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Frank Bum Research Paper

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Most know for writing the popular Wizard of Oz series, Lyman Frank Baum, or Frank Baum as he liked to be called, was an American author, journalist, playwright, shop owner, salesman and author of children’s stories. He was born on May 15, 1856 in Chittenango, New York, and died May 6, 1919 in Los Angeles, California. Frank had 4 sons, but no daughters and was a brother of 7 siblings. He started writing at the very young age of 12, and his first book was published at 30, “The Book of Hamburgs.” He wrote 41 novels, 83 short stories, over 200 poems, and 42 scripts in his lifetime.
Baum spent most of his childhood in a country estate called Rose Lawn with his family. When he was 12, he spent two years at Peekskill Military Academy. Frank was caught daydreaming often, and was beaten so bad there that he suffered a psychogenic heart attack. When it was discovered that he had a serious heart condition, it became necessary that he was to be tutored at home. Frank worked at his family oil business to pass time and to help out with bills. At the age of fifteen, his father bought him a printing press, and he and his brother, Henry, wrote a popular newspaper called the Rose Lawn Home Journal. …show more content…
She wrote many more Oz books then he did himself. After Baum’s passing, his publisher, Reilly and Lee, gave the role of “Royal Historian of Oz” to several other authors. A total of 40 books have been written by these authors, such as Ruth Plumly Thompson, John R. Neill, John Frederick, Rachel R. Cosgrove Payes and Eloise Jarvis McGraw. His copyright to the books has expired, and now authors have the right to publish their own Oz books. The Oz books have been brought to life in 1939 by going onto the big screen in “The Wizard Of Oz,” and it was the most popular films of all time, and a well known cinema classic. Starring Judy Garland, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Ray Bolger, and Frank

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