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Explain Why Teens Should Start Later

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Research shows that teenagers experience a change in their internal sleep clocks so that waking up early and going to sleep early are difficult. Some argue that starting later in the day end ending later would solve the problem. Others argue that the current scheduling system is perfectly fine the way it is. Both arguments generally have excellent points within them. Starting classes later in the day is both beneficial and harmful because: it allows for students to perform greater, it would result in healthier students, and it would create less time for homework and extracurricular activities.
First of all, starting later allows for students to perform to a greater level. The extra energy gained makes the student more alert and attentive to their work. As a result of their higher attentiveness, they catch more errors and solve problems quicker with more appealing results. The extra sleep gained from starting later results in a much healthier mood. The more jovial mood of the students will result in them being …show more content…
Students need said sleeping time to grow and develop. With a lack of development, student performance will obviously not perform on par with students who received it. Getting the extra sleep will increase a student’s health in terms of mood as well. The greater mood is required in order for students to perform well and succeed in life.
On the contrary though, it would create the issue of less time for homework and extracurricular activities. Even students who don’t participate in extracurricular will not be getting home until 5:00 P.M.Starting school later in the day will push back extracurricular activities to the point of ending at roughly 10:00 P.M. With either of those times, students will have little to no time for homework and social development. Depending on the situation, ending later could even disrupt the advantage created by starting school later in the

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