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Football Injury: High School Football Safety

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High School football injuries can be manageable if new safety guidelines are in place and followed. Football safety has evolved over the last 20 yrs. Due to concussion awareness, tackling techniques, and better equipment, the safety concerns from parents and couches are much today however. These precautions will make a difference to longevity to the players and team. Future requirements would mean less practice times, proper strength and conditioning, exercising, strict rules and better equipment. Football is not dangerous for high school students under the proper environment and supervision. The most common type of injuries are knee and ankle related. Knowing how to recognize the symptoms are important because they can be easily be prevented by weight training, proper strengthening conditioning activities, stretching exercises and practicing safer falling techniques (Page 22). The use of ankle braces and knee pads are another form of protection which reduces the severity of lower leg injuries. These injuries can be extremely painful but with the help of exercise and conditioning they will eventually heal and over time they can continue playing the game of football. …show more content…
Practice time should be regulated to ⅓ of football training a day (Page 27). The coach must also limit the amount of contact training time and monitor the levels of injures of each player so he can decide who plays (Page 25). The idea of this is so that young players who are less physical will get fewer long term injuries and have time to heal during each practice. The thought of no full speed head on blocking or tackling protects the players of concussions, head injuries and future brain trauma. Therefore, the more time spent on the field, determines that rate of football

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