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Fairtrade Impact

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Fair Trade is a global movement, all about helping the world and the people on it. The organization believes “that everyone wants to do what’s right,”(Why Fair Trade) so they help those who are short-changed, focusing on their impact on certain aspects of the world; benefits to the economy, income sustainability, empowerment, individual and community well-being, and environmental stewardship.

“Fairtrade as a certification is much more than merely an environmental certification, it is the only and best ethical and social certification that really ensures social and environmental, ethical and economic impact, and therefore human impact.” (Calderon)

Fairtrade is gradually empowering communities to organize into cooperatives and improve their …show more content…
The Fairtrade Standards promote training for farmers, which can include advice on switching to environmentally friendly practices, such as developing nutrient-rich soils that support healthy plants and encouraging wildlife to help control pests and diseases. For some farmers, the Fairtrade (and organic) Standards have resulted in switches to less toxic pesticides, which, as well as being better for the environment, has a positive impact on producers’ health. Fairtrade can provide access to finance, producer support and expertise in tackling climate change, supporting long-term environmental …show more content…
Not everything can always change for the better, but the fact that the organizations try cannot go unnoticed. The work of Fair Trade really helps the world, and the people of the world help it to succeed. Even though there is only so much that Fair Trade can do for the planet, it still does a wonderful job of raising awareness and motivating people to work hard for their home. The message of the organization helps those with low income to have a better way to be okay and to get the support that they need. Everyone who works to help the Earth in ways like this protects it, the environment, and all the people on it. This being both for people individually, as well as in a community as a whole. Fair Trade can help even the weakest feel like they can do something that really matters for the world, even if it isn’t always like that, in some cases. The world will never be perfect or healed, but people can work together to strive for it with the help of Fair Trade, and other similar

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