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Federal Domestic Violence Laws

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Domestic violence effects every nationality from the poor to the young spreading through generations of every culture. Domestic abuse is a growing problem that affects millions of people in all types of relationships. There is no discrimination of who it affects in society. It effects the low income, high income, celebrities or any other walks of life. The domestic violence laws was created and changed due to the growing abuse and homicides in the country. There are federal and state laws created which will be discussed and explained in detail and its overall effects on the issues of domestic violence.

The Federal Domestic Law was enacted in 1994, the Violence against Women Act ("VAWA"). The Act was recognize domestic violence as a national …show more content…
The federal law prohibits the intimate partner to cross state lines and commit the act of domestic violence on Indian country. When there is any assault against an intimate partner and they cross over state lines then it becomes a federal crime. The same occurs when the incident takes place on military bases and entering and leaving Indian country. Indian country is considered Federal property. Story
There was a criminal complaint filed with the United Stated District Court. The complaint contained an affidavit from a special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigations. There were two drivers of the truck owned by BCJ Trucking Company. A woman and a two-year old little girl were the victims in this federal crime. They were forced to continue a trip Howell was taking to California. The woman was burned with lighters.
Robbie began the drive and decided to allow his cousin to take over in the state of Tennessee. The woman was beaten with a flashlight and burned a lighter. She also was beaten harshly with Robbie’s fist. He also threatened to throw her out of the back of the …show more content…
The law also falls under the statute where the household members are roommates or use to be roommates. Also, a child who is in the custody of or living with the person with who they have a personal relationship. If those parties involved falls under these statutes, they would be charge under 50B. The 48 hour hold is not an automatic because if they are charged on a week day, the defendant will see the judge the follow day to get a bond. The 48 hour hold is only implied if the arrested on the weekend.

Jasmine Cash discussed being almost beaten to death by her significant other. She was on her way to a night club. The two began to argue and the argument turned violent quickly. She almost beaten to death. Jasmine tried to escape the car by climbing out of the car. The boyfriend was determined that he was going to drive with one hand and beat her with the other hand, Jasmine said a prayer and finally escaped. The boyfriend fled the scene was later arrested and charged with kidnapping, assault, and

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