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Formulating Questions


Submitted By Suzy189
Words 1084
Pages 5
Formulating Questions
Grand Canyon University: EDA-577
May 28, 2014

Guiding Questions for School Improvement Team-Math Achievement
Has a school leadership team been established?
• Who are the members of the leadership team?
• What are the qualifications and experience of the leadership team members?
• Has leadership team established a collaborative working relationship?
• Does the leadership team share a vision?
• Does the vision represent input from all stakeholders?
• Does the leadership team’s vision support the school’s mission?
Who are we serving?
• Has the leadership analyzed school wide academic data?
• Has the leadership team analyzed demographic data?
• Has the leadership team considered cultural, behavioral, and environmental data?
• Does the analyzed data present an accurate picture of the school?
What is the goal of the leadership team?
• Who does the goal target?
• Why was this group identified?
• What data supports the identification of this group?
• What subject does the goal address?
• What specific subject stands is the focus of the goal?
• What data supports the identification of the goal’s objectives?
• How does the goal align to Common Core State Standards?
• Which staff members will provide instruction and interventions to achieve the goal?
• Has a common planning time been established for the staff members?
The goal of the leadership team:
• Eighty-five percent of students in third, fourth, and fifth grades will meet or exceed the standards in math.
• District end of the year math assessment
• State Standardized Testing
What is being measured?
• What measurable data was analyzed?
• What was the source of the data? (i.e.: PARCC, district assessment, CCSS pre/posttests)
• Were multiple assessments measured?
• What is the district’s mean score for the data sources

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