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Fibroid Research Paper

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Fibroids are non-cancerous growth of muscle cells or connective tissues that develop in or on the uterus. Fibroids develop generally during the pregnancy period due to high level of hormones. It is known that approximately 20 million Indian women of age between 30yrs to 40yrs are at risk of developing fibroids.
If a woman is developing symptoms like long periods, heavy bleeding or pelvic pain, she must consult the doctor immediately. Fibroid patients would be glad to know that doctors have been able to find suitable ways to deal with it, over the years. Hysterectomy i.e. removal of uterus, could be avoided for sure now.
There are several non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures available for treatment of fibroids. Please find them listed …show more content…
Non-invasive procedures:
a) MRI-HIFU Technique: The MRI-guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound technique is a non-surgical procedure to burn out the uterine fibroids tissues. While the patient is inside the MRI scanner, the fibroid is located on the screen. The high frequency ultrasound beam is targeted on the fibroid to destroy it. The procedure requires 2-3 hours only. It is done on outpatient basis. Researchers have found this procedure to be effective and safe too. 3. Minimally Invasive Procedures: In such procedures, only a small incision (cut) is made or instruments are inserted through body cavities for the surgery to treat fibroids.
a) Uterine Artery Embolization: In this procedure, suitable embolic agents like small particles are injected into the arteries that supply blood to the fibroid. These particles block the blood supply to starve the fibroid, restraining its growth. Eventually, the fibroid shrinks after some time.
b) Myolysis: This is a laparoscopic procedure performed under local anaesthesia. Fibroids are destroyed using laser or electric current. It also shrinks the blood vessels to fibroids stopping its growth any more. A similar procedure known as Cryomyolysis, is used to freeze the fibroids stopping their

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