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Faa Limitations

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The Congress responded to the problem of computer crime by enacting severallaws. The first federal computer crime statute was the Computer Fraud andAbuse Act of 1984 ("CFAA"). The fact that only one indictment was ever madeunder the original CFAA before it was amended in 1986 shows how difficult it isto write effective computer crime legislation.CFAA is the most importantcomputer crime statute because almost every other statute that dealswith computer crime modifies the CFAA.Originally CFAA had a major limitation because it required proof that the personaccessed the computer without authorization. Thus by focusing on the methodof entry into the computer instead of the use of the computer, the statuteexcluded any crimes committed by an insider, which couldn’t be prosecutedunder the CFAA. …show more content…
The amended CFAA could now be used toprosecute those who transmitted "a program, information, code, or command to acomputer or computer system" with the intent to cause damage to the computeror information in the computer or prevent the use of the system without theknowledge or the authorization of the owners of that

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