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16 Year Old Cons

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Some pros and cons for giving a 16 year old a driver's license can be extreme or not so much. It would be best to think on the future, with or without making it legal to give a 16 year old a license. A con for giving a 16 year old a driver’s license can show that they are less mature than a 18 year old. Because of this they can do something irrational like go to a friends party and get drunk which can then lead to accidents on the road. A 18 year old is less likely to do so, making it seem as 18 year olds are more mature. A pro for giving a 16 year old a license, is that they can be more likely to buy a car, which can lead to a climb in the economy. A climb in the economy can lead to more cars, more variety of cars, better materials, the

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