...Technology and the effect on the Psychosocial Well-being of College Students Sandra A. Ortiz University of La Verne A senior project thesis submitted to the faculty of University of La Verne in the Psychology Department for partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Psychology May 24, 2011 Advisor: Jodie Lara-Margolis, M.A. Abstract This study assessed the effects of technology on the psychosocial well-being of college students. A cross-sectional, survey method design examined the relationship between the effects of psychosocial well-being (depression, anxiety, and stress) in college students due to their measured technology use. To determine psychosocial well-being, respondents were asked to respond to questions from the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales. To measure Internet over-use and cell phone over-use respondents were asked to respond to questions from the combined Internet Over-Use/Cell Phone Over-Use Scales. Heavy Internet and cell phone use is associated with high anxiety, depression, and stress. There were not differences in Internet or cell phone use for gender. Keywords: Internet over-use, cell-phone over-use, behavioral addictions, assessment, psychosocial Technology and the Effect on the Psychosocial Well-being of College Students Technology has had an impact on the lives of almost everyone who has ever picked up a cell phone or searched the Internet. For many individuals that impact has translated...
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...RESEAR CH AR TICLE Psychosocial Distress and Alcohol Use as Factors in Adolescent Sexual Behavior Among Sub-Saharan African Adolescents RANDY M. PAGE, PhDa COUGAR P. HALL, PhDb ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: This study examines the relationship between sexual behavior, alcohol use, and indicators of psychosocial distress (mental health) of adolescents in 6 sub-Saharan African countries using the Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS). METHODS: The sample consisted of 22,949 adolescents from Botswana, Kenya, Namibia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe who participated in 2003 or 2004 GSHS surveys. Statistical analysis was conducted to determine whether sexual behaviors increased with levels of psychosocial distress and alcohol use. RESULTS: Sexual behaviors (having sex or having sex with 2 or more people) were associated with both psychosocial distress and alcohol use. Odds ratios showed that both boys and girls reporting psychosocial distress and alcohol use were at higher risk for having sex. Results also indicated that the likelihood of sexual behaviors increased when there was an increase in the number of psychosocial indicators and frequency of alcohol consumption. CONCLUSION: The results of this study are consistent with those conducted in the United States suggesting that sexual behavior, psychosocial distress, and substance use are interconnected. These findings highlight the need for school health education and health services in sub-Saharan Africa...
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...Ejection Fraction (EF), beta-blocker use, Hemoglobin (Hb), depression and fatigue in patients with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and (2) determine the contribution of physiological and psychological factors to the variance in CHF patients’ fatigue. Fatigue is a common symptom in patients with chronic heart failure, but little is known about this phenomenon. Fatigue for this sample of chronic heart failure patients was significantly predicted by depression, EF, and NYHA. 2. Are the major variables identified and defined conceptually and operationally? Identify the variables of the study and specify their level of measurement (nominal, interval, ordinal, and ratio). ( 5 points) Yes, the major variable was identified and defined conceptually and operationally. The main outcome variable is fatigue, which is the dependent variable. Conceptual definition: Fatigue- A complex, multifaceted subjective feeling, which involves physical, psychological and activity dimensions. Operational definition: Fatigue- A common symptom seen with CHF. Fatigue is multidimensional, and was measured by two scales: Lee’s Fatigue Visual Analog Scales which uses an ordinal level of measurement and a researcher-developed scale, the Tang Fatigue Rating Scale which uses an ordinal level as measurement as well. The independent variables are EF, NYHA (ordinal data), beta-blocker use and hemoglobin (Hb). The participant’s age is also an independent variable and was the reported age after the participants 18th...
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...Most people don’t consider that these women have to face challenges and hardships after cancer. Due to the traumatic experience, many women are left with psychosocial...
