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Firefighters Watch as Home Burns to the Ground


Submitted By bcoop121
Words 278
Pages 2
ECON 251 MO2
Spring 2014
First Supplementary Essay The topic “Firefighters Watch as Home Burns to the Ground” is about a house in Obion County, Tennessee burning down and the firefighters watch it, because the homeowner didn’t pay the $75 a year to have fire protection. Most people believe fire protection is a “public good”, but under these circumstances fire protection is not a public good. A product is a public good is only if non-payers cannot be excluded from its consumption. I pro for what the firefighters did, because if a person doesn’t pay into fire protection, then the people don’t pay the firefighters salaries. Why should they risk their lives for people that don’t support what they do. The payment is only $75, which is really cheap to have protection from fires. If people want to take a chance on not having a fire, then it is their problem when there is a fire. The topic “Perpetuating Poverty: Lotteries Prey on the Poor” is about the lower income people spending more money on the lotteries than higher income people. This is a perfect example of a regressive source of government revenue. This means the government takes a larger share of income from the poor than from the rich. I am pro for the lotteries being a regressive source of government, because the poor people know exactly what they are getting into by chancing their income to have a hope to win some more money. One thing I have learned from gambling is the house always wins, so you should be prepared to lose money. People shouldn’t gamble money that they aren’t willing to lose.

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