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Submitted By jlramirez9
Words 769
Pages 4
Fractal Offering
Julian Ramirez
October 25, 2012
Curtis Henson


With the continuous success in recent years that the Penske Group has had with various joint ventures throughout the United States it has been proposed that their presence in Europe needs further technological advancements to better serve the needs of their customers. The purpose of this paper is to explain and to explore several of the key issues that Penske will encounter with a new product offering in Europe. This paper will include the market needs and growths, the competition it faces, a brief SWOT Analysis, definitions, the product identification, and the justification for the chosen product that group B has chosen to introduce to Penske.

Marketing Needs

Market Growth

SWOT Analysis
* Mobility –
Ease of mobility allows users to carry work with them with effortlessness. * Patents –
Worldwide patents pending will ensure that technological advances will remain with only our company for the foreseeable future.
* New Company –
A new entrant to the automotive market with years of technology experience.

Opportunities: * Mainstream –
Allow Penske to be a technological pioneer in the United States and in the European markets. * Ground Floor Entry –

Permits Penske the assurance that they will be the only company to carry this technology, worldwide.

Threats: * G.P.S. –
Better technology than GPS because it allows for 24/7 access to fleet and facilities without the added cost of having management supervising after hour operations. * Language Barriers –
Fully customizable to accept diverse languages.

Why choose the Fractal over G.P.S.? G.P.S. was considered to be cutting edge technology when it began but now companies are looking for a smarter and more economical way to do business. The

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