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Family Time Please


Submitted By osu222
Words 1098
Pages 5
Today’s generation is filled with constant access to web browsing, social networking, social media, IPads, IPods, and Iphones. With all of these constantly upgrading, convenient ways to connect, our current generation is becoming more and more reliant on technology. Almost all Americans have access to the internet. Families spend more time networking with each other, and connecting by posting on each other’s walls, viewing pictures, and listing each other as relatives. We are a web-based generation, who is to the point where we barely even have verbal conversation with one another. Is this the way to go, or is a more simple, nostalgic lifestyle change a necessity for future generations? What is left for our future children? Should we, as Americans learn to limit our use of technology, and take a lesson from our parents, and grandparents? Currently, the divorce rate in America is over 50%. Does this seem like a coincidence? Children are being raised in single-parent households, or are being toted back and forth between parents, on a weekly basis. Is the reliance on technology playing a role in the reason that relationships are falling apart? Maybe it’s time to take a step back, and re-learn the important factor in creating successful relationships; family time.
There are many traditions which were practiced in previous generations’ households, which are either rarely practiced now, or even non-existent; among these, are family dinners. Having dinner with one’s family is so important, yet it is so often overlooked as a tool for successful development of children, and as a stronghold for a healthy, communicating family. Family dinner is a time to sit down with each other, and share each member’s experiences of the day. It is a time to discuss topics such as school, teachers, grades, friends, work; anything that occurs during their day. It is such an

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