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Extreme Sport Not About Risk Taking Analysis

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Johann Friedrich Von Schiller was a German poet and a person who was very into arts and the beauty of life, but not necessarily a risk taker himself. Johann wrote the quote, “Who dares nothing, need hope for nothing.” The meaning behind his words is that if you don’t go out and try things, you will never get anything out of life or get new things, experiences, or memories. By doing daring things in your life, you will live your life to the fullest.
I agree with Von Schiller and I think that it is better to always try for something than just expect it to come to you. The article, “Extreme Sports: Not about Risk Taking,” explains to you how the risk of extreme sports isn’t the main reason people do them, it is because they get something out of it. The things they get out of it are peace, self control, a connection to what they are doing, a new respect for life, and many more things. This is just one example of how putting yourself out …show more content…
Some might also say that sometimes things aren’t always worth the risk, especially if it kills you, so you shouldn’t always be daring just so you can really feel alive. For example, in the article “A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Flyers,” the author Lola Jones talked about how a man named Geoffrey Robson died from wingsuit flying. He had carefully calculated his “flight” and yet he still died while trying to do his daring risk. Even though he may have had a thrill during that small period of time while he was in the air, the real question is: Was it really worth it to risk your life just for the thrill? However, the people that think these things haven’t considered how alive these people felt in these moments, and when they do survive these great things, how amazing they feel after. It is almost like they just beat death, and then they feel unstoppable and get great things out of the

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