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...Predictors of Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression is a disorder that causes significant functional impairment and develops risks of poor mother-infant bonding and can delay infant development. PPD is “a physical and emotional condition that may be life-threatening, involving the symptoms of depression occurring from a month to one year following childbirth and thought to be caused in part to dramatic hormonal shifts occurring in conjunction with childbirth.” (Piotrowski & Benson, 2017) Postpartum depression symptoms often involve feelings of sadness, restlessness, guilt, insomnia, decreased energy and motivation, unexplained weight changes, frequent crying, irritability, and lessened feelings of self-worth. Research question Recognition...
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...Effects Environmental Stresses and its Psychosocial Effects TITLE: ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSES AND THEIR PSYCHOSOCIAL EFFECTS Thesis Statement: The hyper exploitation of natural resources in conjunction with natural disasters provokes stress on the environment, which result in harmful psychosocial effects like social withdrawal and depression. Guide Questions 1. What are the pressures that can cause environmental stress? 2. What are the natural events of the environment and how can these cause stress? 3. Are social withdrawal and depression the psychosocial effects of the mentioned environmental stressors? What are the symptoms of one being affected by these? Topic Outline ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSES AND THEIR PSYCHOSOCIAL EFFECTS Thesis Statement: The hyper exploitation of natural resources in conjunction with natural disasters provokes stress on the environment, which result in harmful psychosocial effects like social withdrawal and depression. Introduction: Environmental Stress Body: I. Pressures on the environment A. Population B. Noise II. Natural Events A. Natural Disasters III. Psychosocial Effects A. Social Withdrawal B. Depression IV. Symptoms of Environmental Stress A. Headache B. Suicidal intentions C. Panic Attack D. Feeling of helplessness E. Change in one’s mood Conclusion: knowing and understanding environmental stresses and their psychosocial effects. Sentence Outline ENVIRONMENTAL...
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...It is commonly known that depression involves the interaction of both biological and psychosocial factors (Syvalahti, 1994). However, there are many characteristics of depression that cannot be explained on psychodynamic grounds- such as a decrease in weight, changes in libido and sleeping disorders (Syvalahti, 1994). A look into the biological causes of depression indicates that serotonin, a compound that acts as a neurotransmitter and regulates our emotional reactions, is a major variable in the onset of depression. Research indicates that low levels of serotonin, in relation to other neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine (Syvalahti, 1994) is found in individuals with the disorder- for example, in the early 1960s, concentrations of serotonin metabolite were found to be abnormally low in the spinal fluid of patients suffering from depression (Syvalahti, 1994). There is increasing evidence that in patients with depression, the functioning of binding site “imipramine receptor” may be impaired (Syvalahti, 1994). The binding site of imipramine is closely related to the transport protein (re-uptake mechanism) located in serotonin neurons (Syvalahti, 1994). Changes found in imipramine binding may thus reflect disorders in serotonin transporter activity, and therefore a...
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...Parenting Style and the Psychological Wellbeing in Young Adults Name: Course Instructor: Abstract This study examines the effects of opinion of parenting styles; (I will use PS to denote Parenting Styles) on the psychosocial success; (I will use PSS to denote psychosocial success) of emerging adults; (I will use EAs to denote emerging Adults). PSS was described as the successful resolution of the responsibilities hypothesized by Erikson’s juncture theory of psychosocial advancements (Erikson, 1975). The procedures of Psychosocial Development founded on Erikson’s hypothesis; (Hawley, 1988), the PAQ or Parental Authority Questionnaire (Buri 1991), coupled with the Internal-External level of Rotter (1966) were fulfilled by 334 undergraduates (ages 18-25). Examination revealed relations between • Authoritative style of parenting and PSS. • Maternal authoritative upbringing and internal Rotter’s hypothesis. • External Rotter’s hypothesis and maternal permissive and totalitarian PS. The link between paternal PS and PSS was also restrained by Rotter’s hypothesis. EAs’ PSS may be influenced both directly by their acuity of the PS they stumble upon earlier in life and circuitously through assumptions which may also be inclined by apparent PS. Introduction Arnett (2000) has recommended that the period of life spanning from age 18 to 25 be regarded as a distinctive life stage termed as Emerging Adulthood or Young Adulthood....
