, less harsh, and also make the smoke more pleasant. These all add up to a more enjoyable product than traditional cigarettes and an entry path for new smokers to take part in a addicting habit. Ethically a marketing company might have trouble representing a company that is involved in a product that is known to be addictive and unhealthy.
An additional ethical concern would be attracting consumers in general to a product that must have a warning label on it. Is it right to promote a product that kills? However, on the other hand, a person or company that believes in free rights and wants to preserve the foundations upon which our country were founded on would area. empathetically choose to represent the company and search for ways to market the new product as a statement for personal rights and freedoms. The cigarette company is marketing to adult consumers, of legal age to smoke. The consumer will be deciding whether or not to smoke, and whether or not to smoke the new product. The marketing development vice president's job is not to light the cigarettes and put it in the consumer's mouth but to point out the qualities of the product for those who CHOOSE to smoke. Here is a link to propaganda about targeting young people to smoke:
Bottom line is that companies- even tobacco companies- want to and must follow the law. It is illegal to market flavored cigarettes at all so they won't. It is illegal to market cigarettes to kids, so they won't. THey spend a ton of money on responsible sale promotion. The companies are interested however in getting the business of ADULTS (18 and up) who choose to smoke. There are ethical concerns but are they any greater or more virtuous than marketing liquor, fast food, race cars, or candy and soda pop? What about video games that encourage young people to be sedentary and become obese?

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