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Extracurricular Application Research Paper

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Throughout high school I have participated in many extracurricular activities and experiences both through the school and local businesses. These extracurricular activities have taught me life skills and significantly helped me become the person I am today.
I've been involved in many activities from a very young age. Since the age of five I participated in multiple sports such as baseball, football, and wrestling. These sports have played a huge role in developing the person I am today. I continued my sports career through my first year of high school, by playing for the baseball team until I sustained my second severe knee injury the first day summer vacation between my freshman and my sophomore year. The knee injury required a complicated surgery …show more content…
I had a lot of free time that summer and began to tinker with small broken electronics such as broken ipods, broken cell phone screens along with broken game stations. I learned to repair them and before long I had a steady stream of customers requiring my services. I quickly realized there was a market to purchase broken game stations, repair them and resell them on the internet. In addition to my own business, once school started in August I began working for the locally owned business, Play It
Again Sports, at the start of my sophomore year. I worked at Play It Again Sports for approximately a year and received the job title “key-holder”. As a key-holder I had the responsibility of opening and closing the store including registers, handling money deposits, and helped to train new employees. After working a year at Play It Again Sports I decided I wanted to try something more challenging, and went to work for Home Depot. I have been working at Home Depot for almost a year and am currently working an average of 25-30


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