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...Running Head: DEPRESSION IN THE ADOLESCENT ONCOLOGY PATIENT 1 Depression in the Adolescent Oncology Patient: A Multidisciplinary Concept Analysis Joliette Tiffany Grice University of Texas at Arlington College of Nursing In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of N5327 Section 400 Analysis of Theories in Nursing Ronda Mintz-Binder, DNP, RN June 10th, 2012 Depression in the Adolescent Oncology Patient: A Multidisciplinary Concept Analysis We all go through up and downs in our mood, sadness is a normal reaction to life’s trials and tribulations. Many people use the word depression to explain these feelings, but depression is much more than just a feeling of sadness. According to Mosby’s Medical, Nursing, & Allied Health Dictionary (2002), depression is an abnormal emotional state characterized by exaggerated feelings of sadness, melancholy, dejection, worthlessness, emptiness, and hopelessness that are inappropriate and out of proportion to reality. Depression may be expressed in a wide spectrum of affective, physiologic, cognitive, and behavioral manifestations. A depressed teenager may be hostile, grumpy, or may easily lose his or her temper. Unexplained aches and pains are also common symptoms of depression in young people. The adolescent oncology patient may suffer from all of these symptoms due to the life altering circumstances that a cancer diagnosis brings. However, due to side effects of treatment...
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...Samantha Sanchez Boston University July 22, 2015 Self-consciousness and gender vs. depression In the current research it has have provided a wide overview of both founding and the present appreciation of the dispositional construct of self-consciousness. Several studies have established the significance of gender and psychological implications. Such as mortality concerns and self-consciousness. As important factors in determining depression levels in human beings (Leary & Hoyle, 2013). Understanding the impact of these psychological implications on the emotional vulnerabilities especially in the adolescents has been a major subject of interest in most research work on self-consciousness. This paper presents an analytical study of the influence of psychosocial variables. For instance, age, self-esteem, self-attention, elf-consciousness, and the extent to which an individual identifies with the societal stereotype of masculinity – on depression in adolescents. Further, this paper explores the intra-individual mediators of the relationship between stress and depression in adolescents. Literature review : Self-consciousness as a variable Defined as the propensity to direct thoughtfulness toward the traits of the self, past studies have linked self-consciousness to a wide span of psychological functioning. According to Barios and Belloch (1990), these areas of psychological functioning span from the predisposition of handling of impresses, sociability, and understanding...
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...victims of bullying (Voss & Mulligan, 2000; Seals & Young, 2003.) This paper intends to conduct an overview on the effects that bullying has on its victims, both adult and child and which group is more or less likely to become bullied. It is also important to examine how the effects of bullying differ by age, gender, ethnicity and other factors that lower social status which predispose people to bullying. This paper proposes that bullying impacts groups differently and thus the symptomatology that results will differ, with those who are socially disadvantaged experiencing the greatest impact of bullying on their lives. Bullying should also show strong outcomes for negative social adjustment in its aftermath, including increased depression, stress, alcohol abuse and decreased self-esteem. Bullying is defined as repeated aggressive behavior which is intended to harm or disturb a person in which the conflict is assymetrical and one group is more powerful than the other (Nansel et. al., 2001). While bullying is primarily thought of as being something that is done in school, it also commonly occurs in the workplace (Quine, 1999). The definition for adult bullying appears to be similar; both consist of persistent aggressive behavior that causes harm. However, in the work setting, bullying can occur...
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...articles nature publishing group Intervention and Prevention Behavioral and Psychological Care in Weight Loss Surgery: Best Practice Update Isaac Greenberg1, Stephanie Sogg2 and Frank M. Perna3 The objective of this study is to update evidence-based best practice guidelines for psychological evaluation and treatment of weight loss surgery (WLS) patients. We performed a systematic search of English-language literature on WLS and mental health, quality of life, and behavior modification published between April 2004 and May 2007 in MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library. Key words were used to narrow the search for a selective review of abstracts, retrieval of full articles, and grading of evidence according to systems used in established evidence-based models. Our literature search identified 17 articles of interest; 13 of the most relevant were reviewed in detail. From these, we developed evidence-based best practice recommendations on the psychological assessment and treatment of WLS patients. Regular updates of evidence-based recommendations for best practices in psychological care are required to address the impact of mental health on short- and long-term outcomes after WLS. Key factors in patient safety include comprehensive preoperative evaluation, use of appropriate and reliable evaluation instruments, and the development of short- and long-term treatment plans. Obesity (2009) 17, 880–884. doi:10.1038/oby.2008.571 Introduction Evidence-based best practice...
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...mortality, readmission rates and a marked decrease in health-related quality of life. Psychological distress is common in patients with CHF and different psychological variables may have an impact on the prognosis in chronic heart failure patients. Chronic heart failure patients also need to be involved in their plan of health care in order to be able to manage their own disease at home. However, patients’ perspective on the role of their informal carers regarding information management process revealed how much they depend on their knowledge and support. The studies that I have chosen to compare and contrast in this paper will shed light onto both of these subjects in regard to chronic heart failure patients as well as inform about the various studies that pinpoint relevant data in regards to CHF. These studies are important because they help medical professionals in regard to providing the highest level of care to their CHF patients. Quantitative Research Study Introduction For the quantitative research study in this analysis, I examined the journal article entitled Predictors of readmission and health related quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure: a comparison of different psychosocial aspects. This research study’s purpose was to “investigate the differential prognostic impact of depression, anxiety, vital exhaustion, social support and type D personality on prognosis of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF)” (Volz, Schmid, Zwahlen, Kohls, Saner, Barth...
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...HLSC111 Stress and Health Continuing with psychosocial aspects affecting health and particularly the role of stress and its possible mechanisms Week 6 Lecture A PNI, Pain and Health We will examine PNI ‐ Psychoneuroimmunology The immune system – its role in preventing disease Lect B – coping – what works Where are we? This lect draws a number of threads together: So far we have looked at: People and ways to understand them What people share with each other – developmental psychology What makes people unique – individual differences The role of groups people belong to Stress – causes and effects Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) What is it? PNI ‐ examines the relationships between the mind/brain and immune system “The field that studies the interactions between the central nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system; the impact of behaviour/stress on these interactions; and the implications for health of these interactions” Ronald Glaser Now we will examine in more detail the relationship between behaviour, 1919 ‐ researchers noted increased stress increased the the nervous system, the endocrine system, immunity and coping ‐ ways to stay healthy Back to Physiology progression of pulmonary tuberculosis. Research foundations Psychosocial factors modulating immunity Immune system problems result from Increased Age Genetic disorders Infectious diseases Nutrition...
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...Management Focusing on Acute Pain: A Multidisciplinary Concept Analysis The concept of managing acute pain is extremely significant to nursing as pain is one of the most common problems for which patients seek out health care resources. Pain is a complex and abstract concept that encompasses sensory, emotional, psychological, social, and spiritual perceptions of pain that may occur in combination with physical pain. Pain is difficult to describe and often hard to measure; although, most healthcare providers agree that pain is subjective and is to be measured qualitatively and quantitatively as the patient perceives its intensity. Pain can affect the quality of life of the individual by impacting them physically, emotionally, and financially. Pain can also impact the family and support systems. The treatment of pain and the loss of income due to pain increases the costs for health care, the individual, and the population. Analyzing and clarifying the concept of managing acute pain can increase the healthcare provider’s knowledge of acute pain management, define the concept of managing acute pain, and expand the understanding of the concept of managing acute pain. The aim of this analysis is to clarify the defining attributes of managing acute pain, identify antecedents that influence the perception of pain and the possible consequences of acute pain. Review of Literature To increase the understanding of the concept of managing acute pain, it is important to explore the definitions...
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